The show starts off with a promo for tonight's main event a 10 man battle royal featuring all the competitors in the singles Title matches at Destiny. National Champion Dick Shrader, his opponent Tank Sinatra, Bruiserweight Champion Diamond Goro, his opponent Axel Kaiser, Italian Roc, Manslaughter, Damien James Reiker, The Mexicutioner, Tremier Vampyre, and the Heavyweight Champion Dave Jumper.

The show starts with one of two matches in the semifinals of the tag team tournament for the #1 contender spot. Oden and Thor battled The Mates, Pace and Ambrosia. Oden was getting ready to put Ambrosia away when he was distracted by the current tag team champions Big Crazy and Rowdy Richie, causing Ambrosia to get him in a school boy roll up and sneak out a victory.

Backstage We see Axel Kaiser walking back stage when Tremier Vampyre gets in his way.

Tremier: Ya know...I almost came back when you were Bruiserweight Champion... you disrespected that title and at Destiny you'll fight for it again. I kind of hope you win, because after I get done with this Heavyweight Title....I'm coming for MY Bruiserweight title....for now....I have to settle for throwing you out of this battle royal.

Kaiser cocks back to hit the fix your face but Tremier backs out of the way.

Ah Ah Ah...not just yet....

Tremier escapes into the darkness with Kaiser ready to strike.

The next match saw the mismatch team of Levi Carmina and CPL Punishment squared off with up and comers Chase Alexander and Austin Lee 'The Perfect Storm' . This match went back and forth but eventually the Perfect Storm picked up the victory hitting the Eye of the Storm on Carmina and advanced to the finals. After the match the Renegades hit the ring and put a beat down on CPL Punishment and Carmina. Pace and Ambrosia came down to make the save. The Perfect Storm jawed them from the stage setting up their match at Destiny.

The Announcers go over the final card for Destiny.

Levi Carmina and CPL Punishment vs. Ted Lavigne and Avery Amazing

#1 Contenders tournament finals
The Perfect Storm vs. The Mates

Oden v. BeeHeMoth

#1 Contender for the National Title
Thor v. Reed Grimm v. Donald Dodge Dodson v. Marcus Claudaine

Bruiserweight Title Match
Diamond Goro (c) v. Axel Kaiser

National Title Match
Dick Shrader (c) v. Tank Sinatra

Tag Title Match
Rowdy Richie & Big Crazy (c) v. Tournament Winners

Heavyweight Title Elimination Chamber Match
Dave Jumper (c) v. Italian Roc v. Manslaughter v. Damien James Reiker v. The Mexicutioner v. Tremier Vampyre

The battle royal to close the show started as you might expect with a free for all battle between Destiny opponents. Manslaughter was oddly enough the first eliminated as he got overzealous coming after Italian Roc and was tossed out from behind by Dick Shrader. Axel Kaiser did get a shot in on Tremier Vampyre and it was a good one hitting a fix your face and knocking him over the top rope and to the floor. Tremier laughed as he was eliminated and then headed up the ramp and it looked as tho he and Manslaughter's handler, Gabrielle Gray were having a conversation heading into the back.The Mexicutioner threw out Tank Sinatra. Diamond Goro then eliminated his Destiny opponent Axel Kaiser. Italian Roc and Dave Jumper went back and forth tossing each other off the top rope but making the saving so neither was eliminated. Dave Jumper hit a big rubbing knee on the Mexicutioner. Dave Jumper eliminated Diamond Goro. The Mexicutioner hit the Burrito Boomerang on Damien James Reiker and eliminated him

. We were down to the final four with Dick Shrader, Dave Jumper, Italian Roc and The Mexicutioner. Shrader with right after Italian Roc as The Mexicutioner went for the Heavyweight Champion. The Mexictoner avoived a Jump the Shark and eliminated Dave Jumper!
The Mexicutioner then went over and helped Italian Roc eliminate Shrader as well! It was down to two men, The Mexicutioner and Italian Roc and they circled each other. They locked up with Mexicutioner getting a headlock on Italian Roc. He lifted Roc up for the Burrito Boomerang but Italin Roc got it into a huricanrana and eliminated The Mexicutioner. Italian Roc hit the turnbuckle, pointing at the Destiny logo hanging from the rafters as Thrill went off the air!