On the campus of Moberly Area Community College, at Fitz-Gibbins John Arena is where we see our good friends from the Nation of Wrestling next. The card starts off Backstage with the Masters of Blood. Italian Roc meets up with the M.O.B. With some vino in one hand and a stromboli in the other.

Roc: hey camera man how you doin! Fuhgeddaboutit! So diamond are forever Goro? So like that James Bond movie? Or is it like the famous song from the movie? That was a cool movie I remember watch it as a kid. But anyway if you want some come get some. But this is my title and it will stay in M.O.B. for Life! Like the man Ric Flair use to say to be the man you gotta to beat the man. WWWOOOOO!! You only live once, yeah you get it camera man another Bond movie.

( Roc takes a drink of the vino and eats more of the stromboli and turn a looks at the M.O.B.)

yeah yeah I'm coming turns and leaves. Oh wait one sec...... Hey yo! And that's the bottom line! How you doin! Fuhgeddaboudit!

The first match of the night saw Manslaughter destroy a local talent after the match, Levi Carmina came to the stage.

Levi: Manslaughter....or is it Man's Laughter I never knew my friend... but I digress. It seems like before this whole little restructuring fiasco, you and I had a common enemy in the Renegades.... well as luck would have it none of those wretches decided to return. So where does that leave us my emotionally disturbed friend? Two fighters with no one to fight.... well I propose you and I do battle at the Fright Night Headliner show....I rough you up some....you rough me up ... sounds like fun don't you think?

Carmina does a dramatic spin and exits, leaving Manslaughter someone what confused in the ring as noone has ever really picked a fight with him before....

Our next match of the evening was to determine the #1 contender for the Tag Team Titles as The Lords of Asgard, The Twin City Saints, and The Mates had a triple threat match. The ending of the match saw Pace and Ambrosia get the double team pin on Loki to win the match! After the match twp unknown competitors ran through the crowd and demolished the Lords of Asgard with the bigger of the two guys impressively power bombed Thor as the other one came off the top rope with a leg drop. The announcers has no clue who these two were but said we would know in the coming weeks!

President Richmond came on the screen and said we would see a series of matches between the Bruiserweight Champion Italian Roc and Diamond Goro, one would be tonight, the other next week, both for the title. Whoever was champion going into Fright Night would get to choose the stipulation for their third and final match.
That match was up next and once again Italian Roc and Diamond Goro beat the hell out of each other. Eventually, Italian Roc hit a Roc Slide through a table to successfully defend the Bruiserweight Title.

The scene opens up to the rooftop of a downtown Chicago apartment building where you see Axel Kaiser in a brown leather jacket and blue jeans with his NoW Heavyweight title over his shoulder. He is standing at the edge of the building with the Chicago Loop skyline behind him.

Axel: I wish you would step Back from that ledge my friend!

(instantly The Chicago Chamber Choir becomes visible singing along to Third Eye Blind's song 'Jumper')
Choir & Kaiser Sing

You could cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in
And if you do not want to see me again
I would understand
I would understand

The camera zooms into Axel Kaiser who grins with a level of delight at the choir's performance.

Axel: Jumper, I would understand if you jumped off a building right now and ended your miserable existence. It would be almost as humiliating as how bad I plan on beating you at N O W's Fright Night. Look at you, "you're taller" (rolls his eyes) and "you're bigger"... ha! (pauses with a frown) That is where the qualities end for you. I'm a better wrestler than you, I'm smarter than you, I'm better looking than you, and I'm the Heavyweight Champion! Not You, Buddy! Me!

(Kaiser points at himself with both thumbs and smiles)

Axel: You honestly bore me, Jumper. For your information... I think you truly wanted this match for this reason - to save yourself some money for a face lift at a surgeons office, because I'm going to fix your face for free!

The Choir then begins singing again as Kaiser salutes the camera and the scene cuts to black

The Main Event of the night was Oden vs. Dick Shrader for a shot at Rowdy Richie at Fright Night. They showed replays of Oden and Richie's rivalry and Oden's win to earn this match last week. The announcers reminded everyone that a very impressive Dick Shrader was standing in the way of the MoB/LoA feud. As expected this match got out of control with involvement from the two factions, it ended with Shrader being distracted by the feuding outside and Oden surprising him by hitting the Ragnorrak and winning the match! The LoA hit the ring to keep the Masters of Blood out as Rowdy Richie held up the title and Oden trash talked him from the ring as Thrill ended!