The semifinals of the Final Fight and we start off with a video package of the four semifinalists, Dick Shrader, Heavyweight Champion BeeHeMoth, Bruiserweight Champion CPL Punishment, and National Champion Dave Jumper. The video package also pointed out if Dave Jumper is victorious tonight, he will have held the National Title for one calendar year.

The show started off with the Heavyweight Title match with newly crowned heavyweight title holder BeeHeMoth facing off with Dick Shrader. Dick Shrader and BeeHeMoth went toe to toe and back and forth. BeeHeMoth hit the Flight of the Wounded Bumblebee on Shrader and pinned him, but Shrader kicked out. Shrader fought back and ended up hitting a running clothesline on BeeHeMoth and winning the Heavyweight Title. Dick Shrader was celebrating with the Title as he had become a two time champion. But as he turned around he ran right into a Train Wreck from Rowdy Richie who had come through the crowd. Rowdy Richie then turned over his NoW is the Time Clock and had the bell ring to turn in his title match. Richie then hit an End of the Line, and then picked Shrader up and hit another one on him and pinned Shrader to become the NEW Heavyweight Champion.

The next match of the night was Dick Hurtz gaining a victory over Damon Reid.

In the next bout, the Mexicutioner faced off with Donald Dodge Dodson. This was a well fought match, but The Mexicutioner winded up hitting the Burrito Boomerang to pick up the victory.

The next match saw the Masters of Blood squaring off with the Renegades. The Masters of Blood were totally dominating this match but during the middle of the match Manslaughter came down to the ring with a crazy look in his eyes, looking like he was ready to attack, but Gabriel Grey came down and calmed him down. The match ended when Italian Roc hit a Roc Slide on Jeb Hickory to get the win. While the MoB was celebrating 'Funky Boss' played and President Richmond came to the stage.

Richmond: Plenty of people I need to talk to out here so I decided to do this NoW. Rowdy Richie, first of all congrats on your Heavyweight Championship win. While I am not happy you messed up how the Final Fight tournament is supposed to work, rules are rules and the rules of the NoW is the Time clock is that you can redeem it any time, anywhere. So with that being said.... the winner of the Final Fight Tournament will still get a shot at the Heavyweight Title that night. Dick Shrader will fight the winner of our main event between CPL Punishment and Dave Jumper for the Bruiserweight and National Titles. Then the winner of that match will get a Heavyweight Title Match vs. Rowdy Richie in our main event.

Richie doesn't look too pleased with this but the rest of the MoB talk him up and he gets more confident.

Also I want to name a #1 contender for the Warzone Headliner show. So in a match at Final Fight, Italian Roc will face off with BeeHeMoth and Manslaughter, with the winner getting a Heavyweight Title Shot at Warzone, our April Headliner Show.

Manslaughter licks his lips as he stares at Roc and BeeHeMoth in the ring.

Also there will be a National Title shot on the line as The Mexicutioner will square off with Tank Sinatra. The Tag Team titles held by CPL Punishment and Axel Kaiser will be defended against Dick Hurtz and Donald Dodge Dodson. And then everyone else on the roster not on the card will be in a battle royal with the winner gaining a Bruiserweight Title Match at Warzone.

Richmond's music hits again and he heads to the back.

All the talk was about Dave Jumper and the National Title as he goes to hold the title for a full year as he squares off with another Grand Slam Champion in CPL Punishment. Punishment came out of the gate early picking up the advantage as he wore down Dave Jumper slowly. He used a series of rest holds to try and suck the wind out of the longest reigning champion in NoW history. Jumper finally started to gain some momentum, turning the tide his way. He hit a Jump the Shark and went for the cover, but Punishment got his foot on the bottom rope. The Action went to the outside and CPL Punishment gained an advantage, but when the action got back into the ring, Jumper hit a Jump the Shark yet again and this time he pinned Punishment to not only defend the National Title, but also gain the Bruiserweight Title. Dick Shrader came down and the two had a stand off and shook hands and then the Masters of Blood came to the stage and Rowdy Richie held the Heavyweight Title high as Thrill went off the air.

Bonus points

Dick Shrader +1 Dave Jumper +1 Rowdy Richie +1

Headliner card will be posted on the website.