March 2

Clark Co. High School
Kahoka, MO

The first week of Final Fight started with Donald Dodge Dodson and Dick Hurtz coming to the ring. Dick Hurtz took a microphone.

Hurtz: Listen everyone. This Final Fight tournament is a great thing and all. One winner, top man in the NoW. But I have a problem. Mr. Dodson here and I are not in this tournament. I realize we've both been on a bit of a losing streak here lately, but come on! We are both former I propose.... DDD and I fight Pace and Ambrosia and if we win, we get their spots! I mean seriously they qualified by winning a tag team match they never got tagged in to! What do you say.

['Funky Boss' plays and President Richmond comes to the stage but his music is overplayed by 'Bad' by Michael Jackson and Levi Carmina and the Mates make theirway to the stage.]

Carmina: President Richmond sir, if you will. I know you're a fair, fair man.... but really allow me to speak for the Mates and say they accept this little challenge. They'll put their spots on the line to stop listening to this whining.

[Richmond nods his head]

Richmond: Alright well making my job easier. I am alright with adding another match to the card and in the season of March Madness adding a 'Play in' game if you will. Let's start it up right now!

So the first match of the night was an impromptu tag match between Donald Dodge Dodson and Dick Hurtz vs. the Mates. This match was evenly match as Dodson and Hurtz showed flashes of being a good team, but the Mates are obviously more experienced at tagging with each other. The Mates were on a roll until Dodson hit the Snapback on Pace and picked up the victory!

The next match was a Heavyweight Title match with the newly crowned champion Italian Roc putting the title on the line against Damien James Reiker. The former tag team champion came out of the gates firing, putting Italian Roc on his heels multiple times! Italian Roc had to battle hard to get out of the first round but he eventually got the victory with the Roc slide. He clutched his Heavyweight title close realizing he was close to losing it.

BeeHeMoth squared off against the always dangerous Manslaughter in the next match, with the winner squaring off next week with the Heavyweight Champion Italian Roc. BeeHeMoth really brought it to Manslaughter and Manslaughter got frustrated and wrestled away a tazer from one of his security guards and hit BeeHeMoth with it, Beehemoth won by disqualification as the security team held Manslaughter from going crazy.

The next match was for the Bruiserweight title as Tank Sinatra and the Mexicutioner faced off. The Mexicutioner started the match off with a chain on his fist and nailed Tank right in the midsection. He picked up Tank for the Burrito Boomerang but Tank got out of it and back body dropped the Bruiserweight Champion onto the floor. Tank continued his assault with a kendo stick on the outside. He then got Mexicutioner into the ring and hit a powerslam off the top rope and pinned Mexicutioner to become the new Bruiserweight champion! Italian Roc came down to celebrate with his cousin as the two held their titles high in the air!

Damon Reid squared off with CPL Punishment. One half of the tag team champions was on fire, never missing a step during the match and picking up the victory. He will face Bruiserweight Champion Tank Sinatra next week in round 2.

The other half of the tag team champions Axel Kaiser faced Levi Carmina with a chance at the National Championship on the line. Kaiser ended up winning the match with the FYI Driver.

Dick Hurtz fought his way into a match with Dick Shrader. He might of wish he wasn't since Shrader was none too happy after dropping the Heavyweight Title at Mass Destruction. He defeated Hurtz to move on to round 2.

Donald Dodge Dodson vs. Rowdy Richie was up next and this was a knock down drag out fight. For having worked a match previously in the night you'd never know it as these two went back and forth. Rowdy Richie ended up picking up the victory with an End of the Line. He and Dodson shook hands after the match.

The Main Event was National Champion Dave Jumper, who needs to make it to the finals of Final Fight to hold to National title for an entire calendar year, faced off with Marcus Claudaine of the Twin City Saints. Marcus Claudaine took it to the National Champion early much like his tag team partner did to the Heavyweight Champion. Jumper got the advantage back with a slingblade but Claudaine kept charging back. He got a few near falls on Jumper with some chain wrestling, but Jumper hit the Jump the Shark and won the match. Jumper hit the turnbuckles with the National Title as Thrill went off the air.

Tank Sinatra +1

Next Week's Card

Dick Hurtz and Donald Dodge Dodson vs. Twin City Saints

Manslaughter v. Levi Carmina

Italian Roc (c) v. BeeHeMoth

Dick Shrader v. Rowdy Richie

Tank Sinatra (c) v. CPL Punishment

Dave Jumper(c) v. Axel Kaiser