The first Nation of Wrestling card of 2014 starts with 'Funky Boss' by the Beastie Boys playing and NoW President Jason Richmond coming to the ring. He swaggers up the steps and through the ropes.

Richmond: Welcome NoW fans to 2018!

The NoW Crowd at Hannibal La Grange College in Hannibal, Missouri cheers.

2017 was a great year for the Nation of Wrestling. We introduced a few new concepts, first being the summer break which will allow your favorite NoW superstars to recharge the batteries. The next was our first ever Super Show....Destiny. 2018 has some changes in store as well! But until then we have other business to attend to, and NoW is the Time!

The crowd cheers again.

NoW is the time is an exciting PPV where one NoW superstar will get a contract to challenge for the title ANY time, ANY place! But I've added a little twist this year, I am allowing our NoW singles champions to hand pick their opponents for this event! So without further ado.... I present to you NoW Heavyweight Champion....Italian Roc!

Roc comes to the ring and takes the microphone.

How you doin? So President Richmond asked me who I was going to pick to to face me for this title at NoW is the time, and I searched the roster high and low and I have decided to go with the man who ended the last era of NoW as champion, and started this era as champion....CPL Punishment.

[Before anyone can say anything else, Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader come to the ring, Jumper with a microphone in hand.

Jumper: Well, well, well. Once again the top title holder in the NoW..Dave playing second fiddle to the hot potato of the quote....'Heavyweight' Title. For 297 days....I have held this title and faced all comers... but ya know what, it all works out in the end. Because the way I figure it.... I'll hold this title for a year.... and then I'll win the Final Fight tournament and hold ALL of the NoW titles at once..and then...maybe THEN I'll get the respect I deserve. Another way to earn respect is to defeat respectful opponents. So I am picking someone who NO ONE else wants to face. I am picking a man who has never held the National Title. The most dangerous man in the NoW....I am picking Manslaughter!

Shrader takes the microphone.

Respect is a good word to use 'Grand Slam'. I am picking someone who used to hold the Bruiserweight Title. I am picking someone who didn't respect that title when he had it. I'm picking Axel Kaiser.

So respect will come. But as for NoW... We will wait. So Italian Roc, if you hold onto the title by Final Fight..we will meet then.

Jumper and Shrader stare at Roc and the rest of the Masters of Blood start coming down the aisle to back him up. Richmond steps in.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! As much as we all wanna see this fight, there's a time and a place for that! Jumper, Shrader, Roc... you guys need to set aside your differences because you three are facing your NoW is the Time opponents in the Main Event tonight in a tag team match! But I am glad the Masters of Blood came down here. Because it leads me into what my next announcement is going to be. Everyone on the roster not currently involved in a title match, is going to have a chance to be in the NoW is the Time ladder match! But here recently there's been a lot of teaming up going on. I see no problem with that, it's always good to have someone watch your back. But to make sure the NoW is the time ladder match has even representation there will be 6 matches next week. Each one of them will earn a shot in the NoW is the Time ladder match. One of Rowdy Richie vs. Big Crazy vs. BeeHeMoth vs. Tank Sinatra.

The Masters of Blood do not look pleased at this decision. As Richmond continues his announcements.

The next qualifying match will be the tag team champions going head to head, as the Mexicutioner and Dick Hurtz will go head to head. Levi Carmina, Pace and Ambrosia will fight for a spot,also Marcus Claudaine and Damien James Reiker. The other two matches will be Donald Dodge Dodson vs. Mayhem vs. Rage Hammer...and...

Richmond is interrupted by The Renegades as they come to the stage and Ted Lavigne has a microphone.

Lavigne: Let me guess.... just when the Renegades are starting to gain some steam and take over the NoW, you're going to put us in a match to try and divide us but its not going to work.

Well Mr. Lavigne you're quite right! The final qualifying match will be you, vs. Jeb Hickory vs. Ivan Breznev vs. Damon Reid vs. Avery Amazing..... But ya know, I think since you guys came out here....and the Masters of Blood are out here... let's have the the first match of 2018 be the team that dominated 2017, the Masters of Blood v. the newest assembled team the Renegades, and that match starts right now!

The match is made a 4 on 4 match with Richie, Tank, Crazy, and BeeHeMoth again Hickory, Breznev, Amazing, and Reid. The Masters of Blood picked apart the Renegades with Rowdy Richie hitting Avery Amazing with a Train Wreck for the win.

In the next match of the night, Donald Dodge Dodson, Mayhem and Rage Hammer fought Levi Carmina, Pace and Ambrosia. Dodson hit the snapback on Ambrosia for the win.

In the Main Event we saw Axel Kaiser, CPL Punishment and Manslaughter square off against Dave Jumper, Dick Shrader and Italian Roc. These teams obviously were not made for cohesiveness and that showed early on. Eventually Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader left Roc by himself and he was out numbered and Axel Kaiser hit the Fix Your Face on him and pinned him for the victory as Shrader and Jumper laughed from the stage and Thrill went off the air.