Match Type Participants Time
Opening Segment 9:12
'Funky Boss' by the Beastie Boys plays as President Richmond came down to the ring. He announced tonight there would be an 8 man tournament to determine who would fight for the Heavyweight Title at next month's Headliner show. He announced the first round matches as CPL Punishment v. Thor, Mayhem v. Manslaughter, Oden v. Dave Jumper and Reed Grimm v. Tremier Vampyre. Richmond also announced that due to financial issues, the roster would have to be cut down momentarily and contracts with ALL NoW talent would be renegotiated.
Match Type Participants Time
Singles CPL Punishment v. Thor 15:12
These two big men went back and forth and worth and back as they showed why they are two veteran mainstays of the Nation of Wrestling. Eventually The Masters of Blood came down to the ring and distracted Thor enough that CPL Punishment hit an Attitude Adjustment on the big man to secure the victory.
Match Type Participants Time
Singles Mayhem v. Manslaughter 11:54
Manslaughter and Mayhem went at it and they both lived up to their names as they beat each other from pillar to post. Manslaughter ended up winning the match, much to the delight of his handler Gabriel Gray.
Match Type Participants Time
Singles Oden v. Dave Jumper 9:11
Oden faced off next with Dave Jumper and these two tore the house down. Oden went for the Ragnorak but Jumper countered. The M.O.B. started to come down to the ring, but the rest of The Lords of Asgard came down as well and the brawl broke out. Seeing an opportunity, Dave Jumper slid out of the ring and took a punch from Thor. The ref was forced to DQ Oden and award the victory to Dave Jumper.
Match Type Participants Time
Singles Reed Grimm v. Tremier Vampyre 7:21
As Reed Grimm waited in the ring for his opponent Tremier Vampyre, we cut to a backstage shot of the same hooded figures from a few weeks ago being stuffed into van and driven away. The match was awarded to Reed Grimm since he had no opponent show up!
Match Type Participants Time
Singles-Bruiserweight Italian Roc v. Diamond Goro (c) 14:12
Italian Roc and Diamond Goro beat the living hell out of each other. Goro started the match off quickly by removing the turnbuckle pad and whipping Roc into it to take control. He came off the top rope right after that with a missile drop kick to complete both requirements for a pin in a Bruiserweight Match. Try tho he might he just couldn't put Italian Roc away. Roc regained the advantage by using the ring steps to smash Goro in the head, he took the fight back into the ring, hitting a spinning DDT off the top rope, then hit the Roc Slide for the victory to become a two time Bruiserweight Champion.
Match Type Participants Time
Singles - Round 2 of Tournament CPL Punishment v. Manslaughter 6:00
CPL Punishment and Manslaughter faced off for a chance to go to the finals of the #1 Contenders Tournament. This match was hard hitting at first until out of nowhere CPL Punishment got quick small package on Manslaughter. Manslaughter was shocked as to how he got in such a predicament.
Match Type Participants Time
Tag Team title Match Masters of Blood v. The Perfect Storm (c) 12:32
We saw some fantastic tag team wrestling as we saw the speed and a agility of the Tag Team Champions The Perfect Storm against the Strength and Toughness of the Masters of Blood Big Crazy and Tank Sinatra. This match went back and forth with excellent tag team work from both teams. Tank Sinatra was getting double teamed with some quick tags by The Perfect Storm but just as he was about to make the hot tag to Big Crazy, one of the cameramen pulled Crazy off the apron and the ref didn't see it. This allowed The Perfect Storm to hit the High Low on Tank and retain their titles. After the match it was revealed the Cameraman was actually Loki of the Lords of Asgard showing that this rivalry of LoA vs. MoB was far from over!
Match Type Participants Time
Singles - Round 2 Tournament Match Dave Jumper v. Reed Grimm 9:56
Highlights 6:08
Reed Grimm had the distinct advantage of not having a first round match, but Dave Jumper proved why he was the first Grand Slam Champion in company history as he defeated the young upstart Grimm with a Jump the Shark.
Match Type Participants Time
Singles Match for the National Title Rowdy Richie v. Dick Shrader (c) 17:56
Two Big Ole' Fellas squared off in a match for the National Title as Rowdy Richie faced down Dick Shrader who had previously beaten him for the title in a Fatal Fourway At Domination in 2017. Dick Shrader kicked out of an End Of the Line early in the match from Richie but he was never really ever to recover as Richie hit a Train Wreck on the big man Shrader to become the National Champion!
Match Type Participants Time
Singles - Finals of #1 Contender Tournament Dave Jumper v. CPL Punishment 19:20
Two Mainstays of the Nation of Wrestling squared off in the finals of the #1 contender tournament as Dave Jumper and CPL Punishment had an amazing match up. These two went back and forth as Punishment tried to use the Attitude Adjustment he used again Thor to win the match but Dave Jumper Countered it and bounced off the second rope and hit a big Jump The Shark to become the #1 contender to the Heavyweight Title.
Match Type Participants Time
Singles - Heavyweight Title The Mexicutioner v. Axel Kaiser (c) 17:40
The Mexicutioner went after his first Heavyweight Title as he squared off against Axel Kaiser. Axel Kaiser started off hot, getting in alot of offense on The Mexicutioner. Mex gained the advantage with a drop toe hold that sent Kaiser into the bottom rope hard. Mexicutioner in control for a bit, as he hit a Burrito Boomerang On Kaiser but was only able to get a two count! Mexicutioner continued to work Kaiser in the corner, but Kaiser hit a fix your face out of no where to and pinned The Mexicutioner to win the match and retain the title. After Kaisers hand was raised Dave Jumper slid into the ring and the two had a stare off to end retribution.
Out Of Character Business
Well.... we are back.... and as you see..... we are picking up where we left off. Here's how its going to work. I am going to get through cards whenever I have free time. Some weeks you might get 3-4 cards.. some maybe only 1. Who knows?? But until I can get us caught up to present day (which will be awhile) that's how I am going to do it.

Next order of business is to redo the website, going to get it as caught up and up to date as I can. In the meantime with that its a good time to see who is still on board! So here's what I need you to do if you're still around. Everyone who is still around will get a +2 bonus for coming back into the mix! So if you want your character in future cards and storylines, send me a message on facebook and let me know where you want your 2 points at....PLUS theres points for people who won tonight!

CPL Punishment +2
Reed Grimm +1
Manslaughter +1
Dave Jumper +3
Rowdy Richie +2
Chase Alexander +1
Austin Lee +1
Italian Roc +2
Axel Kaiser +3

So here we go again folks! Good to be back I hope to talk to you all soon!