27 - OCTOBER - 2016

Main Event
Are you afraid of the dark? Things that go bump in the night? Are you prepared for ..... Fright Night?

Three men will enter one will leave as champion.
Big Crazy....Masters of Blood...powerhouse.. pure adrenaline when he gets in the ring... will he survive Fright Night?
Oden... Lords of Asgard.... A Constant contender in every era of NoW... calm and calculated at all times...will he survive Fright Night?
CPL Punishment... Came out of the gate as the champion....has taken on all comers and no one has been able to knock him off....will he survive Fright Night?

The show opens up with a dark arena with Spooky Music playing and lightening flashes on the screens and thunder rolls. Then a Fright Night logo with dripping blood appears on the screen.

Bruiserweight Title Match
Dondald Dodge Dodson (c) v. Levi Carmina v. Italian Roc v. Rowdy Richie v. Mayhem v. Rage Hammer

The match starts off by the rules being explained. In a Bruiserweight match a pinfall will only be counted after a competitor used a foreign object and come off the top rope. This is also an elimination match. The match bell rings and all the competitors slide out of the ring to grab foreign objects but Levi Carmina puts his hands in the air like he doesn't want to get them dirty, grabs his feather boa and leaves. The referee declares he has been eliminated. Alliances are obviously drawn as Richie and Italian Roc team up against Rage Hammer and Mayhem. Dodson comes in with a chair and cleans house until the chair is kicked out of his hands by Mayhem coming off the top rope with a double axe handle. He is the first man who can get a pin and tries to do so on Dodson but Dodson kicks out. Mayhem gets hit by an impressive flying closeline off the top rope by Rowdy Richie. Richie slides out and grabs a kendo stick and starts hits everyone but Roc. He goes for a pin on Rage Hammer but it is broken up by Mayhem who uses a chair once again. Italian Roc comes off the top rope but Mayhem clocks him with the chair as well and pins him to eliminate Italian Roc. Rowdy Richie hits the train Wreck on Donald Dodge Dodson and pins him for the victory. He turns around and realizes his is in a two on one situation against Mayhem and Rage Hammer. Richie slides out of the ring and grabs the announcer Bud and takes off the portly announcers belt and starts flailing it at his opponents. He hits another Train Wreck on Rage Hammer and pins him but turns around into a clothesline from hell from Mayhem who pins him to become the new Bruiserweight Champion.

Dick Shrader v. Axel Kaiser
Dick Shrader and Axel Kaiser squared off in a singles match. The two went toe to toe but it was Kaiser picking up the win by getting an ankle lock on Shrader causing him to tap.

Dave Jumper v. Manslaughter
A rivalry that started with two men thinking they are deserving of a Heavyweight Title Match did not disappoint. Manslaughter and Jumper beat the hell out of each other but eventually Dave Jumper hit the Jump the Shark and picked up a victory.

Richmond and Viceroy
Backstage we see Richmond hesitantly lacing up his wrestling boots when Lucinda walks in with Vic Viceroy who is in street clothes. Lucida says the there will be no wrestling match tonight to decide who the new owner of NoW is, she just wanted to see Richmond squirm. Richmond shakes his head in anger and a bit of relief. She informs them that Instinct has put her in charge for now, but over the next 4 weeks there will be a series of competitions between the two with the winner being the new NoW Owner.

Tag Team Title Match
The Tribunal Deathdealer and The Judge(c) v. Thor and Sue
The Lords of Asgard went for the tag team titles against the first champions of this era of NoW. The champions kept Sue in their corner but she was relentless avoiding being pinned on multiple occasions. She finally got the hot tag to Thor and he cleaned house and hit the Thunderclap on The Tribunal Deathdealer to pick up the victory and the Tag Team titles.

National Title Match
Tony Vasiliki (c) v. El Serpentia De Liga

Tony Vasiliki defended his title against the former champion El Serpentia De Liga. El Serpentia de Liga kept the champion at bay for awhile but Vasiliki got ahold of him and started working the former champion over. Axel Kaiser came down and distracted Vasiliki enough for De Liga to get a roll up and reclaim the championship.

Heavyweight Title Match
CPL Punishment (c) v. Oden v. Big Crazy
This match started out with Oden and Big Crazy going right after each other and CPL Punishment joined the mix by throwing Oden out of the ring and focusing on Big Crazy. These three men went after each other with a series of near falls. The match went into chaos as Rowdy Richie and Italian Roc came down to help Crazy, The tag team Champions Thor and Sue joined the mix to help Oden and Bruiserweight Champion Mayhem and Rage Hammer came down to assist Punishment. All 9 men were brawling when Lucinda came to the stage and announced the match was a no contest. She has decided that starting next week we will begin another Final Fight tournament with all 9 men in the ring involved along with 7 other NoW Superstars with one wrestler holding all 3 titles and that wrestler will be the most powerful person in the company. All 9 competitors in the ring stare each other down as we go off the air.