Pentagram Challenge Headliner Show Card

Voice Over: There's a reason it's been 13 years since the Pentagram Challenge has taken place in the Nation of Wrestling...…

[Clips show of the First Pentagram Challenge in 2004.]

The camera zooms in to Killjoy's face and it picks up several claw and scratch marks on his face. Killjoy bends over to pick up Eclipse but gets met with a fireball to the face. Killjoy holds his face and screams out in pain.

Brutal, Brutal things have happened……

Meanwhile, Enigma has fallen on his ass and Killjoy keeps grinding and twisting the blade of the box cutter into his forehead. Blood begins dripping and then pouring down the face of the big man.

S: "Enigma is going to be a freaking bloody mess. Bleed bitch, bleed!"

JC: "Calm down man! You are acting like a craved animal or something."

People’s careers hung in the balance

Eclipse leaps off the top of the staging area and leaps off, about ten or twelve feet into the air. He jumps onto Dark Skull, but he reverses it into a powerslam on the hard concrete floor.

S: "Dark Skull just killed Eclipse as well. Call the paramedics! Call the hospital. We got two dead ass clowns on the concrete floor of the Phillips arena!"

JC: "Eclipse, Killjoy, Enigma, and Aczyd are all flat on their backs and Dark Skull is standing over them like a true World Champion."

Just then, The Assassin appears on top of the stage area and jumps off without Dark Skull knowing he's even there. The Assassin jumps off and cracks a Singapore cane over the head of the Champion. Dark Skull's head and neck bounce and then he falls flat on his face. Blood immediately pours out of the head of Dark Skull and Assassin looks down at what he has done.

this match… this brutal insane match….

The two paramedics put a neck brace around the neck of Dark Skull after putting some gauze and other padding around his neck. The two place Dark Skull on the gurney and rush him into the back in a matter of minutes, even though it seems like time has stood still.

JC: "A silence has fallen over the entire arena. I don't think I have heard such dead silence since the match began."

S: "The fans are genuinely concerned with the welfare of Dark Skull

This match will once again test the waters…. Test the will…..

Aczyd slaps Killjoy across the face and it brings him too. Aczyd then proceeds to kick Killjoy in the groin. Killjoy slumps over and Aczyd quickly places him between his legs. Aczyd pulls him into the air and leaps off the stage, piledriving Killjoy through two tables and two sheets of glass. Glass flies everywhere and the tables snap in half like they are twigs.

Test the limits…..

Killjoy races back to the ringside area and goes under the ring. He brings out a table and slides it into the ring. Killjoy slides into the ring just as Dark Skull sees him coming into the ring. Dark Skull releases the STF after what appeared to be several minutes. Dark goes after Killjoy with the switch blade in hand, but Killjoy executes a side-step and trips Dark and forces him down, face first onto the steel ring steps and the switch blade actually stabs Dark in the head.

JC: "Oh My God! He has just stabbed himself with the switch blade."

S: "Blood comes out of the side of his head where the blade pierced his skin. Killjoy is smiling!"

JC: "What a sick, twisted freak. What in the hell is President Richmond doing have a psychopath like him working for this Company."

Killjoy unfolds the table and sets it up in the ring. He then unfolds the ladder and places it in the corner. A helpless Dark Skull is placed on top of the table. Killjoy goes to the outside and climbs the turnbuckles. He springs a few times and then jumps over the ladder, pushing him up into the air almost fifteen feet and comes down with a leg drop onto Dark Skull, crashing through the table and to the canvas. Chants of "Holy Shit" break out once again from the move everyone just witnessed.

The overall climate of Professional Wrestling has changed in the past 13 years.... but when you put a chance at the top prize in the company on the line.... people change as well

[Clips from the 2005 Pentagram Challenge II Match show.]

Judgement turns his attention back to Eclipse and he pulls him to his feet. He tosses him down the stairs and he rolls through the doors and out onto the sidewalk outside. Judgement grabs someone’s bicycle that is leaning against one of the buildings and slams it down on Eclipse.

Desperate times...cause desperate take desperate measures...

Eclipse bounces up on the hood of the vehicle, smashing the front windshield. He then bounces off of the roof of the vehicle and hits his head on the back windshield, cracking that up badly. Eclipse then hits the pavement of the street hard and blood begins instantly pouring out on the street from his forehead.

EC: “Eclipse was just run down by that car!

DC: “Eclipse is motionless in the middle of the street. Someone call the paramedics and the police immediately. This man needs medical attention and he needs it right now.”

Eclipse does not move as blood begins pouring out of his mouth. The official rushes over and checks on Eclipse as Judgement looks on in horror upon what he has just seen. The white BMW comes around the corner again and stops right next to Eclipse. The window rolls down and the Beast is shown looking down on the fallen Eclipse.

