27 - October - 2017

Scott Trade Center
St. Louis, MO
Main Event
Axel Kaiser v. Italian Roc
Opening Segment

[ "Angels Fall" by Breaking Benjamin plays as we open to the Scott Trade Center in St. Louis Missouri, we go to the broadcast table where we see Johnny Waubonsie and Bud at the broadcast table.] 

Johnny Waubonsie: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the biggest card in the history of the Nation of Wrestling. THIS IS DESTINY!! 

[ The crowd cheers wildly.] 

Bud: It's good to be back at the table, even if it's with you Waubonsie. 

Kind as always Bud. Your negativity aside, we are set for an amazing night here at the Scott Trade Center, as we present to you our first ever Destiny!! 

Yes, the Destiny of many men here in the Nation of Wrestling will be determined here in St. Louis! Let's get it started. 

    Tag Team Championship
Masters of Blood – Italian Roc and Tank Sinatra (c ) v. Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader

  ['Andy Mineo' by Paisano's Wylin' blares through the arena and the tag team champions, Italian Roc and Tank Sinatra come into the arena.] 

This match will feature two men doing double duty tonight! Italian Roc is in the main event and Dave Jumper is defending his National Title later in the night. 

That's 'Grand Slam' Dave Jumper Waubonsie you damn nerd. Give the man the respect he deserves! 

My apologies, 'Grand Slam' Dave Jumper.  

  [Jumper and Shrader comes down to the ring and the match starts with Tank Sinatra and Dick Shrader squaring off.] 

No surprise here that these two are starting the match out as the other two will be looking to conserve their energy for later tonight. 

Great strategy by Dave Jumper, he's the smartest in the business today. 

What about Italian Roc he's using the same strategy! 

That guy doesn't know holy from a canoli, he just doesn't want to fight Shrader! 

So it's smart strategy when Jumper does it, but not when Roc does it? 

Now you're catching on Waubonsie, looks like getting dropped on your head all those years in the ring didn't do as much damage as I thought! 

  [Shrader gets the upper hand, getting Tank in a headlock, but Tank lifts up Shrader and hits an atomic drop on him. Both men are still on their feet and they lock up again. Tank whips Shrader into the ropes and hits a shoulder block on Shrader.] 

  Two Powerhouses going at it!  [Shrader comes back and hits a flurry of punches. Tanks goes for the tag but in the meanwhile Dave Jumper has come across and pulled Italian Roc off the Apron. Tank is temporarily confused and turns around into a big boot from Shrader. He pins him 1....2.....3. 

  We have new tag team champions!! Jumper adds to his list of accolades with his second Tag Team Championship with Dick Shrader! 

    BeeHeMoth v. Jeb Hickory v. Ted Lavigne v. Avery Amazing
  [With Jeb Hickory and Avery Amazing already in the ring, 'A King is Born' by Aloe Black plays and Ted Lavigne comes to the ring decked out in a robe that says "Divine" on the back.] 

The 'Devine' Ted Lavigne is the future of NoW! 

We haven't seen much of him so far, time will tell. 

['The Flight of the Wounded Bumblebee' plays and BeeHeMoth runs to the ring and immediately starts attacking his competitors as the bell rings.]  BeeHeMoth starting the match out strong!  [BeeHeMoth continues to knock people out of the ring until it's just him and Avery Amazing in the ring. He hits two running powerslams on him and as he is going for the pin, Jeb Hickory comes and breaks up the pin and as BeeHeMoth gets up he clotheslines them both to the floor! Lavigne takes advantage of the situation and hits the Divine DDT on Amazing and picks up the pin 1...2....3. 

The first of many Headliner wins for Ted Lavigne! 

He picked his spot in that match! Good win by Lavigne, but BeeHeMoth can't be happy as he controlled most of the match! 

    Future NoW Schedule


Ladies and Gentlemen, the NoW Headliner Show schedule has been announced all the way until 2019! 

  [A graphic of the upcoming Headliner shows appears on the screen.] 

