The card opens up with highlights from last week, the announcement of the qualifying matches for Retribution and The Masters of Blood laying out Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader.

The first match of the night saw two of the more barbaric members of the NoW roster square off with each other as Manslaughter faced Tremier Vampyre. The NoW legend went toe to toe with the resident Psycho of NoW. In the end Manslaughter hit a DDT and advanced to next week's main event.

Backstage we see the tag team Champions, Austin Lee and Chase Alexander walking backstage. They run into Tank Sinatra and Big Crazy.

Tank: Well if it isn't the Tag Team champs....ya know what Crazy, since our tag team partners are gonna be tied up at Retribution how about we take those tag team straps off these two.

Oden and Thor walk up as well.

Oden: Well ya know....the Lords of Asgard haven't forgot about the MoB and if we have anything to say about we will be the ones getting that tag title shot.

Alexander: Well boys...looks like you've got some fighting to do before we see who gets a shot at these titles. But we kind of like having them with us.

The Perfect Storm walks away as the MoB and LoA stare each other down.

In the next match we saw Italian Roc fight The Mexicutioner. These two went back and forth but in the end the Mexicutioner reversed the Roc Slide into the Burrito Boomerang and pinned the former Heavyweight Champion.

Kaiser is seen wrapping up a training session at the gym wearing an all-black jump suit and the NoW Heavyweight Championship next to his gym bag.

Kaiser: "I know you're all out there, mad, ugly looking and all, jealous that you aren't the champion."

Kaiser chuckles. "Soon enough, I'll be fixing your ugly mugs and defending this shiny belt here. I hope you hacks are ready for the champion to give you the business."

Kaiser grabs his bag, places the NoW Heavyweight Championship over his left shoulder and walks out of the scene.

It is announced that next week, Oden and Thor will face off with Tank Sinatra and Big Crazy with the winner challenging for the tag team titles at Retribution.

The main event saw "Grand Slam" Dave Jumper squaring off with Twin City Saints, Damien James Reiker. Reiker and Jumper went back and forth, but Reiker's tag team partner Marcus Claudaine provided a distraction and Jumper was rolled up for the 1..2...3... Schrader came down to help but it was too late. Reiker and Claudaine celebrated up the ramp as Thrill went off the air.