5 men.....Axel Kaiser....The Mexicutioner…. Dave Jumper....Manslaughter..... Italian Roc... 5 different styles.....all wanting one thing.... to win...the Pentagram Challenge...

The shot pans to the US Cellular Center in Cedar Rapids, IA. The crowd is ready and the show begins!

Tag Team Title Match

The Masters of Blood (Rowdy Richie and Big Crazy)(c) v. The Twin City Saints

The current tag team champions opened the show facing the most decorated tag team champions in NoW history. The Masters of Blood kept up their impressive showing, using their power to defeat the long standing team of Reiker and Claudaine after Richie hit the Trainwreck on Reiker.

Bruiserweight Title Match

Reed Grimm (c) v. Diamond Goro

Two newcomers to the NoW did battle over the Bruiserweight Title as Reed Grimm defended against Diamond Goro. These two showed that the future of the NoW is bright.....but that the past can rear its head from time to time.....

The ending of this match came when Diamond Goro caught Reed Grimm on the top rope and hit a top rope suplex on him, hit him with a kendo stick repeatedly, hit the Diamond Dust and got the pin. While the match was great.... it was what happened afterwards that had everyone talking.... Out of nowhere a blast from the past.....Tremier Vampyre came out of the crowd and attacked both competitors and took a microphone.

Tremier: For those youngsters who don't know.... I am Tremier Vampyre! I CREATED the Bruiserweight Division and I am here to reap the benefits of what Richmond has been making his signature title for OVER A DECADE! I am BACK to show these newbies what being a Bruiserweight is ALL about!

Battle Royal for the 30th spot at Survival

20 men started off a battle royal to determine who would get the coveted 30th spot in the three ring Survival Match next month. The bell rang and BeeHeMoth and Tank Sinatra found themselves in a place they'd never been before..outnumbered. The Lords of Asgard immediately came after them and they all started brawling. The Perfect Storm immediately went after The Mates. Levi Carmina paired off with old rival Donald Dodge Dodson. Mayhem and Rage Hammer teamed back up in their on again off again team working together to beat up on the big man Ivan Breznev. The Perfect Storm got Ambrosia down on the mat and then double drop kicked pace to eliminate him. The rest of the Renedages saw Breznev was in trouble and joined the fray eliminating Rage Hammer. They then turned their attention to the LoA/MoB brawl in the center of the ring and in the chaos BeeHeMoth was able to eliminate the veteran Oden. Chase Alexander and Austin Lee continued their polishing off of the Mates as they eliminated Ambrosia as well.

Thor and Loki teamed up to eliminate Rage Hammer. Donald Dodge Dodson almost eliminated Levi Carmina but Carmina managed to hold on. Tank Sinatra flung the head of the Renegades Ted Lavigne over the top rope. Loki and Sue teamed up to eliminate BeeHeMoth. as they were occupied with him, Thor got teamed up on. He took a drop kick/leg sweep double team from the Perfect Storm and a Snapback from Donald Dodge Dodson. The Perfect Storm then went to double team Tank Sinatra. They attempted to give him a double suplex over the top rope but he blocked it. Knocking Chase Alexander down with a massive headbutt then picking Austin Lee up on his shoulder and unceremoniously dumped him over the top rope to eliminate him. Damon Reid and Donald Dodge Dodson, who were the only men who didn't really have any allies in this match did battle in the center of the ring. Loki and Sue went to work on Tank Sinatra in the corner while their cohort Thor recovered in the opposite corner. Mayhem threw Levi Carmina through the second rope, but he wasn't officially eliminated.

Ivan Breznev charged at Loki but Loki cunningly dropped his shoulder and eliminated Breznev. Levi Carmina snuck back into the ring to pull Avery Amazing over the top rope, then went after the much larger Jeb Hickory. With that half the field was gone, leaving 10 competitors in the ring. Tank Sinatra and Chase Alexander battled by the end of the rope, Tank trying to eliminate Chase but Chase fighting back with kicks. Loki tried to help Chase Alexander eliminate Sinatra but he was caught by Mayhem who eliminated him . Damon Reid went on a slight rampage going after the last remaining member of the Renegades left as he eliminated Jeb Hickory. He was celebrating in the middle of the ring and was almost thrown out by Thor who has recovered after his mild beatdown earlier but he held the top rope tight to stay in the ring. Tank Sinatra and Sue traded blows in the center of the ring. Donald Dodson and Mayhem fought back and forth. Levi Carmina interjected and hit a closeline on Dodson.

