Voice over: The Final Fight tournament, a tournament designed to have one man reign supreme in the Nation of Wrestling. All titles on the line. One man prevails.

[We see images of Dave Jumper's run through the tournament, defeating Marcus Claudaine, Axel Kaiser, and unifying the National Title and Bruiserweight Titles by defeating CPL Punishment. We then switch to footage of Dick Shrader beating Dick Hurtz in the first round, Rowdy Richie in the second round and then winning the Heavyweight Title from BeeHeMoth. And then we see Rowdy Richie level Dick Shrader with a 'Train Wreck']

But a cash in of the 'NoW is the Time' clock has thrown a wrench into that system. Rowdy Richie has cashed in his mandatory title match and now sits atop the Nation of Wrestling as it's Heavyweight Champion.

[We see footage of Rowdy Richie holding the Heavyweight Title at last week's Thrill.]

The winner of the Final Fight Tournament will get a Heavyweight Title shot this evening.... but will we have one man holding all three singles time by the end of the night? Who will win the Final Fight?

We see Images of the three men previously mentioned.




Who will win the Final Fight??
['What If?' by Creed, the official theme song of Final Fight blares through the arena as RoW Hall of Famer Johnny Waubonsie and the NoW's most tenured employee, Bud came down for the commentary.

Tag Team Title Match

Donald Dodge Dodson & Dick Hurtz v. Axel Kaiser and CPL Punishment (c)

The Headliner show kicks off with a Tag Team Title match as the champions, both of them Grand Slam Champions, Axel Kaiser and CPL Punishment squared off against Donald Dodge Dodson and a man who is quickly becoming a tag team specialist here in the Nation of Wrestling, Dick Hurtz. Dick Hurtz started the match off against CPL Punishment. Punishment gained an early advantage, locking in a side headlock. Hurtz pushed him off and threw him into the ropes. Hurtz took advantage wearing down CPL Punishment. The challengers cut the ring off and kept CPL Punishment away from Axel Kaiser. Dodson kept the momentum going, he whipped Punishment into the ropes and nailed him with the Snapback, But as he went for the pin Kaiser had tagged himself in as Punishment hit the ropes. He hit the FYI Driver on Dodson and pinned him to retain the tag team titles.

[We see Heavyweight Champion Rowdy Richie walking backstage with the title on his shoulder. He is approached by President Richmond and the 7 foot tall NoW director of security Colossus.]

Richmond: Listen, I appreciate someone who is ambitious . I appreciate someone who is ruthless. But just so you know even though you guys are having a good run here in the Nation of Wrestling. This is still my company. I am still the authority around here. You cashed in the 'NoW is the Time' clock and while I didn't like it, it was within the rules. Just know... the Masters of Blood might be big...but there's always something bigger. The Nation of Wrestling is bigger than the Masters of Blood.

[Richmond walks past Richie and Colossus folds his arms and glares at Richie as he smugly grins. Colossus walks past him as well as Richie looks down at the title on his shoulder and nods.]

It's announced that former foe of President Richmond, Vic Viceroy has been appointed as Director of Recruitment for the Nation of Wrestling and we go to footage of his first signing, an international superstar from Shibuya, Japan the flashy Diamond Goro.

#1 Contender for the Heavyweight Title

Italian Roc v. BeeHeMoth v. Manslaughter

The next match up was who will fight for the Heavyweight Title at April's Headliner show, Warzone. Manslaughter came down without his normal security detail but we saw Gabriel Gray in his ear the whole time as he methodically walked down the aisle. Italian Roc and BeeHeMoth started the match by teaming up on Manslaughter, double clotheslining him out of the ring. They then shook hands and locked up. BeeHeMoth gained the advantage using his strength against the much smaller Italian Roc. But Italian Roc used his speed to gain the advantage on BeeHeMoth. He went to go for the Roc Slide but BeeHeMoth was too big. Manslaughter reentered the match and flattened BeeHeMoth with a big lariat clothesline. He hit a slingblade and then dropped off the second rope with a big elbow. He bounced off the ropes but Italian Roc pulled the rope down sending Manslaughter to the outside. He then quickly rolled up BeeHeMoth and pinned him 1, 2, 3. Manslaughter was visibly upset, but Gray quickly calmed him down as Italian Roc celebrated heading up the ramp.

[We see on the screen a long haired man, sitting in a rocking chair, with a lantern at his side, he rocks slowly back and forth in the dim light.]

Man: There's something anew coming to the Nation of Wrestling. New faces, new names, new times. I am the first of the changes, and I am the most prolific. I will run a muck and take on all comers. I have entered this battle royal this evening, and I will win. Reed Grimm is the name. Pain is the game.

The man laughs creepily as we go back to the arena.]

#1 Contender for the National Title

The Mexicutioner v. Tank Sinatra

The Mexicutioner squared off with Tank Sinatra for a shot at the National Title at the Warzone headliner show. This was a back and forth match between these two fairly newcomers to the NoW. This match ended when the Mexicutioner hit the Burrito Boomerang and picked up the victory.

