Voice over: We all choose different paths to walk down. But sometimes those paths cross and they lead to Mass Destruction!

The Mexicutioner and Dick Hurtz had an unlikely run as Tag Team Champions. But that run has come to an end, and whatever makeshift friendship that came with it. They will meet tonight in a steel cage to settle their differences with the Bruiserweight Title on the line.

Through this era of the NoW people have come and gone.. but two constants have been Dave Jumper and Rowdy Richie. Jumper has been on a more than Historic run with the National Title.... but a thorn in his side has always been Rowdy Richie and the Masters of Blood. These two future Hall of Famers will square off yet again.

The NoW Heavyweight Title has passed through many hands in 2018. With the Final Fight Tournament approaching it could pass through many more. But tonight, the three Heavyweight Title holders of 2018 will do battle. Dick Shrader...Italian Roc..and CPL Punishment....are ready....FOR MASS DESTRUCTION!!

We head into the Oakley Lindsey Center in Quincy, IL for the February Nation of Wrestling headliner show. Mass Destruction. Johnny Waubonsie and Bud are on commentary as we start the show.

Levi Carmina, Pace, Ambrosia, Damon Reid v. Ted Lavigne, Avery Amazing, Ivan Breznev, Jeb Hickory

Damon Reid insists on starting the match against his team and does so against former Heavyweight Champion Ivan Breznev. Reid comes out a ball of fire, hitting the big man with everything he's got. Breznev tags out to Jeb Hickory and more of the same with Damon Reid holding his own against the two larger opponents. He tagged out to Levi Carmina and he and Ted Lavigne went toe to toe. Lavigne had the upper hand but Reid blind tagged himself back into the match unbeknownst to Lavigne. Reid blind side him with a rolling neckbreaker and picked up the victory, locking the Renegades out of the Final Fight tournament!
Winner earns Heavyweight Title Match in first round of Final Fight

BeeHeMoth v. Rage Hammer v. Damien James Reiker v. Axel Kaiser

This fatal four way featured a variety of different styles and competitors. It started with a teamup on Axel Kaiser, proving that his 'Fix Your Face' campaign of superkicking anyone and everyone in the face hadn't went over so well in the locker room. The true battle started when Rage Hammer tossed BeeHeMoth out of the ring and went after Reiker. But Reiker was waiting for him as he rolled up Rage Hammer and got a quick victory! Damien James Reiker earns a Heavyweight Title shot the first round of final fight!
Winner earns National Title Match in first round of Final Fight

Marucus Claudaine v. Big Crazy v. Mayhem

The match started off with all three men exchanging blows in the center of the ring. Big Crazy took the early advantage hitting a big double clothesline on both of his opponents. He focused his attack on Mayhem and was caught in a rollup by Claudaine for a two count. Claudaine then started dropping elbows on both of his fallen opponents. He dominated the rest of the match and ended up pinning Mayhem to earn both members of the Twin City Saints title matches in the first round of the Final Fight tournament!
Winner earns Bruiserweight Title Match in first round of Final Fight

Donald Dodge Dodson v. Manslaughter v. Tank Sinatra

Three powerful competitors faced off for a first round shot at the Bruiserweight Title in this bout. The wreckless abandon of Manslaughter came into play early as he knocked both of his opponents out of the ring. He brutalized Dodson on the outside, slamming him repeatedly into the ring steps. He then focused his attention on Tank Sinatra. But Tank was waiting for him and backdropped Manslaughter , sending him through the announce table! Sinatra then went to the other side of the ring, slid the fallen Dodson into the ring and hit a rolling senton, pinning him to earn a bruiserweightweight Title Match!
Bruiserweight Title Match

The Mexicutioner (c) v. Dick Hurtz

There was boatloads of built up animosity between former tag team partners in this match. Hurtz came right at The Mexicutioner with clubbing blows that backed him into the corner. Mexicutioner escaped by getting Hurtz set up for the Burrito Boomerang but Hurtz escaped and the two locked back up. The Mexicutioner grabbed Hurtz into a headlock and hit a running bulldog. He went outside to grab a chair but Hurtz thwarted that by coming off the top rope with a double ax handle. Hurtz then proceeded to grab the chair the Mexicutioner was going for and laid a few hard shots to him with it. Hurtz then rolled the Mexicutioner in the ring and attempted to do a suplex off the top rope, but Mexicutioner countered hit and hit a massive Burrito Boomerang off the top rope. Mexicutioner then went outside and grabbed the chair, and laid it on Hurtz to get the foreign object requirement for a Bruierweight match, pinning him the process and defending his title.
National Title Match

Dave Jumper (c) v. Rowdy Richie

These two NoW legends left it all on the line as Rowdy Richie attempted to stop Dave Jumper's record setting run with the National Title. Jumper cleverly avoided all of Rowdy Richie's early power move attempts playing a game of cat and mouse early, proving how many times these two have fought each other over the years. Richie finally got Jumper into the corner but Jumper avoided a strike and started laying a series of knees to the big mans mid section. The two locked up and Richie got the advantage hitting a suplex on his opponent. Jumper avoided a Train Wreck from Richie and Richie countered a Jump the Shark and both men stood across from each other and nodded their heads in respect. The two went back and forth again, Power v. speed, Technical v. brawling, Richie hit an End of the Line on Jumper but Jumper got his foot on the ropes! Jumper then slid to the outside, and when Richie came in pursuit Jumper hit him with a Jump the Shark. Jumper slid into the ring and gladly took a countout victory!
Heavyweight Title Match

Dick Shrader (c) v. Italian Roc v. CPL Punishment

The main event was everything we hoped it would be with 3 men putting on amazing performances, all over the Heavyweight Championship and the top seed in the Final Fight tournament. Italian Roc avoided early contact and slide out of the ring quickly to start the match, letting Shrader and CPL Punishment duke it out in the middle of the ring. Shrader got the early advantage and hit a series of kicks on Punishment and then a big piledriver but when he was going to finish him off Italian Roc slid back into the ring and hit a Roc Slide on the champion but was only able to get a 1 count as Punishment broke it up. Punishment then hit a big running powerbomb on Roc but Shrader broke up that count. Shrader and CPL Punishment went toe to toe, but Roc inserted himself back into the picture, drop kicking the champion out of the ring, and then hit not one but two Roc Slides on CPL Punishment to regain the Heavyweight Title! After the match Rowdy Richie came to the stage with the NoW is the Time clock and cockily walked down to the ring. He smiled and shook Roc's hand.The rest of the Masters of Blood hit the ring. Mass Destruction ended with the Masters of Blood standing tall, Richie holding the Now is the Time clock and Rock holding the Heavyweight Title high in the air.

Bonus Points

Italian Roc +2
Levi Carmina +1
Pace +1
Ambrosia +1
Damon Reid +1
Damien James Reiker +1
Marcus Claudaine +1
Tank Sinatra +1
The Mexicutioner +1
Dave Jumper +1

First round of the Final Fight Tournament

Italian Roc (c) v. Damien James Reiker
BeeHeMoth v. Manslaughter
Dick Shrader v. Ambrosia
Pace v. Rowdy Richie
The Mexicutioner (c) v. Tank Sinatra
Damon Reid v. CPL Punishment
Axel Kaiser v. Levi Carmina
Dave Jumper (c) v. Marcus Claudaine