["Heart Afire" by Prophets of Rage, the official theme of Destiny II plays as we get a video package previewing the Main Event.]

Voice Over: For the first time ever, the intimidating Elimination Chamber Structure will make it's way to the Nation of Wrestling. 6 men will enter... one will be the NoW Heavyweight Champion.

Damien James Reiker…. one half of the most decorated tag team in NoW ever, the Twin City Saints. His legacy is already paved as one of the greatest tag team specialists ever in the history of the company... but will be become Heavyweight Champion and show his prowess as a singles competitor? Is that his Destiny?

Brash, bold, and fearless, The Mexicutioner has done a lot since debuting not too long ago in the Nation of Wrestling. He's proven time and again he is afraid of nothing and no one. Is it his Destiny to become Heavyweight Champion for the first time?

After over a decade away from the Nation of Wrestling, Tremier Vampyre has made his way back to the Nation of Wrestling. He is what many consider a NoW 'Original'. He created the Bruiserweight Division and terrorized the NoW Roster for years...yet he's never held the Heavyweight Title. Will his Destiny be to get out of the shadow of being just a Bruiserweight Competitor?

The face of terror for this era of NoW is that of Manslaughter...tho we rarely see his face. It's been over a year since Manslaughter has held the Heavyweight Title, yet no one leaves a match with him the same. Win or Lose everyone comes out of a match with Manslaughter a changed man. Is it his Destiny to be at the top of the mountain again?
Three time NoW Heavyweight Champion Italian Roc will enter the Elimination Champion hoping to become champion for a fourth time. He stepped out of the role of being the mouthpiece for the Masters of Blood and became their most decorated competitor. His rivalry with Dave Jumper has spanned most of 2018. Is it his Destiny to get the better of the other 4 competitors and hold the Heavyweight Championship to close out his second straight Destiny main event?

Dave Jumper, some will argue he is the Greatest NoW Superstar of all time. Jumper will be the first one to do so. His 2018 leaves little to dispute that. He won the Final Fight tournament. He won the Survival Battle Royal to become his own #1 Contender. What is Dave Jumper's Destiny? Will he add another accolade to his already amazing resume?

6 competitors..... one Heavyweight Title...……… and an Ultimate Destiny......

Levi Carmina and CPL Punishment vs. Ted Lavigne and Avery Amazing

Levi Carmina and CPL Punishment's partnership was because of one thing... teaming up to fight the Renegades. This big match at Destiny featuring some fairly good tag team work from Carmina and Punishment as they survived some distractions from Jeb Hickory and Ivan Breznev to pick up the victory.

#1 Contenders tournament finals
The Perfect Storm vs. The Mates

Levi Carmina's 'Mates', Pace and Ambrosia, fought against Chase Alexander and Austin Lee for a shot at the Tag Team Champions, The Masters of Blood. This match showed that the NoW tag team division is alive and well. While sometimes thought of as an afterthought or an accessory to Levi Carmina, the Mates showed they can go. But so did the Perfect Storm and the newcomers picked up the victory.

Oden v. BeeHeMoth

In the ongoing feud between The Lords of Asgard and The Masters of Blood, Oden faced off with BeeHeMoth. The elder statesmen on the LoA showed why he has lasted as long has he has in the NoW picking up a victory over BeeHeMoth.

Upcoming Schedule

The schedule for the following year was put out.

October 28 - Fright Night

November 25 - Know Your Enemy

December 30 - Season's Beatings

January 20 - NoW is the Time

February 22 - Mass Destruction

March 31 - Final Fight

April 29 - WarZone

April 30-June 29 - Summer Break #1

June 30 - Survival

July 1-August 1 - Summer Break #2

August 25 - Destiny III

September 29 - Indestructible

October 27 - Fright Night

November 24 - Know Your Enemy

December 29 - Season's Beatings

#1 Contender for the National Title
Thor v. Reed Grimm v. Donald Dodge Dodson v. Marcus Claudaine

A title shot against the winner of tonight's National Title match was on the line in our next match featuring 4 very different styles of NoW Superstar. In the end the mysterious Reed Grimm pinned Donald Dodge Dodson to earn the title shot!

Bruiserweight Title Match
Diamond Goro (c) v. Axel Kaiser

Tremier Vampyre came and say in a folding chair ring side to observe the Bruiserweight Title match between Axel Kaiser and Diamond Goro. Kaiser came out of the gate strong with a steel chair, pummeling the champion. Kaiser went to continue the punishment but Goro slid to the outside and flung Kaiser into the ring post. Goro then went to the top rope and landed an elbow on Kaiser at the outside. Goro rolled Kaiser into the ring but was met with a Fix Your Face when he got back in there! Kaiser went to go to the top rope but as he came off the top rope Goro put a leg up and nailed him in the chin. Goro removed his boot to reveal the boot was steel toed! He nailed Kaiser with it a few times then dropped him with a Inverted Russian Leg sweep and pinned him for the Victory.

National Title Match
Dick Shrader (c) v. Tank Sinatra

Tank Sinatra looked to pick up the National Title against Dick Shrader who has held the title since Dave Jumper won the Final Fight tournament and relinquished the title to Shrader in March. Shrader started off the match using rest holds to wear down Sinatra. These two went back and worth the whole match. Shrader looked to end it with a big boot, but Sinatra countered it by powerbombing him for a 2 count. Sinatra took control working over the leg of Shrader to eliminate the possibility of that big boot. The end of the match came with Sinatra attempting another powerbomb but Shrader countered with a spinning DDT, followed up by a reverse neckbreaker and a backstabber to retain the National Title! Tag Title Match
Rowdy Richie & Big Crazy (c) v. The Perfect Storm

The Perfect Storm fought their second bout of the night, this time for the Nation of Wrestling Tag Team Championships. This match was the definition of strength vs. speed. The Perfect Storm played keep away early on , using quick tags in and out to gain an early advantage over Rowdy Richie. But Richie finally powered out and got the big tag to Big Crazy and Crazy ended up catching Austin Lee. The Masters of Blood worked over Austin Lee pretty well, but a blind tag to Chase Alexander allowed him to surprise Big Crazy and roll him up to win The Perfect storm their first tag team title!!!!

