Voice Over: NoW is the time.... The time for a new year in the Nation of Wrestling.

6 men will compete with the NoW is the Time Clock, hanging above the ring.

Video clips are shown of Dick Shrader and then Manslaughter winning the previous two NoW is the Time matches.

The concept is simple, climb the ladder, grab the clock, and you win a title match at any time and any place. The only problem is, there's 5 other men trying to do the same thing. Jeb Hickory, Donald Dodge Dodson, Damien James Reiker, and the Mexicutioner have never been in this match before while Rowdy Richie and Levi Carmina have, but they also want to taste victory.

The NoW Champions gave opportunities to 3 men to fight for their titles and they did it with gusto. Each Champion chose a former Heavyweight Champion to defend their title again. Axel Kaiser will challenge Dick Shrader for the Bruiserweight Title, a title he once said was below him. Dave Jumper is on a historic run as the National Champion, but one not to back down from a challenge Dave Jumper challenged the dangerous Manslaughter. And Italian Roc will challenge CPL Punishment the first Heavyweight Title holder from this era of NoW. NoW is the Time....but for whom!? We find out tonight!

Tag Team Title Match
The Mexicutioner and Dick Hurtz v. BeeHeMoth and Big Crazy
The tag team titles were on the line in the opening match as the Masters of Blood, represented by BeeHeMoth and Big Crazy challenged for the Tag Team titles against the Champions The Mexicutioner and Dick Hurtz. It was mentioned that next week the winners would compete against Axel Kaiser, Rowdy Richie, Donald Dodge Dodson, and CPL Punishment all four of them vying to be a Grand Slam Champion. The match starts with Dick Hurtz and BeeHeMoth. BeeHeMoth starts the match with a full nelson into an Atomic drop. BeeHeMoth and Big Crazy took early control of the match. Dick Hurtz was struggling to take two competitors at once. Big Crazy whipped Hurtz into the ropes and The Mexicutioner made the tag without Crazy's knowledge. He came in as the legal man, and hit the burrito boomerang on Crazy and secured the victory for the Tag Team champions.

Levi Carmina, Pace, & Ambrosia v. Damon Reid, Avery Amazing, & Ted Lavigne
Due to the face that Levi Carmina is in the NoW is the Time match he petitioned President Richmond to make this a two on two match, with Pace and Ambrosia squaring off with Avery Amazing and Ted Lavigne. The end of the match came when Damon Reid tried to interfere on behalf of the Renegades but was caught by the referee and Pace and Ambrosia were awarded the victory via disqualification. Levi celebrated with the Mates as Lavinge was in Reid's face about costing them the match.
Bruiserweight Title Match
Dick Shrader (c) v. Axel Kaiser
Bruiserweight rules applied as Dick Shrader, who will compete for the Heavyweight Title at Thrill next Friday, put his title on the line against a man who will compete for the Tag Team Titles next week as well Axel Kaiser. Kaiser came into the match wielding a kendo stick. He came right at Shrader on the ramp with the stick and started beating him with it until Shrader clocked him in the head with the Bruiserweight Title. He continued to hit Kaiser with the title, then tossed him into the ring as the bell rang. The two went back and forth until Kaiser hit a 'Fix Your Face' out of nowhere. He went to cover Schrader but the ref refused to count since Kaiser had yet to come off the top rope. Kaiser was furious with the referee talking about how stupid the Bruiserweight division was and Shrader caught him with a neckbreaker and threw Kaiser to the outside. He whipped him into the ring steps than went to the top rope. Shrader came crashing down to the outside with an elbow onto Kaiser. He slid him into the ring and then slid the ring steps in. Shrader powerslammed Kaiser on the steps and covered him 1...2....3 to defend the Bruiserweight Title.