Nov 26 2017 – Know Your Enemy 

Dec 31, 2017 – Season's Beatings 

Jan 28, 2018 – NoW is the Time 

Feb 25, 2018 – Mass Destruction 

Mar 25, 2018 – Final Fight 

April 29, 2018 – Warzone 

May 27 2018 – Spring Fling 

May 28-June 23, 2018 – Summer break part 1 

June 24, 2018 – Survival 

June 25-August 2, 2018 – Summer break part 2 

August 26, 2018 – Destiny II 

September 30, 2018 – Indestructible 

October 28, 2018 – Fright Night 

November 25, 2018 – Know Your Enemy 

December 30, 2018 – Season's Beatings


    Bruiserweight Title Match
Rage Hammer (c ) v. Donald Dodge Dodson

  [Rage Hammer and Donald Dodge Dodson lock up and Dodson gets the early advantage tossing Rage Hammer into the turnbuckle and following it up with a dropkick in the corner. Dodson immediately goes to the top rope and comes off with an elbow. He slides to the outside to grab a chair.] 

For those unfamiliar with the NoW Bruiserweight Division. In Bruiserweight Title matches you must comes off the top rope and use a foreign object to be able to register a pinfall or submission.  

It makes the Bruiserweight Division the most unique in the business! 

There's no DQ and they can get quite violent! 

[Dodson goes to hit Rage Hammer with the chair, but Hammer kicks the chair out of Dodson's hands. He hits a swinging neckbreaker on him and mounts the top rope and comes off with the chair, hitting Dodson square on the head. He hits a sit out piledriver and pins him. 1....2....3.] 

Rage Hammer continues to dominate the Bruiserweight Division with a win over former champion Donald Dodge Dodson! 

    Masters of Blood – Rowdy Richie and Big Crazy v. Lords of Asgard – Thor and Oden 
  [As the match begins Thor and Oden comes to the ring with steel chains on their fists and start beating Richie and Big Crazy. The bell starts to ring.] 

The Lords of Asgard have been dq'd just as this match started! Masters of Blood win! 

Tyr, Loki and Sue come to the ring and continue the onslaught as  Tank Sinatra and BeeHeMoth come down to the ring. Thor brawls with Big Crazy, Tyr with Richie, Loki with Roc, Sue with Tank Sinatra. Oden is left alone with a microphone in the ring.  

Oden:Masters of Blood... no one has ever come to the NoW and questioned the dominance of the Lords of Asgard. We witness what you can do. You win this battle. You won't see us for awhile, but when you do....prepare for the Ragnorak. 

[The lights go out and when they come back, the Lords of Asgard are gone.     

    National Title Match
Dave Jumper(c) v. Marcus Claudaine

  {"Lacrimosa" by Immediate Music plays as Marcus Claudaine comes down to the ring accompanied by his tag team parter Damien James Reiker.] 

These two have been multiple time tag team champions just like Jumper and Shrader. 

  [Dave Jumper comes out with Dick Shrader. Jumper has both the National Title and the Tag Team title on his shoulders. ] 

Look at 'Grand Slam' with those titles where they belong!! 

  [The match starts and the two come at each other and Dave Jumper grabs Marcus Claudaine and hits an inverted atomic drop. He throws Claudaine right out in from of Damien James Reiker. He gets in Reikers face before he starts laying right hands into his opponent, he gives Reiker the come on gesture with his hand.] 

Jumper is trying to get Reiker to hit him!  

Can't lose the title on the DQ, Jumper has held the National Title since March 17 for a reason!  

  [Claudaine gains the advantage and slams Jumper into the railing. He goes back into the ring and Shrader comes over and stops Jumper from getting back into the ring. Before Claudaine realizes it, Claudaine has won by count out!] 

Claudaine wins by count out but Jumper keeps the title! 

Brilliant move by Shrader! 

The Twin city Saints are in the ring as the Shrader and Jumper retreat up the ramp.       

    Manslaughter v. CPL Punishment
  [With CPL Punishment already in the ring, "Sawdust in the Blood" by Rob Zombie plays and Manslaughter comes to the ring.] 

Manslaughter taunted CPL Punishment for weeks setting up this big match between 2 2-time Heavyweight champions.  

You have to believe that whoever wins this match will be at the top of the list for a title match! 

This is going to be a good one for sure! 

