Final Fight
27 - November - 16
Final Fight

Carver Hawkeye Arena
Iowa City, IA
Main Event
Cpl Punishment v. Donald Dodge Dodson
Final Fight

16 started....and we are down to two.... two men who have battled their way through the rest of the Nation of Wrestling roster..former World Champions... Legends....up and comers... they've all went down to two competitors. Donald Dodge Dodson is a newcomer to NoW but he's also a 2 time Bruiserweight Champion and a 1 time National Champion. CPL Punishment has been the Heavyweight Champion since this era of the NoW began. He's taken on all comers and has stood tall. Which one of these men will win....the Final Fight.

The card starts off with Manslaughter and El Serpentie de Liga. De Liga used his speed early and avoided Manslaughter's attacks. Manslaughter caught De Liga finally, and started to put a beatdown on him. De Liga fought out and went for the Snaky Splash but Manslaughter caught him in mid air and slammed him hard to the mat. De Liga kicked out of a pin attempt and slid to the outside. He hit the Twisting Stunner on Manslaughter on the announcer's desk outside and picked up a victory by countout.

We get a recap of the feud between Richmond and Viceroy. We see that their best of 5 series has Richmond up 2-1. Lucinda bring them both to the ring and say that the time has come for Viceroy and Richmond to settle their differences in the ring. That the 4th contest will be a wrestling match and it will happen later tonight.

Up next we had a tag team match between former tag team champions The Tribunal Deathdealer and the Judge vs. Mayhem and Rage Hammer, it was announced that the winner of the match would be the number one contender for the Tag Team Championships. Deathdealer and Judge started off the match cutting Mayhem off in their corner. But he eventually made the hot tag to Rage Hammer who came in a ball of fire, hitting a running powerslam on The Judge and securing the victory.

We saw a promo for the next Headliner show, to be held December 15th, called "Know Your Enemy". The format is that all competitors in the Know Your Enemy will be randomly selected into tag teams..winning teams advance and the whole process starts over until there are two left.. those two square off and the winner gets a Heavyweight Title Match.

Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader is backstage, Jumper says that he and Shrader are the top guys in the industry and that it doesn't matter who wins the Final Fight Tournament, and what they do with the titles, He and Schrader are showing who the tops dogs in the sport are. Rowdy Richie, The Italian Roc and Big Crazy step in and say that the jawing needs to stop and actions need to happen inside the ring and they are going to show them in the next match.

The Masters of Blood squared off with Levi Carmina, Pace and Ambrosia. The Masters of Blood dominated most of the match, ending it when Italian Roc took out Ambrosia and picked up the pin and the victory for the Masters of Blood.

The 4th contest in the best of 5 series between Richmond and Viceroy was next with a wrestling match between the two. Richmond stood no chance in the match as Viceroy toyed with Richmond before finally hitting the 'Double V' on him and picking up the victory to tie it all up.

Oden and Manslaughter met next. Manslaughter started off the match with a big kick to Oden. The two battled back and forth but Manslaughter slowed the match down with a few weardown holds on Oden. Oden battled back and went for the Ragnorak but Manslaughter ducked, hit a hard European uppercut and nailed a powerbomb on Oden and picked up the victory.

We go backstage to Viceroy walking backstage, he was stopped in the hallway by CPL Punishment. He stepped in front of Viceroy and said this has all played out before. The Richmond/Viceroy power struggle. The Final Fight Tournament. But does Viceroy remember how it all went down last time? How he screwed him out of the Title. Punishment says that if he or Richmond gets in his way, that this time, more than last, there will be hell to pay.

The Tag Team Title match was next as Thor and Sue took on Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader. The match was a fantastic one as the action went back and forth. Thor hit the Thunderclap on Jumper but Shrader broke up the pin at two. Later in the match Jumper hit the Jump the Shark on Sue but Thor broke that pin up. Jumper got on a roll against Thor but the Masters of Blood came to the ring and distracted Jumper just enough so Thor was able to hit the Thunderclap and pick up the victory. The Masters of Blood cleared the ring after match, grabbing the tag titles and holding them in the air beforing throwing them down at the Lords of Asgard.

Richmond and Viceroy came to the ring with Lucinda. Lucinda said the final test was to answer a question and whoever had the best answer would be the sole owner of the Nation of Wrestling.
First question was for Richmond. She said based on the information given and the results of the other contests there were two choices. #1 Viceroy is in complete control of the NoW or #2 The NoW is closed down permanently. Richmond, without pause, said there's only one choice. He went over, shook Viceroy's hand and congratulated him on winning.He went to leave the ring but Lucinda stopped him.
She told Richmond he needed to wait to hear Viceroy's question. Viceroy's question is ...Who are you? Viceroy smiled, took the microphone and said 'I am.....Instinct.' He explained that all along he had been Instinct. He said early on he created the Instinct persona to keep running his business and to be a professional wrestler, but over time he realized he could do both as himself.
But..before that, he ran across the Nation of Wrestling and Jason Richmond. He saw a good company, great talent, and an owner who was a bit too power hungry. He had to make sure Richmond still wanted NoW to succeed or if he just wanted the power. He's taken a beating tonight and showed that he really wants the NoW to live. And He's won. All Debts to Viceroy and to Instinct are paid in full. The NoW is 100% under Richmond's control again.

The Steel Cage was lowered and Axel Kaiser and Tony Vasiliki were set to settle their feud in the confines of a steel cage. No outside interference, no foreign objects just those two battling it out. These two beat the hell out of each other and went back and forth. Kaiser hit the FYI Driver but Vasiliki kicked out. They kept battling until Vasiliki got Kaiser in the Phalanx and we thought he was going to submit but Kaiser eventually fought out. Vasiliki dropped an elbow on him and went started exiting the cage, but at the same time Kaiser crawled towards the door and both hit the floor at the same time. Both men were claiming victory and it looks like this feud isn't over!

A video package of Donald Dodge Dodson and CPL Punishment's road to the finals is shown. They start of locked up and Dodson throws Punishment to the mat. Punishment smiled and came at Dodson with a kick to the groin and took over the match up. These two left no doubt as to why they made it to the finals as they beat the hell out of each other. Many close falls and momentum switches highlighted by CPL Punishment kicking out of Dodson's finisher the Snapback. Dodson stayed in control after that and but Punishment moved out of the way of a splash in the corner and then tossed Dodson out of the ring. He hit a piledriver on the floor and Dodson was almost counted out but he barely beat the count. CPL missed an elbow and Dodson retook control of the match. He went for the Snapback again but Punishment reversed it, hit a buckle bomb followed by an impressive top rope fameasser and finished Dodson off with a big DDT to win the Final Fight Tournament. CPL Punishment continued his record breaking Heavyweight Title run by winning the tournament and holding all three titles as Final Fight went off the air!