We open with scenes from last week, the announcement of the Elimination Chamber match...Tremier Vampyre, Manslaughter, Damien James Reiker, The Mexicutioner, and Italian Roc all securing spots to square off for the NoW Heavyweight Title held by Dave Jumper.

Johnny Waubonsie and Bud, the Nation of Wrestling announcers, state that an 8 team tournament will begin tonight to determine the #1 contenders for the NoW Tag Team Titles. They run down the rest of the card Axel Kaiser v. Diamond Goro for the Bruiserweight Title, Tank Sinatra challenges the NoW Nation Champion Dick Shrader and the previously mentioned Elimination Chamber match.

The First tag team match of the night featured Oden and Thor squaring off with Ivan Breznev and Jeb Hickory of The Renegades. Thor hit the Thunderclap on Jeb Hickory to move them on in the tournament.

Backstage we see CPL Punishment in the locker room and Levi Carmina walks up to him.

Levi: Punishment my great and good friend. I've seen you do it all here in NoW….win every title.. defeat pretty much everyone. But I see this little spat you're having against the Renegades and darling.... you can't do it alone. So I took the liberty of getting us in this little tag team tournament...and our first match is tonight... against Ted Lavigne and Avery Amazing.

Carmina pats him on the shoulder and walks out leaving CPL Punishment just shaking his head.

Carmina's Mates... Pace and Ambrosia took advantage of some miscommunication between Rage Hammer and Mayhem to advance in the tag title tournament. Rage Hammer and Mayhem were nose to nose arguing after the match, but didn't come to blows.

Carmina and CPL Punishment made their tag team debut against Lavigne and Amazing of the Renegades. The match ended when Levi Carmina distracted the referee enough to slip Punishment some brass knuckles. Punishment refused to use the brass knuckles, but as the referee was getting them away from him, Carmina used some knuckles of his own to hit Avery Amazing and secure the victory. Punishment looked disgusted with Carmina as their hands were raised.

Backstage we see Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader, Jumper is talking into the camera.

Jumper: Most Champions would be complaining up a storm about being in an Elimination Chamber match. But anyone who this isn't their first time watching the Nation of Wrestling knows....I thrive on this. I won the Survival match....I won the Pentagram Challenge match.... what's an Elimination Chamber match when the last two matches I've been in are some of the most difficult in the history of the sport?? Destiny will end live most Headliner shows do.... With Dave Jumper's hand raised.

The final match of the night saw the Perfect Storm defeat Loki and Sue of the Lords of Asgard to advance in the tournament. Rowdy Richie and Big Crazy came to the stage with the rest of the Masters of Blood and held the tag team titles high as Thrill went off the air.