We open up to the High School Gym of Mexico High School in Mexico, MO. Bud and Johnny Waubonsie are on commentary and they run down the events from Retribution, stating that Everyone's contracts have been renegotiated and some stayed and some went. We will find out who stayed and who went this evening.

We see a segment that starts with"Disturbed's Down With the Sickness" Music Video and zooms out into a living room setting where none other than Axel Kaiser, the NoW's Heavyweight Champion, sits in a recliner chair with a robe on, pair of shorts, and the title belt sitting on top of his lap folded up for all the world to see.

Kaiser: "Now that we're back to our regularly scheduled program here in the Nation of Wrestling and your favorite champion of all time is here, doesn't it feel great?

(pauses with a relaxed sigh)

While I sit here, keeping my distance from the weak and powerless, I feel great! I'm healthy, I'm the Champion, I'm. The. Man!"

Kaiser winks at the camera in an obvious high level of self approvement.

"The Mexecutioner, I'll give you a little credit. I broke a drizzle of a sweat. You had me down at times, but the champ isn't a chump. I stood up and handled business like it's meant to be handled and finished you off!"

Kaiser then turns more stern.

"Jumper, you decided to show up and try to make yourself relevant. I won't turn my cheek to you, trust that. I stared you dead in the eye and I'll tell you this, I'm not intimidated by you. You're walking down a rough road stepping into my spotlight, pal! For Your Information, after being that close to you... I think it's time that I FIX YOUR FACE! Now, I'm going to get back to my beverages!

(Kaiser reaches over to the table and grabs his drink & takes a sip as the scene cuts to black.)

The commentators show a graphic of who all has returned to the roster and who hasn't, having only 'Heavyweight Champion - Axel Kaiser' on the list.

It is shown that next week, The Twin City Saints, Pace and Ambrosia, and The Lords of Asgard (Thor and Loki) will fight in a triple threat tag team match, with the winner fighting against the Perfect Storm at Fright Night!

Up next we see Italian Roc in a non title match against a local talent. After his Victory, Diamond Goro appears on the screen.

Though he fell to defeat at Retribution, Goro still has the same cocky, devil may care grin on his face and confident body language that has become synonyms with the resident “Rock Star of Wrestling” in the short time we have known him.

Goro: Not the most ideal start to the Nation of Wrestling’s rebirth for me but hey, I’m still here and it will only get better from here on out.

Enjoy your victory Roc, but remember that while your time in the spotlight maybe limited, Diamonds are forever baby.

Goro winks at the camera as the scene fades to advertisements for upcoming Nation of Wrestling programming.

It is announced that our main event of the evening will be Oden, Reed Grimm, and Manslaughter.... the winner of that match will fight Dick Shrader next week for a chance at Rowdy Richie and the National Title at Fright Night!

The next match saw three men who were to face off in tag team action next week in singles action as Loki, Marcus Claudaine, and Pace competed in a triple threat match. Marcus Claudaine picked up the win by pinning Loki to gain momentum for the Twin City Saints.

( The camera pans to the seemingly quiet locker room and from the middle of the area a booming voice is heard.)

Richie: They said I was a one trick pony... They say I'm out of my league... They also say WE are weak.... I'll tell what I say to all that.... We are the most dominant force in this business there is no stopping the Masters of Blood.... We taste it... You fear it..... We strive for it... You shun away from it.... That is what makes us what we are... The Masters of Blood... We fear no fight and what sets us apart from,the rest we do not care about wins and losses we care about pain and dominance... Lords of Ass...guard... You are being put on notice You Just barks up the wrong tree and you will be covered in the sanctification of your own doing.... BLOOD WILL SPILL..... I want a first blood match with you Oden.........
Now on to other business...... See this....

(Richie points to his newly won National Title)

I have worked my butt off to attain this again... I will not lose it as easy this time.. I say this to the rest of the locker room if you want it come get it.... I dodge no man and I shy away from no fight no matter how big or small the opponent You will be DERAILED........

The main event was Oden vs. Reed Grimm vs. Manslaughter. Manslaughter dominated the match early, working over both Oden and Grimm. Oden took an advantage off an opportunity and clotheslined Manslaughter out of the ring leaving only himself and Grimm. He hit the Ragnorak on him and picked up the victory, mouthing that he was coming for Rowdy Richie and that National Title!