The show starts off with Dave Jumper coming down to the ring carrying all three NoW titles and Dick Shrader walking behind him. He gets into the ring and takes a microphone.

Jumper: I told you all I'd do it... I told you it would happen. The Final Fight tournament. I've officially walked through everyone on the NoW Roster. But as is the rules of the Nation of Wrestling, if someone holds multiple singles titles, they get to keep one and decide what happens to the rest. Well which one am I going to keep is the question. Since March 17, 2016 I have held the National Title and I have made it the most prestigious title in the History of the NoW. Well the Heavyweight Title is finally, after 5 1/2 years, back around my waist. So it is BACK to being the top title in the Nation of Wrestling again. Now for the National title. Don't worry NoW fans, the prestige of the National title isn't going anywhere, because I'm handing it over to my good friend Dick Shrader so he can start his reign with it ya know, until we meet again in Final Fight.

Jumper hands the title over to Shrader and they shake hands.

Now onto the Bruiserweight Title. Since I've pretty much ran through the entire lockerroom, I don't feel anyone here deserves this. We have some new faces coming in like Diamond Goro and Reed Grimm. I like it. New people for Shrader and I to defeat. I hear Vic Viceroy is working hard to sign some new talent. So I say at warzone we have a tournament for this title. The only stipulation for this tournament is this.... Everyone entered in the tournament, cannot have competed against me before. It's time for new blood to come face me, and I'll give you a chance. I will leav eall the particulars up to President Richmond but..

At that Rowdy Richie and the rest of the Masters of Blood come walking down the ramp.

Rowdy Richie:

Oh yeah oh yeah, you'll leave the particulars to Richmond. Just like you left all the particulars to Richmond in winning the title at Final Fight. The last two times we fought you won by countout and then you won because that big oaf head of security Colossus clocked me in the jaw. I'll deal with you later because Italian Roc is going to bring that title back home at Warzone but I'm out here to call out Colossus.

With the MoB in the aisle and Jumper and Shrader in the ring 'Funky Boss' plays and President Richmond and Colossus come to the stage.

Richmond: Richie, Richie, Richie what are you talking about. From my point of view Dave Jumper beat you fair and square.

Fair and square? Colossus clocking me, that's fair?

Colossus is a head of security these days! His wrestling days are behind him yet you're calling him out. And saying he cost you your match? Let's look at the footage.

[Richmond points to the screen and we see footage of Final Fight and it goes up to the point where Richmond came down to the ring and it cuts to footage of Jumper and Richie's National Title match from 'Cataclysm' where Jumper reversed the End of the Line and hit the Jump the Shark. Richie is shaking his head.

What the hell was that. That's obviously doctored footage.

Richmond shrugs.

I mean you see what you see, I see what I see.

Seriously? We are in different ring gear?!

To-may-to, ta-mah-toe, whatever the fact of the matter is Dave Jumper is the Heavyweight Champion and he will face Italian Roc at Warzone. But if you want a match we can make a match, let's have it as our Main Event tonight. Colossus vs. Rowdy Richie.

[Colossus clenches his fists as Richie and the Mob nod.

The first match of the night saw the tag team debut of the Perfect Storm Chase Alexander and Austin Lee vs. The Mates, Pace and Ambrosia. The new high flying team put the tag team division on notice as they put on a high flying display to defeat the Mates.

The next match saw the battle between the final two men in the battle royal from Final Fight as Damien James Reiker and Reed Grimm battled. He showed off his two finishers to the crowd, End Times and the Death Grip, picking up a victory.

Backstage we see Axel Kaiser and CPL Punishment with their Tag Team Titles.

Kaiser: Listen. I don't like you. I'm sure you don't like me. But I like being a champion. So continue to stay out of my way and this will work just fine.

CPL Punishment grins.

Punishment: We are both Grand Slam Champions. We both know about winning. I think we will be ok. I'm just letting you know if you decide to go rough....there will be Punishment.

They stare each other down and Punishment taps the title on Kaisers shoulder and walks off.

The next match was Avery Amazing against Diamond Goro. Goro won the match in quick fashion, showing that Vic Viceroy's recruiting has been going well.

It's announced that next week we will get an exclusive interview with Gabriel Gray and Manslaughter on what's next in the career of Manslaughter.

The Main Event was nothing of a match at all as soon as Colossus hit the ring he was attacked by the Masters of Blood. They left the Director of Security in a heap as Thrill went off the air.

Next Week's card

Announcement about the #1 Contender for the tag team titles

BeeHeMoth v. Donald Dodge Dodson

Dick Hurtz v. Axel Kaiser

Reed Grimm v. Avery Amazing

The Perfect Storm v. Jeb Hickory and Ivan Breznev

Diamond Goro v. Damon Reid

Levi Carmina v. Ted Lavigne

An interview with Manslaughter and Gabriel Gray

Rowdy Richie and Big Crazy v. Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader

Italian Roc v. the Mexicutioner

and more!