The card for tonight is run down as we will have the Retribution card finalized tonight. We have The Mexicutioner, Marcus Claudaine, and Manslaughter all fighting for a shot at Axel Kaiser's Heavyweight Championship in the Main Event of next week's Retribution. It was also announced that Italian Roc, Tremier Vampyre and Dave Jumper would compete for a shot at the Bruiserweight Champion.

The first match of the night saw Oden and Thor take on Big Crazy and Tank Sinatra with the winner squaring off against The Perfect Storm at Retribution. The final of this match came with Big Crazy pinning Thor to earn the title shot.

We see NoW Heavyweight Champion Axel Kaiser coming into the arena, a NoW reporter comes up to him to ask a question but Kaiser just holds the title in his face and walks past him.

The next match of the night was Tremier Vampyre, Italian Roc, and Dave Jumper squaring off with the winner set to face Diamond Goro for the Bruiserweight Title at Retribution. This match went back and forth but Italian Roc eventually hit the Roc Slide on Tremier Vampyre to secure the win and the Bruiserweight Title Shot.

Backstage we see President Richmond and he is with an unknown man in his office, there's paperwork all over the desk and Richmond looks fairly stressed out before he closes the door on the cameraman.

The Main Event was a back and forth match that saw many near falls. But the ending came with Mexicutioner closelining Manslaughter out of the ring and hitting the burrito boomerang on Marcus Claudaine to win the match and earn a Heavyweight Title shot at Retribution. But as soon as he got his hand raised, he was blindsided by a Fix Your Face from the Heavyweight Champion Axel Kaiser. Kaiser stood over a fallen Mexicutioner as Thrill went off the air.