Opening Segment
We start with highlights of President Richmond announcing the tag team title tournament for the #1 contender for the Tag Team Title tournament and the eight teams involved. Johnny Waubonsie and Bud add in that the first round of that tournament would start tonight.
Match Type Participants Time
Tag Team The Twin City Saints v. Ivan Breznev and Jeb Hickory 4:12
The longest reigning tag team champions started their quest towards the titles once again as they squared off with Ivan Breznev and Jeb Hickory. The Twin City Saints left no doubt in the crowd's mind that they are ready to mow through the other teams in the tournament and challenge for the titles as they defeated the Renegades.
Interview with President Richmond
In a previously recorded segment we have President Richmond sitting down with Johnny Waubonsie.

JW: President Richmond, I appreciate you taking time to clear the air about some things that have happened recently.

JR: Not a problem at all, I always have time for the NoW fans!

Let's cut right to the chase. The NoW audience is abuzz after your heel turn at Final Fight, costing Rowdy Richie the Heavyweight Title.

Hold on, hold on, hold on. Heel turn? Johnny, Johnny,'ve been around the business a long long time. Good gracious man, you're a Rebellion Online Wrestling hall of famer! Have you not seen how the NoW is different than any other promotion around? There's no 'faces' and there's no 'heels'. This is a business. This is real life my man. Do you sit at home and think about people you know and like..yup this guys a babyface. Oh this girl is a heel. No! We are all here for one reason. To work. To make money. To improve our position! Maybe some people LIKE how I 'supposedly' screwed over Rowdy Richie. Listen, I'll admit I have done some dastardly deeds in the past. The Lords of Asgard and I went round and round and round. But The NoW has been back for almost two years and I have been 100% impartial my man. I've dealt with Instinct, Vic Viceroy, and the Masters of Blood trying to run this place and I've come out, made matches and flown the NoW banner every single day. But listen there comes a time when someone gets pushed too far man. I can't blame Rowdy Richie for what he did. He cashed in his NoW is the Time clock in the middle of the Final Fight Tournament, totally screwing it up. I can't blame Richie. He had to sit there and watch his buddies Italian Roc and BeeHeMoth be on top of the mountain while he couldn't move up the card to save his life. he would earn a title shot here and there and then get spanked at a headliner show. He made a bold move. I admire it. Don't have to like it. I don't have to like it at all. So you asked about a heel turn? I didn't turn heel J-Dubya. I am still the same person I've been since I started this damn thing. I've been Jason Richmond. Sometimes I'm nice. Sometimes I'm not. Simple as that. Am I going to 'screw over' Rowdy Richie and the Masters of Blood again? That's all how you interpret it. You're going to be seeing an announcement next week that's not going to make me very popular with most of the NoW roster. But that's next week. This week I am here to answer your question I guess. I guess you really haven't asked a question yet have you?

Nope, sure haven't.

Yeah sorry about that. Well I think I told you pretty much all you need to know for now....more to come. Richmond gets up and pats Waubonsie on the shoulder as he shakes his head.

Match Type Participants Time
Tag Team Rage Hammer and Mayhem v. The Mates 3:18
Rage Hammer and Mayhem continued their on again off again tag team, defeating the Mates and advancing in the tournament
Manslaughter and the Renegades
Backstage Segment
Backstage we see Manslaughter who is peacefully rocking back and forth with Gabriel Gray at his side. Avery Amazing and Ted Lavigne are walking by for their match and they stop. Lavigne: Oooo looked at the caged monkey and his handler! Manslaughter goes to take a step forward but Gray holds up his hand and Manslaughter stops.

oooooo Big scary Monster!

Lavigne and Amazing laugh and head to the ring.

Match Type Participants Time
Tag Team Ted Lavigne and Avery Amazing v. The Perfect Storm 5:05
The Perfect Storm continued their impressive run in the NoW, defeating the Renegades using a fast paced arsenal. After the match Manslaughter came to the ring and destroyed both men. Bloodied up Avery Amazing.
Preview of next week
It was announced that next week Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader will meet their War Zone opponents, Italian Roc and The Mexicutioner.
Match Type Participants Time
Tag Team Rowdy Richie and Big Crazy v. Donald Dodge Dodson and Dick Hurtz 1:15
Rowdy Richie and Donald Dodge Dodson started the match off and Richie gave little time for debate as he ran through Dodson, hitting the end of the line and the train wreck to pick up the victory. Richmond and dead of security Colossus were on the stage smiling and sarcastic clapping for Richie. Richmond and Rowdy Richie stared each other down as Thrill went off the air.