Sept 7, 2018


Edna L. Seyb Auditorium
Kahoka, MO

The card starts out with Axel Kaiser coming to the ring with his newly won NoW Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder. Before he can say a word, "Funky Boss" by the Beastie Boys plays and out comes President Richmond. He gets in the ring.

Richmond: Before anyone says anything.... what you did at Destiny II was a blatant power grab. It was taking matters in your own hands with total disregard for the rules.

Kaiser secures the title on his shoulder and stares a hole through President Richmond.

And that's exactly what Professional Wrestling is all about. So congratulations.

Richmond offers his hand and Kaiser reluctantly shakes it.

Now... in the sense of fairness.... over the next couple of weeks... we will have matches to determine who your next challenger will be at our next Headliner show...Retribution. So next week, Damien James Reiker will square off with Dave Jumper, Italian Roc will go head to head with the Mexicutioner, and Manslaughter and Tremier Vampyre will do battle. The three winners will fight in a triple threat the following week, with the winner squaring off with you in the main event of Retribution. The target is on your back Mr. Kaiser... enjoy it.

The first match on the card saw Oden defeat Jeb Hickory.

The next match we saw Italian defeat Damon Reid.

Dave Jumper and National Champion Dick Shrader came to the ring for the main event. Shrader took the microphone.

Shrader: For a year and a half this National Title has either been with me or my good friend Dave Jumper... that's unprecedented. Dave is the longest reigning champion ever....I'm #2 and coming up closer to him. Headliner show, after headliner show....title defense after title defense. We continue to win. Retribution will be more of the same. I will defend this title, Jumper will regain the Heavyweight Title. Simple as that.

The Main event was Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader v. Pace and Ambrosia. Mid match, the Masters of Blood hit the ring and destroyed everyone. Rowdy Richie stood over Dick Shrader and draped the National Title on his chest and took a microphone.

Richie: Challenge Accepted Mr. Shrader.

Thrill went off the air with the Masters of Blood standing tall.