  [These two lock up and CPL Punishment gains the early upper hand, hitting a series of chops into Manslaughter in the corner. He keeps chopping away but Manslaughter is just laughing.] 

Look at Manslaughter! He's just laughing! 

Manslaughter is crazy and I love it!! 

[Manslaughter lets out a scream and comes out of the corner with a series of elbows to the face of Punishment. The two lock up and Manslaughter hits a knee to the stomach and hip tosses Punishment to the mat. Punishment gets up and comes at Manslaughter with a clothesline and Manslaughter ducks. Manslaughter comes at CPL Punishment and hits a dropkick and goes for the pin but CPL Punishment kicks out. Punishment grabs Manslaughter in a small package but Manslaughter kicks out and the two get to their feet.] 

We've got a stale mate! 

  [Punshment gains an advantage hitting a suplex on Manslaughter. He then grabs him in a sleeper hold and hit him quickly with a zig zag. He pins Manslaughter but he kicks out again! Manslaughter catches a few elbows from Punishment who then hits a modified Attitude Adjustment and pins him again 1.....2......3.] 

CPL Punishment picks up the victory!     

    Heavyweight Title Match
Axel Kaiser(c) v. Italian Roc

['Andy Minero' plays through the arena and Italian Roc comes out fired up for the Main Event. He comes to the ring, slapping hands with fans and getting them pumped up. Axel Kaiser comes out next, holding his title on his shoulder and cockily walking down the aisle.] 

Now that's what a champion looks like.....he oozes confidence! 

He seems like a jerk to me. 

Better watch your tone Waubonsie, ole Kaiser will fix your face for you! 

[Kaiser hands the title over to the referee and the bell rings. Italian Roc immediatelty rushed at Kaiser but Kaiser is ready and hits the Fix Your Face superkick!] 

This one is over already!!! 

[The ref counts, 1...2...and Roc kicks out.] 

This one could have been over quick! Roc made a big mistake early! 

You can't sneak up on Kaiser like that he's always ready. 

Roc could have been a bit distracted after losing the tag team titles earlier tonight! 

He's in the main event of Destiny! He should be focused!! 

[Kaiser keeps up the offense on Italian Roc, delivering elbows to the head until Roc pushing him off and quickly gets to his feet and they go to lock up but Kaiser goes for an abdominal kick but Italian Roc grabs his foot and delivers an drop over toe hold. ] 

Italian Roc mounting a come back!  

  [Roc and Kaiser circle each other and lock up again. Italian Roc gets a headlock on and wrenches it down and hits a bulldog, still holding onto the headlock as he gets back to his feet. He then starts landing right hands and then slips in behind him and tries to get the Roc Slide on Kaiser but Kaiser escapes.] 

Kaiser's too smart for that. 

[Kaiser comes at Roc but Roc leapfrogs him and turns around and hits a running knee on Kaiser. Kaiser is knocked to the floor and he smacks the ring apron hard and paces on the outside.] 

Kaiser is obviously frustrated. 

He's always frustrated Johnny! That's part of his charm! 

[Kaiser comes back into the ring and both men start exchanging right hands in a fast and furious motion. Finally Kaiser gains the advantage whipping Roc into the ropes and hitting a back body drop. Kaiser goes for the FYI driver but Italian Roc reverses it and hits the Roc Slide out of nowhere into the turnbuckle. He rolls Kaiser up. 1...2...Kaiser kicks out at the last second.] 

WOW! What a match! 

Both men have kicked out of the other one's finisher! Who wants it more!?!? 

after all the crap I've given him..Roc is showing me a lot here. 

[The Security guard that helped Axel Kaiser comes to the ring, but he is immediately chased down by Big Crazy and Tank Sinatra, who seemed to be lying in wait in case something like this happened.] 

The Masters of Blood numbers game definitely helped Roc there as it's now obvious this security guard is in cahoots with Kaiser.    [Kaiser is livid now and he turns around and Italian Roc hits another Roc Slide! He pins Kaiser...1....2.....3.] 


Italian Roc has ascending the mountain!!! He's the NoW Heavyweight Champion!!! 

[The Masters of Blood come to the ring and hold Roc on their shoulders as he holds the title high in the air as the first ever Destiny goes off the air!]