Heavyweight Title Elimination Chamber Match
Dave Jumper (c) v. Italian Roc v. Manslaughter v. Damien James Reiker v. The Mexicutioner v. Tremier Vampyre

Heavyweight Champion Dave Jumper comes out first as he will be the last man to enter the pod. Tremier Vampyre enters next and as he is entering the cage Axel Kaiser comes out through the crowd and hits the Fix Your Face on Tremier Vampyre slamming him into the Chamber. He slams Trem's face into the cage door multiple times, busting him open. Two unknown men in all black come through the crowd and carry Tremier Vampyre out as Axel Kaiser enters the chamber and puts himself into a pod, stating "I'm in this match now!' Italian Roc comes out next and gets into a pod. The Mexicutioner comes out next meaning Damien James Reiker and Manslaughter will start this match.

They surround each other and lock up. Manslaughter get the upper hand, locking a headlock onto Reiker. He whips Reiker into the ropes and hits a dropkick. Reiker attempts a drop toe hold but Manslaughter blocks it. The two exchange blows in the center of the ring and then Manslaughter backs Reiker into the corner then whips him into the opposite corner. The timer goes off and The Italian Roc's pod opens. <

Italian Roc hits the ring a ball of fire hitting a drop kick on both men and then landing elbows, first on Reiker then on Manslaughter. He goes back and forth with elbows. He yells "Fuggidaboutit" and the crowd pops. Manslaughter gets to his feet and pops Roc with a right hand. Reiker attacks Manslaughter with a backstabber and gets hit with a kick from Italian Roc. Manslaughter to his feet now and he picks Roc up on his shoulder and delivers a powerslam as The Mexicutioner's pod opens.

The Mexicutioner comes in and Immediately goes after Manslaughter, nailing him with right hands and a dropkick. He goes for the Burrito Boomerang but is met with a superkick by Italian Roc. Roc gains momentum and hits the RocSlide on Manslaughter! Reiker comes off the ropes and hits a flying forearm into Italian Roc flipping him over the top rope onto the steel that surrounds the ring. Reiker then hits a piledriver on Manslaughter. The Mexicutioner gets back into the action and hits a Burrito Boomerang on Reiker, then hits a Burrito Boomerang on Manslaughter and covers him. 1....2......3 and Manslaughter is eliminated! The Mexicutioner goes to pin Reiker but Reiker gets an inside cradle and pins Mexicutioner..1..2..Kickout! Axel Kaiser's pod then opens.

Kaiser comes in on fire hitting a Fix your Face on Reiker. He is then met with a clothesline by Italian Roc. The Mexicutioner gets back into the mix dropping a top rope elbow onto Reiker. Italian Roc then stomps both Reiker and Mexicutioner as they are on the mat. Kaiser rolls Italian Roc up and he kicks out at 1. Mexicutioner crawls over and tries to pin Reiker but he also kicks out at 1. All four men are down on the canvas recovering as Dave Jumper's pod opens.

Jumper comes in as everyone gets to their feet. He immediately goes after Italian Roc, but the other three competitors immediately start teaming up on Dave Jumper. Jumper can't escape. All four competitors have Jumper on the mat laying boots to him. Dick Shrader comes down and tries to get into the chamber but all entrances are locked. Axel Kaiser hits an FYI Driver on Jumper and then hits a Fix Your Face against the chains of the chamber connecting with Shrader who was trying to get in. The Mexicutioner hits the Burrito Boomerang on the Heavyweight Champion. Italian Roc hits a Roc Slide on Jumper and pins him 1...2...3, and the Heavyweight Champion is eliminated.

The temporary alliance was quickly over as Italian Roc and The Mexicutioner lock up as do Reiker as Axel Kaiser and Damien James Reiker exchange blows. The Mexicutioner gets Italian Roc into the corner and hikes him up on the second rope and delivers a Suplex. Axel Kaiser gets the upper hand and hits an FYI Driver and pins Reiker 1..2..3 to eliminate him.

Down to three people now as Mexicutioner, Italian Roc, and Axel Kaiser circle each other in the ring. Kaiser goes after the Mexicutioner as Roc sits back and let's them do battle. They go back and forth until Italian Roc comes into the fray, The Mexicutioner gets him on his shoulders for the burrito boomerang but Axel Kaiser hits a Fix your Face and Italian Roc locks on a crucifix to pin the Mexicutioner and we are down to two.

Axel Kaiser, a man who took a spot in the match by force, and Italian Roc, multi-time Heavyweight Champion. Italian Roc brings the fight immediately to Axel Kaiser, backing him into the corners with rapid fire lefts and rights. He picks up Axel Kaiser and gives him the Roc Slide. Italian Roc goes to pin Kaiser but Kaiser kicks out. Italian Roc is obviously frustrated as he climbs to the top rope, and then climbs up on top of one of the cells. He jumps off the cell but Kaiser catches him mid air with a Fix Your Face!!! The crowd is stunned as Axel Kaiser pins Italian Roc 1....2....3 to become NEW Heavyweight Champion! Kaiser celebrates with the title as Destiny goes off the air.