Ivan Breznev v. Mayhem
The match starts off with both men exchanging blows with Breznev getting the upperhand early. He controls most of the match but Mayhem comes back with a wild barrage of drop kicks. Ted Lavinge and Avery amazing come down from the Renegades come down and distract Mayhem and he turns around into a big boot and a running powerslam from Breznev. Breznev picks up the victory.
National Title Match
Dave Jumper (c) v. Manslaughter
Manslaughter came to the ring in his full straight jacket gear with Gabriel Grey leading the way. Dave Jumper came to the ring, as the 10 month+ reigning National Champion. The match starts off with both men laying right hands into each other. Manslaughter gets the early advantage and hits a stunner onto Jumper. He goes for the pin and Jumper immediately kicks out. Back and forth action again and Jumper hits the Jump the Shark but Manslaughter kicks out! Jumper claps his hands together, obviously thinking the match was over with that one. He lays the boots to Manslaughter and tries to pin again, but Manslaughter was playing possum and goes for a roll up but Jumper kicks out and slides out to the ring apron for a breather. manslaughter comes around and nails Jumper with a driveby knocking Jumper from the apron. Manslaughter starts going nuts on Jumper. He throws him over the railing into the audience and starts to follow behind him but hears the ref count get to 9. He rolls into the ring and back out to restart the count. He climbs into the audience and Jumper is waiting with a drop kick. Manslaughter goes nuts and grabs a chair and slams it into Jumper. The ref calls for the bell as Manslaughter continues the assault. Manslaughter's security steps in as Shrader also comes down to make the save.

Rage Hammer v. Tank Sinatra
Rage Hammer and Tank Sinatra squared off in our next battle. The two locked up and Tank took the early lead in the match, using his strength to take control, wrenching a headlock onto the former Bruiserweight Champion. Every time Rage Hammer tried to get the upper hand Tank would take it back. He eventually won the match up with a pop up powerbomb for the pin.
NoW is the Time Ladder Match
The Mexicutioner v. Jeb Hickory v. Donald Dodge Dodson v. Levi Carmina v. Rowdy Richie v. Damien James Reiker
All 6 competitors get into the ring and as soon as the bell rings Mexicutioner goes straight for Damien James Reiker and they both go tumbling through the middle rope. Levi Carmina tries to avoid contact but he is caught by Donald Dodge Dodson. Rowdy Richie and Jeb Hickory start to brawl until the Mexicutioner comes into the ring and hits both men with a ladder. He sets up the ladder and starts to climb until Dodson gets back into the ring and hits a 'Snapback' off the ladder on the Mexicutioner. Richie on the outside starts nailing people with Train Wrecks, starting with Carmina, then Hickory and finally Damien James Reiker. Richie gets back into the ring and is met with right hands by Dodson. Dodson tosses Richie out of the ring, goes to set up a ladder but is met by Carmina. Carmina and Dodson go to the outside and Reiker and The Mexicutioner come into the ring. The Mexicutioner hits the Burrito Boomerang and starts to climb the ladder. Rowdy Richie gets back into the ring and hits the Train Wreck onto the ladder knocking Mexicutioner all the way to the outside, denting the ladder. Richie sets up a ladder of his own and climbs to the top retrieving the NoW is the Time clock. Richie holds the clock high in the air, celebrating the carnage all around him!
Heavyweight Title Match
Italian Roc (c) v. CPL Punishment
The Main Event starts with the two competitors circling each other. Italian Roc starts off with a drop toe hold and holds onto an armbar onto CPL Punishment. Punishment gets to the rope and the hold is broken. They lock up again and Punishment Gets a headlock on and takes control,wearing down the champion. The two go back and forth, and Roc starts to gain some momentum, using his speed and ring saavy against Punishment. Roc goes for a Roc Slide but Punishment reverses it into a swinging DDT. Punishment then hits a new finisher, the Punishment Piledriver and pins Italian Roc to become the new NoW Heavyweight Champion! Punishment is celebrating and Dick Shrader comes to the stage and points at Punishment saying he will see him Friday! Rowdy Richie, still feel the effects of the previous match comes out and holds the NoW is the Time clock high in the air. as NoW is the Time goes off the air.