Chase Alexander was then eliminated by Donald Dodge Dodson then Dodson turned around into a big Thunderclap from Thor. Thor stood tall in the ring but then was attacked by Sinatra, Mayhem and Carmina. Sue came to his aid pulling guys off Thor. Thor powered out with the help from Sue and eliminating the last member of the Masters of Blood. He and Sue did not have time to celebrate as Dodson, Mayhem, and Carmina has a temporary alliance teaming up on them. Sue whipped Levi Carmina out of the ring. It was down to the final four, Thor, Sue, Donald Dodge Dodson, and Mayhem. They all took to a corner and eyed the competition. Mayhem and Sue paired off as well as Dodson and Thor. Sue hit a drop kick on Mayhem, staggering him back enough to head over and help Thor enough to eliminate Dodson. Thor charged at Mayhem but Mayhem dodged him and came at Sue with a massive clothesline eliminating her. It was down two former Heavyweight who was champion last year....the other hasn't been Heavyweight Champion in over 15 years... The two went back and forth but Mayhem ended up reversing a Thunderclap and picked the massive Thor up in a German Suplex and eliminated him to earn the 30th spot in the Survivor Battle Royal!

National Title Match

Dick Shrader(c) v. CPL Punishment

Dick Shrader, who has held the title since the longest running champion Dave Jumper awarded it to him after winning the Final Fight tournament defended it again Grand Slam Champion CPL Punishment. These two men battled in and out of the ring the entire match. They battled into the crowd and the match ended in a double countout so Shrader kept the title. They continued the brawl into the backstage area as the announcement was made of the double countout.

Pentagram Challenge Match for the Heavyweight Title

Italian Roc (c) v. Dave Jumper v. The Mexicutioner v. Manslaughter v. Axel Kaiser

The five men come out and 60 minutes are shown on the clock and the match begins. The announcer's remind us that the only rule or submit the champion and you become the champion... everything else is fair game. Everyone's eyes are on Manslaughter as he is by far the most unpredictable man in the match. Manslaughter just grins and slides out of the ring to the outside. No one wants to take their eyes off him but Mexicutioner takes the opportunity and immediately go after Italian Roc. When Dave Jumper goes to get involved in the match he is immediately hit with a stunner by Axel Kaiser and Kaiser starts laying the boots to Dave Jumper. It doesn't take long for Manslaughter to enter the match, but he has a wrench with him. He comes into the ring but doesn't hit anyone with the wrench he immediately goes over and started loosening the top turnbuckle. As the Mexicutioner battles Roc and Jumper starts making a comeback against Kaiser, Manslaughter separates the top rope from the turnbuckle just as Kaiser was whipping Jumper into the rope. The rope comes dropping down at the corner and Jumper spills out onto the arena floor as Manslaughter has the steel turnbuckle in his hand. Manslaughter lets out a crazed yell and charges at Kaiser hitting him with the steel and then lays out The Mexicutioner with it. He then wraps it around the neck of the Heavyweight Champion and puts pressure on the rope with his foot. Meanwhile Kaiser comes to and hit the Fix Your Face on Manslaugher causing the rope and turnbuckle to go flying into the air.

Kaiser focuses his attention on Italian Roc now, who is obviously the target in this match. He hits the FYI Driver on him and goes to pin him. But Dave Jumper comes from the outside breaking up the pin and then hitting the Jump the Shark on Kaiser. He picks up the Champion and hits the Jump the Shark on him but The Mexicutioner breaks up the pin at two. Manslaughter is to his feet now as he grabs the Mexicutioner's foot and gets him in an ankle lock. During the ankle lock he removes the shoelace out of his boot and then wraps it around the throat of The Mexicutioner cutting off his air supply. Roc gets to his feet now but his met with another Fix Your Face by Axel Kaiser. Kaiser then turns around and takes another Jump the Shark from Dave Jumper. Jumper then hits the Jump the Shark on the prone Manslaughter causing him to crash down into the man his is torturing The Mexicutioner. Jumper uses the loose ring rope and wraps it completely around both Manslaughter and the Mexicutioner so they are back to back like an old school movie with people tied to the railroad tracks. Jumper's cleverness doesn't end there as he has two of his opponents trapped together he uses the bootstrap to tie The Mexicutioner's mask into Manslaughters mask. As they struggle to get free Jumper hits his fifth Jump the Shark of the match and his second to The Champion, pins Italian Roc to become Heavyweight Champion at the 17:33 mark.

