28 - April - 2017

State Farm Center
Champaign, IL
Main Event
Manslaughter(c) v. Donald Dodge Dodson

The former Assembly Hall in Champaign, IL was packed for the April Headliner event...Sabotage. "Sabotage" by the Beastie Boys hit as President Richmond came to the stage.

Richmond: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Sabotage!

The crowd pops.

So we didn't advertise any of the card except for the title matches because we wanted a little bit of a surprise tonight. We have two matches on the card besides the title matches...#1 is Axel Kaiser v. CPL Punishment..the winner will square off with the Heavyweight Champion at our NEXT Headliner show.... which will be LIVE in Joliet, IL and named "Cataclysm"! But that's then, this is NoW! And I really want to give someone else a chance at the Heavyweight Title, so, the next match will be a 12 man battle royal...and the winner of that match will face the winner of our Main Event, NEXT week on Thrill! Let's get it started!

Battle Royal for a shot at the Heavyweight Title

The first match of the evening had Ambrosia, BeeHeMoth, Ivan Breznev, Levi Carmina, El Serpentie de Lige, Loki, Mayhem, Oden, Pace, Dick Shrader, Tyr, and Tony Vasiliki. The match started off as you would expect with absolute chaos, no one was eliminated but everyone was down except for the two biggest men in the match, BeeHeMoth and Ivan Breznev. These two went toe to toe, blow for blow, they battled near the ring ropes and El Serpentie De Liga hit a dropkick, trying to help Breznev, but it eliminated both men. De Lige was the most shocked of all of them. Breznev was furious, but held in his anger. De Lige was almost eliminated by Levi Carmina and his mates but he slipped out. Oden, Loki, and Tyr teamed up against Levi Carmina and the Mates as the men from Vegas carefully avoided the attacks of the Lords of Asgard. Meanwhile Dick Shrader leveled Tony Vasiliki with a huge clothesline, eliminating him. Carmina eliminated Loki, as Tyr double clotheslined both of the Mates eliminating them, Carmina snuck up behind Tyr and dumped him out, Oden came after Carmina, But Carmina dropped his shoulder and back dropped Oden out, eliminating all of the Lords of Asgard himself. Carmina was celebrating and was hit with a devastating superkick by Mayhem, eliminating Carmina. Dick Shrader, Mayhem, and El Serpentie de Lige. The three circled each other, Shrader went after Mayhem as De Lige snaked into the corner. The two squared off and De Lige tried to eliminate them both, but he only got Shrader eliminated. Mayhem closelined de Lige over the top rope and won the battle royal!

Bruiserweight Title Match
Damon Reid v. Rage Hammer

We see video recap of Damon Reid's rise in the Nation of Wrestling. We also see the split up of Rage Hammer and Mayhem and the announcers talk about how Mayhem just took a big step in his singles career by winning the previous battle royal and Rage Hammer could take a big step for his own as well. Rage Hammer started the match off with a chain in his hand and he went to punch Reid with it, but Reid sidestepped it. Reid slid to the outside to grab a chair but as he turned around Rage Hammer was coming off the top rope with a high cross body. The two battled outside and Reid got the upperhand as he finally got to the chair and leveled Rage Hammer with it. Reid slid Rage Hammer back into the ring and beat him down in the corner he went to go to the top rope, but realized in the beatdown that Rage Hammer had tied his foot to the bottom with the chain he had initially brought into the ring. From there, Reid was stuck and Rage Hammer commenced to beat him down and hit a running bulldog onto a chair in the center of the ring and pinned Reid to give him his first loss and take the Bruiserweight Championship.

Backstage segment

Backstage we see Axel Kaiser searching high and low for President Richmond. He finally finds him and gets in his face.

Kaiser: It's all fine and good Richmond that you look like you're going to give me a chance at the Heavyweight Title. But we all know that whoever has been messing with me lately, whether it's you or it's Manslaughter or WHOever it is going to screw that up for me as well!

Alright that's that case... we will make the match between you and CPL Punishment, a steel cage match!

Richmond walks away as Kaiser shakes his head.

Tag Team Title Match
The Masters of Blood v. The Twin City Saints (c)

The Masters of Blood, represented by Rowdy Richie and Big Crazy started off the match hot tagging in and out and using their power to gain the upperhand over the champions. But Marcus Claudaine used a well placed eye rake on Big Crazy, and the Saints took over. They Isolated Big Crazy and he never got over to tag Rowdy Richie, they hit a running kick/Russian Leg Sweep combination on Crazy and pinned him to defend their titles.

Steel Cage Match
Axel Kaiser v. CPL Punishment

Kaiser and Punishment locked up and went back and forth, Kaiser went to hit the FYI driver but Punishment reversed it into a DDT. Punishment hit a powerbomb on Kaiser and went to climb the side of the cage. As Kaiser started to come to, the masked man who has been attacking him came through the door of the cage. Kaiser reacted quickly and hit the Fix Your Face superkick on the intruder. He went to attack the intruder, but saw Punishment making his way over the top of the cage and made a dash for the door. Kaiser dove out the door and won the match before CPL Punishment hit the floor. Kaiser went back into the ring to attack his assailant but he escaped over the top of the cage and ran through the audience to escape Axel Kaiser. Kaiser's hand was raised as he will finally get his 1 on 1 Heavyweight Title match at 'Cataclysm'

National Title Match
Italian Roc v. Dave Jumper

An old rivalry was renewed as Italian Roc and 'Grand Slam' Dave Jumper faced off for the National Title. These two went back and forth and Italian Roc was in control but Dave Jumper hit the Jump the Shark as Roc was setting him up for the Roc Slide and picked up the title defense victory.

Heavyweight Title Match
Donald Dodge Dodson v. Manslaughter(c)

In the heavyweight title match we saw Manslaughter square off with former Heavyweight Champion Donald Dodge Dodson. Manslaughter came right after his opponent, sliding underneath his legs and hit a backstabber on him. Manslaughter got an early advantage but Dodson almost pulled off a quick victory with a backslide but Manslaughter kicked out. The two reset and Dodson took control with some wear down holds. He applied an armbar that he held onto for quite a bit but Manslaughter got to the ropes causing the hold to be broken. Manslaughter then took the upperhand his strength and brawling to gain the advantage. Manslaughter set Dodson up in the corner but he fought out with a series of right hands, he hit the 'Snapback' in the center of the ring, picked Manslaughter up and hit it yet again. Donald Dodge Dodson pinned Manslaughter to pick up the victory. Dodson celebrated with the title as Sabotage went off the air!