Thrill starts off live with the Heavyweight Champion Italian Roc coming to the ring. He immediately grabs a microphone.

Roc: After everything that happened last week, Shrader and Jumper I want both of you all titles on the line! Make it happen Richmond!

[ 'Funky Boss' by the Beastie Boys plays and President Richmond comes down to the ring. He steps through the ropes

Richmond: I'm not usually one for taking demands from Superstars.... but I have to say that is intriguing indeed. But a challenge has been laid out.... let's see what Shrader and Jumper have to say about it.

[Jumper and Shrader come down to the ring, Jumper with a cocky grin on his face and Shrader with his normal menacing look. Jumper holds out his hand and asks for a microphone and one his handed to him.]

Jumper: Oh great, here we go. Roc how stupid do you think we are? You want us to accept a match where you think you can drive a wedge between us, have us beat the hell out of each other, and then steal a win and both of our titles? Not a chance. The best case scenario is that one of us are guaranteed to lose our strap. Then on top of that, Dick or myself would then have to defend all three titles at the Now is the Time PPV against three of the best NOW has to offer. Worse case scenario, you bring your M.O.B. buddies down to ringside, out number us and beat the hell out of both of us. Since there is no disqualification in a triple threat match, all of that would be nice and legal. So you again steal our titles from us. If I've said it once, I've said it 1000 times, the main event is wherever I happen to be wrestling on the card that night. I don't need the heavyweight title to be in the main event. I have the most important title in the promotion, because I've held if for nearly 300 days. The heavyweight title has been given back and forth from paper champion to paper champion with its prestige dropping a bit every time. I don't need the heavyweight title, the heavyweight title needs me. So to answer your challenge, no there won't be a triple threat for all the titles next week. I think the big man does have a proposition, though.

Dick Shrader steps forward and takes off his sunglasses.

Shrader:DJ might not need the title but I would like to join him as a grand slam champion. Yeah, that has a nice ring to it, Grand Slam Dick Shrader. So if you want a match so bad why don't you make it through Now is the Time, and then we can have a title for title match and I can join my boy as the only two grand slam champions in NOW history.

[Dick Hurtz struts down to the ring and looks around but all the microphones are currently taken. Richmond hands him his.]

Hurtz: Ah yes the mafioso the don the Italian Roc wants it all you may be one of the top dogs here but I'm a rising Star. Do you see this? Tag team gold I've held it now for....? Hmmm well for a very long time now. How about you face me one on one and see who's better The Italian Roc or The Big Dick. What you say?

[Jumper steps forward.]

You realize there's only TWO reasons you're even a tag team champion. #1 is because in our title match the Masters of Blood decided to poke their nose where it didn't belong and because the real Big Dick here in the NoW and I allowed it.

Jumper not down for it, not surprised. But Shrader all for becoming the Gran Slam. Is that pancakes and eggs from IHOP? Fuhgeddaboudit! Oh and Dick Hurtz wants to get some of his spaghetti and meatballs. Hahaha! How about this? Next week Hurtz vs Shrader not for title. Winner faces me. Because I still need to face Cpl Punishment and he's no joke man. Richmond it's up you now my friend. How you doin! Fuhgeddaboudit!

Richmond gets his microphone back from Hurtz.

You're right it is up to me. And listen to all you all jaw jack each other has been great. I mean it. But let's look at it this way everyone. Good things come to those who wait. In less than two months we will start the Final Fight Tournament. A single elimination tournament where the winner will hold every NoW single title. Each and every one of you will be entered into that tournament. But we are all putting the cart before the horse here.

Italian Roc, I appreciate that you're a fighting champion. The idea of a triple threat all titles on the line match is an intriguing idea.

But Mr. J... Excuse me..."Grand Slam" Dave Jumper also brings up a great point about the variability of a triple threat match and I also like that the only time one man can hold all three singles titles is at the end of the Final Fight tournament.

Shrader.... you bring up a good point about being a Heavyweight Title win away from being a Grand Slam champion.... but CPL Punishment, Axel Kaiser, Rowdy Richie, and Donald Dodge Dodson are all a tag team title win away from being Grand Slam Champions. So I'm proposing this. Let's call the Thrill after NoW is the Time "Grand Slam Friday" . Dick Shrader will face the winner of CPL Punishment and Italian Roc for the NoW Heavyweight Title. CPL Punishment, Axel Kaiser, Donald Dodge Dodson and Rowdy Richie will fight in a fatal fourway next week the winner will get to pick their partner out of their opponents in that match, the other two will be paired up and those two teams will face off with the Tag Team Champions in a tornado tag team match. So... there could be not 1, not 2, but 3 new members of the 'Grand Slam' club after 'Grand Slam' Friday.

And Dick Hurtz... I will agree that you are indeed a rising star here and you've made a big impression in a quick amount of time. I sense there will be many title matches in your future. But you have an opportunity to get to the Heavyweight title about as quick as you can. You defeat your tag team partner, The Mexicutioner, tonight....and you win the NoW is the Time ladder match. Then you get a shot at the NoW Heavyweight Title whenever you want. Right after the Italian Roc v. CPL Punishment match if you want..... or right after the Dick Shrader title match on 'Grand Slam Friday'. Win those two matches and the ball is in your court. But.... you have to beat your tag team partner first....and that match is right let's clear the ring!

The superstars clear the ring except for Dick Hurtz as his partner the Mexicutioner comes to the ring. These two, who have been reluctant champions from the start, wasted no time exchanging shots at each other. These two went back and forth until the Mexicutioner hit the Burrito Boomerang and picked up the victory over his tag team partner.

Donald Dodge Dodson faced former Tag Team Champions Rage Hammer and Mayhem in the next triple threat match. Dodson ended up hitting the snapback on Mayhem and moved on to the NoW is the Time Ladder match.

The most decorated tag team in NoW history, the Twin City Saints went head to head for the first time in NoW History in our next qualifying match. Damien James Reiker defeated his partner Marcus Claudaine to advance.

The next match was not exciting at all, as both Pace and Ambrosia laid down at the same time and let Levi Carmina pin them both to advance.

The next match saw the newly formed faction 'the Renegades' going at it, in the end Jeb Hickory pinned his tag team partner Ivan Breznev to earn the spot in the NoW is the Time match.

All eyes were on the Masters of Blood as Rowdy Richie, Big Crazy, Tank Sinatra, and BeeHeMoth main evented the Thrill card. These guys held nothing back on each other going toe to toe and battling all over the ring. Rowdy Richie ended up prevailing after pinning his long time running mate Big Crazy. After the match Rowdy Richie took the microphone.

Richie: The rise of Richie starts NoW! I'm going to make everyone in the NoW is the Time match wish they didn't qualify. I'm the biggest! I'm the Strongest! and when all is said and done I'll have that clock!

The other members of the Masters of Blood congratulate Richie as Thrill goes off the air.

Hey all, so I am actually on vacation right now and not able to update the site until Tuesday, but here is next week's card.

3 Beat the clock tag team matches- team who wins in the fastest time gets a tag team title shot next week

Pace and Ambrosia v. Twin City Saints

Jeb Hickory and Ivan Breznev v. Mayhem and Rage Hammer

BeeHeMoth and Big Crazy vs. Ted Lavigne and Avery Amazing

Dick Shrader, Dave Jumper, and Italian Roc v. Mexicutioner, Dick Hurtz, and Manslaughter

Donald Dodge Dodson v. Axel Kaiser v. Rowdy Richie v. CPL Punishment

card subject to change