Jumper only had a second to celebrate as he was quickly attacked by Axel Kaiser. Kaiser hit a German suplex on the new champion and went for a pin but Jumper kicked out. Manslaughter pulled a switch blade out of his boot to a gasp from the crowd. Waubonsie on commentary makes a reference to how Dark Skull introduced a switch blade into the inaugural Pentagram challenge match. He uses the switch blade to slice the back of the Mexicutioner's mask, detaching it from his own. The infuriates the luchador and he kicks the switch blade out of Manslaughter's hand and it goes to the outside. He hits a Burrito Boomerang on Manslaughter. He then grabs the fallen ring rope and moves it to the complete opposite side of the ring to give him room as he grabs Kaiser and gives him and Burrito Boomerang. He hits another one on the Champion Jumper but as he goes for the pin it is broken up by the Italian Roc. The 30 minute mark hits and we are halfway through this match!

Italian Roc finally got some offense in now, going after the man who had just pinned him Jumper. He laid the boots to him and went to get him up in the Roc Slide but was met with a Fix Your Face from Kaiser dropping both men. Manslaughter slide to the outside and grabbed a simple steel chair and hit Kaiser with it knocking him to the outside. The Mexicutioner was still enraged at Manslaughter for ripping his mask and grabbed him and hit another Burrito Boomerang on him. Italian Roc came up from behind him and grabbed his mask which was now loose and turned it so the Mexicutioner couldn't see. Roc hit a Roc slide on him as Jumper got to his feet now and started playing defense, dodging an attempted FYI Driver from Axel Kaiser, tossing him again to the outside.

Manslaughter then went to town on the Mexicutioner, hitting him with lefts and rights as he couldn't see with his mask turned. meanwhile on the outside Axel Kaiser went to an old friend that served him well in his early days in the now, the ring bell. He brought the bell into the ring and nailed the Manslaughter with it, then the Mexicutioner. He avoided a Jump the Shark and then hit Dave Jumper with it. he went for the pin but it was broken up by The Italian Roc. Manslaughter got to his feet and came into the fray hitting a dropkick on The Italian Roc. The Mexicutioner got his mask put on correctly and went right after Manslaughter again. He tossed Manslaughter to the outside and Manslaughter landed right on the switchblade than he had introduced earlier in the match. The crowd gasped as he pulled it out of his leg. Manslaughter just sat on the outside and laughed as blood came from his leg. He put his hand down and rubbed the blood across his mask and laughed even louder. Inside the ring the focus was all on getting a pin on Dave Jumper with time dwindling down in the match up. They all tried to pin him but kept breaking it up. Finally Roc suggested they all team on Jumper to take him out, then fight it out to see who got to be the one to pin him. Mexicutioner hit a burrito boomerang first, then Kaiser hit the Fix Your Face, then Roc hit a Roc Slide. The three then started wailing away on each other. It looked like the Mexicutioner was starting to get the upperhand but then chaos ensued as we reached the last 5 minutes on the timer.

Dick Shrader came down to provide some protection for his ally, which then caused an exodus from the locker room. CPL Punishment followed Shrader to continue their brawl from the previous match! The Masters of Blood came out but then the Lords of Asgard came down to the ring to cut them off. Rowdy Richie and Oden were exchanging blows. Thor and Big Crazy were as well. BeeHeMoth battled Sue and Tank Sinatra locked up with Loki. Meanwhile Dick Shrader hot the ring but was met by Axel Kaiser. The Referee was having a hard time keeping things on track but he just kept his eyes on the Current Champion Dave Jumper as what happened to him was the only thing that mattered. He was fighting off both the Mexicutioner and Italian Roc but neither of those two were allowing the other to get the upper hand. Manslaughter picked up the ring step and hobbled outside the ring with them hoisted above his head and chucked them into the fray of MOB and LOA brawling causing an effect like bowling pins, toppling the competitors. Jumper closelined Italian Roc to the outside as Kaiser and Schrader brawled out of the ring, leaving only Dave Jumper and the Mexicutioner in the ring despite all the melee. With One minute on the clock, The Mexicutioner got Jumper up in the Burrito Boomerang but met with a big boot from Manslaughter who clutched his leg afterwards. Jumper got to his feet and plated a hard kick to the injured leg of Manslaughter. Jumper then went for the Jump the Shark on Manslaughter but we met by Italian Roc coming off the top rope. Kaiser and Chrader got back into ring, but at the same time the MoB / LOA feud spilled into the ring. 10 extra competitors were in the ring now, plus the original 5 that started and it was utter chaos as the clock ticked down. With 10 seconds to go Dick Shrader grabbed Dave Jumper and hoisted him up on his shoulder. The other four competitors attack him and he toppled over but put himself between Jumper and the mat so no one could pin the Heavyweight Champion. The clock ticked down with everyone dogpiling Jumper and Shrader, but since Jumper's shoulder's couldn't hit the mat, he was never pinned. The Brawl continued as Jumper was handed the Heavyweight Title and the Pentagram Challenge went off the air!