We run down the card for Fright Night that has been announced so far.

Tag Team Titles Match
The Mates

vs. The Perfect Storm (c)
Bruiserweight Title Match
Italian Roc (c)

vs. Diamond Goro
National Title Match

vs. Rowdy Richie (c)

Heavyweight Title Match
Axel Kaiser (c)

Vs. Dave Jumper

The Announcers reminded us that Italian Roc and Diamond Goro were fighting a three match series, and whoever won this match tonight would get to pick the stipulation for Fright Night. Italian Roc and Goro battled again, and Italin Roc once again defended his title. Goro looked extremely frustrated as Italian Roc headed out with his title.

Our next match of the night was a preview of the Tag Team title match from next weeks Headliner show as Austin Lee of the Perfect Storm took on Pace of the Mates.... this match was fast paced and high-flying, with Austin Lee picking up the Victory.

It was announced that our Main Event would be Heavyweight Champion Axel Kaiser and a partner of his choosing vs. Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader. We cut to a shot backstage of Axel Kaiser, looking annoyed that he has to find a partner since he hasn't really made too many friends in the NoW locker room.

Up next we have Oden, flanked by fellow Lords of Asgard members Thor and Loki.

Oden: Rowdy Richie.. this Masters of Blood slash Lords of Asgard rivalry is far from over I have a feeling, but this time our paths will cross with that precious National Title on the line. It's been well over a year and a half since any member of the Lords of Asgard have been a champion...and next week that all changes....

Oden is then interrupted by the two men who attacked Thor and Loki last week. The smaller of the two holds his hands up and takes a step back as Thor and Loki look ready to fight.

Perry: Whoa whoa whoa.... calm down there gentlemen..... We just want to verbally introduce ourselves. I am Perry Hollis, the man who so forcefully powerbombed Mr. Loki there... his name is Frank Francis and we are the 'Bad Boys'. You should be honored. We wanted to make an impact when we arrived and we came right after you guys. If you're wondering... no, we are not associated with those chumps from the Masters of Blood. We don't want a long term rivalry with you guys... you're the past, we are the future. But... we will use you guys as a stepping stone to the top... say....next week at Fright Night... wait don't answer.... we just made sure the match was booked... so till then gentlemen. What ya gonna do when we come for you?

They exit, leaving the Lords of Asgard ready for a fight.

We see highlights last week of Levi Carmina challenging Manslaughter to a match at Fright Night. Manslaughter dominates the match leaving Ambrosia in the ring and he exits to take the fight to Carmina on the outside. Carmina escapes to the top of the ramp, and Ambrosia wins by a countout. Manslaughter is unfazed as his eyes are set on Carmina.

The Main Event of the night saw Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader fighting Axel Kaiser and a partner of his choosing. Kaiser came to the ring and took a microphone.

Kaiser: Richmond said I needed a partner, even though I don't want one. But I found someone who just wants to fight, so that's good enough for me....

The Mysterious Reed Grimm comes down the aisle to be Kaisers partner. The announcers state that Kaiser has promised him a future shot at the Heavyweight Title if he beats Dave Jumper next weekend. Kaiser starts off the match against Dick Shrader. They go back and forth with Kaiser eventually gaining the upper hand. But Jumper and Shrader used some great tag team wrestling to gain the upper hand. Shrader went to Powerbomb Kaiser, but Kaiser reversed it into a DDT. Both men were heading to their corner to make a tag, but Reed Grimm, hopped off the apron and deserted Axel Kaiser. Dave Jumper hit the Jump the Shark on Kaiser and picked up a pin. Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader celebrated up the ramp as Kaiser held his title close to his chest and warned Jumper....it was one on one at Fright Night as Thrill went off the air!