The Card opens up with a video package of last week's Thrill with Dave Jumper in the ring, giving the National Title to Dick Shrader and announcing the tournament at Warzone for the Bruiserweight Title
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Singles BeeHeMoth v. Donald Dodge Dodson 6:12
BeeHeMoth defeated Dodson with the Flight of the Wounded Bumble Bee
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Singles Dick Hurtz v. Axel Kaiser 5:10
Dick Hurtz put up solid offense but Kaiser got the victory with the Fix Your Face
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Singles Reed Grimm v. Avery Amazing 1:22
Reed Grimm continued his impressive early run in the NoW defeating Avery Amazing quickly
After this match President Richmond came to the stage with a microphone.

Richmond: Reed Grimm, you've certainly been impressive and you have already earned a Bruiserweight Title match. So while other newcomers in the NoW will have to earn their way into that match to face you. As of right now Diamond Goro is the only other man to be entered into that tournament. Vic Viceroy, while we have had our differences in the past, he is back in the NoW, working vigorously to scout new talent. Now some people you think should be in the tournament is the Perfect Storm, but I have something that I think they will enjoy more. Starting next week we will start a tag team tournament with the winners facing Axel Kaiser and CPL Punishment at Warzone. It'll be The Perfect Storm, The Twin City Saints, The Mates, Dick Hurtz and Donald Dodge Dodson, Tank Sinatra and Italian Roc, Ivan Breznev and Jeb Hickory, Big Crazy and Rowdy Richie, and Mayhem and Rage Hammer. The winner of this tournament will fight for the tag team championship at Warzone.

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Singles The Perfect Storm v. Jeb Hickory and Ivan Breznev 4:14
In a preview of two teams that will be in the tag team tournament the Perfect Storm showed that they are going to be a force to be reckoned with as they defeated the two members of the Renegades.
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Singles Diamond Goro v. Damon Reid 3:23
Diamond Goro hit the Diamond Dust on Damon Reid and picked up the victory.
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Singles Levi Carmina v. Ted Lavigne 6:04
Levi Carmina and Ted Lavigne continued their rivalry going back and forth, but Carmina ended up picking up the victory.
Gabriel Gray stands in the middle of the ring flanked by his team of security while the violent, yet childlike, Manslaughter slumps in one of the corners of the ring rocking back and forth in a rhythmic manner.

Gray: Much like the fearless lion tamer that breaks down a wild beast only to build it back up again with the instilled sense of who is the master and who is the servant, I, Gabriel Gray, the savior of wayward souls, has taken this hostile lunatic fit for nothing but the kill, and has moulded him into an unstoppable machine of purpose.

The fans boo as Gabriel looks out over the crowd before a smug smile spreads across his lips.

Gray: Perhaps a demonstration is needed.

Gray turns his attention to the security team that have kept Manslaughter in check in recent times.

Gray: Gentlemen, your services are no longer needed, Manslaughter if you will.

Manslaughter immediately straightens up in the corner before going on a rampage and destroying his security force with no mercy as Gabriel Gray calmly paces around the ring avoiding the chaos as it unfolds around him. As the final member of the security force is ejected from the ring Gray mentions for Manslaughter to kneel before him, the monster does so like an obedient disciple.

Gray: For too long the false kings have stood at the thrones of power, wearing the gold that symbolises their dominance over the Nation of Wrestling, it is time these pretenders fall before those that wield real power. Manslaughter my child, bring me what I desire, bring me the key to fame and wealth unimaginable, bring me the Nation of Wrestling Heavyweight Title and cement my…our legacy at the pinnacle of the mountain.

Manslaughter slowly nods as Sawdust in the Blood plays through the arena sound system.

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Singles Italian Roc v. The Mexicutioner 9:15
These two showed why they were set up for title matches at Warzone, in the end Italian Roc reversed the Burrito Boomerang into the Roc slide and picked up the victory
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Tag Team Match Rowdy Richie and Big Crazy v. Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader 19:14
The long brewing rivalry between the Masters of Blood and Jumper and Shrader didn't disappoint in the main event. These teams went back and forth but the ending came when Dick Shrader isolated Rowdy Richie in the crowd and Dave Jumper hit the Jump the Shark on Big Crazy in the ring and picked up the victory. Shrader and Jumper celebrated with their titles as Rowdy Richie glared at them from ringside as Thrill went off the air.