Video footage of Dave Jumper's reign of over a year with the National Title, starting with his title victory over Oden to win the title and up through the Final Fight tournament, virtually going through everyone on the NoW roster.It ends with an image of Dick Shrader stating 'Will he best friend be the one to end his reign?]

Final Fight Finale
Dick Shrader v. Dave Jumper (c)(c)

It is noted how the previous man to hold dual singles titles before the National/Bruiserweight champion was in fact Dick Shrader when he held the Heavyweight and Bruiserweight titles last month. These two shake hands and then circle each other. Jumper keeps Shrader at bay with some Muay Thai kicks until Shrader jumps one and hits a shoulder block onto the champ. Shrader controlled most of the match using his strength to gain the advantage. Jumper got out using a triangle choke to almost make Shrader tap out but Shrader got to the ropes to break the hold. These two went back and forth, showing how well they know each other's in ring ability. The match ended with Dave Jumper hitting a Jump the Shark and winning the Final Fight tournament! The two shook hands and hugged in the middle of the ring with Shrader raising Jumper's hand in victory. Rowdy Richie came to the stage with a slow clap and held the Heavyweight Title in the air. Jumper held both of his titles in the air and our Main Event was set.

we get a Vinette for the newest high flying tag team in the Nation of Wrestling, The Perfect Storm Chase Alexander and Austin Lee.

Battle Royal for the #1 Contender for the Bruiserweight Title

Chase Alexander, Avery Amazing, Ambrosia, Ivan Breznev, Levi Carmina, Marcus Claudaine, Big Crazy,Diamond Goro, Reed Grimm, Rage Hammer, Ted Lavigne, Austin Lee, Mayhem, Pace, Damon Reid, Damien James Reiker

The 16 men in the battle royal are all around the ropes of the ring with an open spot in the middle and Reed Grimm walked into the middle and yelled "Who wants to fight?" Mayhem takes the offer and starts going blow for blow with the newcomer. Rage Hammer tries to help his former part out and Grimm tosses him over the top, eliminating him. The Renegades all teamed up on Levi Carmina and threw him out even with The Mates trying to stop them. Meanwhile Big Crazy eliminated Marcus Claudaine, clotheslining him over the top rope. He turned around to a double drop kick from the Perfect Storm which eliminated him. The Renegades went after the new tag team, Austin Lee was able to use a head scissors to eliminate the Big Russian Ivan Breznev but Ted Lavigne and Jeb Hickory teams up to eliminate his partner Chase Alexander. Diamond Goro hit a running knee and eliminated Avery Amazing. Pace and Ambrosia avenged Levi Carmina's elimination by eliminating Ted Lavigne. Reed Grimm eliminated former Heavyweight Champion Mayhem. Diamond Goro eliminated both of the Mates, pace and Ambrosia but was then eliminated by Reed Grimm. Damien James Reiker eliminated Damon Reid. the final 3 was 2 newcomers Austin Lee, Reed Grimm and Damien James Reiker. Reed Grimm invited both men to come at him spinning around wildly in the center of the ring. Austin Lee was the first one to come at him and he tossed the high flyer over the top rope. Reiker and Grimm locked up but Grimm got the upper hand and eliminated the multi-time tag team champion. The lights went out and a single spotlight went on Reed Grimm as he laughed in the center of the ring.

Heavyweight Title Match

Rowdy Richie(c) v. Dave Jumper

These two have battled numerous times, all of them have been great, and this one was no different. Dave Jumper started off with the quick advantage as Richie tried to go for an 'End of the Line' quickly but Jumper turned it into a crucifix and a pinfall for a two count. Rowdy Richie then hit a Train Wreck out of nowhere. he covered Jumper but Jumper kicked out at 2. Jumper got to his feet and shook the cobwebs out. These two went round and round some more with Jumper trying to hit the Jump the Shark but Richie avoided it. "Funky Boss" played and President Richmond came walking down the aisle and the two competitors in the ring as well as the referee were distracted as why Richmond was coming down the aisle. Richmond got to the ring apron and called the referee over. Meanwhile from the other side of the ring Colossus got on the apron and by the time Rowdy Richie realized he was there Colossus leveled him with a huge punch to the face and got out of the ring as quickly as a 500 lb. man can. Jumper seized the opportunity and when the ref turned around he saw Dave Jumper hitting the Jump the shark and pinning the Heavyweight Champion. Richmond laughed and headed the same way through the crowd as Colossus did. The rest of the Masters of Blood headed to the ring, but they were too late. Dave Jumper was holding all three titles in the air as Final Fight went off the air!

Bonus Points

Dave Jumper +3
Axel Kaiser +1
CPL Punishment +1
Italian Roc +1
The Mexicutioner +1
Reed Grimm +1