29 - SEPT - 2016

Davenport, IA
Main Event
CPL Punishment v. Manslaughter

The Lee Lohman Center in Davenport, IA blares with 'Do You Want to Start a War' by Fozzy, the official theme song of 'Civil War'. We start off with the luscious Lucinda Metastapalees in the ring.

Lucinda: Welcome to CIVIL WAR!

The Crowd cheers loudly

Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight we will start off our card with a tag team turmoil match! The winner of the match will face Pace and Ambrosia later in the card for the tag team championship! The rules of the match are simple. Each team has drawn a number. Numbers 1 and 2 will start the match. That match will be decided by pinfall, submission, disqualification or count out. Then team three will come down. This will continue until one team is left! I will now turn it over to our commentary team of Bud and Johnny Waubonsie!

Waubonsie:It's good to be back! We are here for Civil War where 3 new Champions will be crowned and Cpl Punishment defend his Heavyweight Title against Manslaughter!

Bud: Title Matches galore! Let's get it started!

Tag Team Turmoil

[The Masters of Blood are announced as the first team and Rowdy Richie joins them. He takes the microphone.]

Rowdy Richie: I already know who my boys opponent is play that stupid Kiss music and get them out here.

['God of Thunder' by Kiss plays and out comes Sue and Thor, who is carrying a very large hammer. They slowly walk to the ring.

Where's that One Eyed Bastard Oden. After my Boys win the Tag Titles and I win the Bruiserweight Title we will prove that we are the dominant team here in NoW. I know the rest of the world knows but it seems like you guys are here living in the past. But Sue girl.. just so you know.. there's a spot in the Masters of Blood for you if you know what I am saying!

Thor and Sue steps into the ring and simply folds their arms. Oden comes to the ramp with a microphone in hand.

Oden: Damn Richie you don't know how to keep your damn mouth shut. Let's settle this on Thrill next week. MoB vs. LoA, one match, tornado tag elimination match, whatever titles we come out with here are on the line!

Richie smiles and looks at the LoA

Alright old man... let's do it. You want to put it all out there, let's settle this!

First Thor and Sue are beating your boys down, then you better win your match so we have another title to win.

Starting off Civil War with a bang! A potentially HUGE match set up for next week on Thrill!

Could be three titles on the line!!

[The match starts off with Italian Roc and Sue. Roc gives Sue a 'How you doin' and Sue clocks him right in the mouth with a right hand. Roc grins and the two circle and lock up. Sue attempts a headlock but Roc slips out and hits the ropes, Sue turns around into a big drop kick from Roc. Sue stumbles back and follows up with another drop kick that takes Sue to the mat. Roc makes the tag to Big Crazy. Crazy takes advantage of the fallen Sue and drops a big elbow onto her.]

Masters of Blood take the early advantage.

Sue still looks pretty damn good though even when she's getting beat up!

The match continues with Crazy and Roc keeping Sue in their corner. Every time Sue tries to make a tag, she's cut off.

Great strategy by the Masters of Blood!

Sue is prone in the corner and Thor tries to come in and make a save but it cut off by the referee. When the refs back is turned Oden slips her Thor's hammer and she nails Big Crazy with it and disposes of the evidence back to Thor.

I like a girl who plays dirty!

Crazy is struggling to get up and Sue makes her way to Thor. He comes storming into the ring, he knocks Italian Roc off the mat and then impressively picks up Big Crazy and nails the Thunderclap for the 1...2...3.

After a little bit of deception there the Lords of Asgard advance.

Up next Vic Viceroy and Jason Richmond come to the ring. Viceroy comes ready for action and Richmond looks to not be ready to fight any time soon. Thor is waiting in the ring as Viceroy slides in. Viceroy ducks a clothesline and bounces off the rope, hitting an elbow. He bounces off the ropes again and Richmond tags himself in and rushes Thor. Thor gets an armbar on Richmond and he immediately Taps out.

Well that was quick!

Man I know Richmond is a pansy, but not THAT bad.

Richmond gives an enthusiastic thumbs up to all the Lords of Asgard and he heads out of the arena with a pissed off Viceroy stuck shaking his head.

Maybe that was by design a bit, Richmond has been trying to get on the Lords of Asgard's side since we reopened.

Rage Hammer and Mayhem come down next and they do NOT look like they will be laying down for the NoW Legends. Rage Hammer comes into the ring and immediately locks up with the first ever NoW Champion. The two lock up with Thor getting the upperhand. Rage Hammer backs him into the corner and Mayhem tags himself in and the two double team Thor in the corner. Thor make his way over to tag Sue but Rage Hammer immediately rolls her up, Sue struggles but she's still reeling a bit from the MoB beatdown early and she can't kick out.

Now it's down to Rage Hammer and Mayhem vs. The Tribunal Deathdealer and The Judge for a shot at the tag team titles!

The Judge almost won the battle royal last week, and now his team has drawn the final draw in the tag team turmoil match!

The Judge starts the match off against Mayhem. They circle each other and Mayhem bodyslams him hard to the mat.

Impressive show of strength by Mayhem!

Mayhem takes boots to The Judge them tags in Rage Hammer. He gets caught in a drop toe hold and The Judge makes his way over to Deathdealer and Deathdealer starts rolling on Rage Hammer, he picks him up and slams him hard a few times on the match and screams a primal scream. He bounces off the ropes and Mayhem hits him with a knee to the lower back slowing his momentum. Hammer gets over and makes the tag. Mayhem comes in and bounces off the ropes the two hit each other with a double clothesline and both men are down.

It's all up to who can make the tag now!

The Tribunal Deathdealer makes the tag and the Judge comes in and cleans house. He Nails the Gavel on Mayhem and pins him. 1....2.....3.

The Judge and Deathdealer go to meet Pace and Ambrosia for the tag titles!

And the Judge will certainly be looking for revenge for the Battle Royal last week!

Bruiserweight Title Match
Rowdy Richie vs. Donald Dodge Dodson vs. Dave Jumper

The Bruiserweight division is back. For those of you not familiar with the Bruiserweight Title, it's a combination of Cruiserweight and Hardcore Wrestling. There's no weight class, but to be able to win the match you must use a foreign object and come off the top rope to score a pinfall.

And this match features two men who battled over the Heavyweight Title in the past, and newcomer Donald Dodge Dodson.

A testament to how deep the roster is this era of NoW! Great talent in every match.

Dave Jumper is introduced and as Donald Dodge Dodson comes to the ring he is attacked from behind by Rowdy Richie with a chair. Richie nails Dodson multiple times as Jumper goes and gets a kendo stick in the ring and prepares for the Richie's arrival in the ring.

Richie looking to make this a one on one match with him and Jumper!

They've went around and around before and here they go again!

Richie gets in the ring and the two circle each other and slam the chair and kendo stick together knocking them away. The two start trading blows back and forth.

No love lost between these two!

Jumper gets to the kendo stick and smacks it into the knee of Rowdy Richie. He then quickly climbs to the top rope and hits a coup de gras on Richie who is holding his knee.

Dave Jumper can now record a pinfall!

And it looks like that's just what he is going to do!

Jumper goes for the pin and Richie kicks out between one and two. Jumper takes the kendo stick to him again but Richie grabs it and rips it from his hand and tosses it aside.

That had to sting Richie's hand!

He's running on adrenaline right now!

Richie hits a running powerslam on Jumper and then mounts the top rope and drops an elbow onto the fallen Dave Jumper.

That's a long way to fall for such a big man!

Jumper hits a codebreaker on Richie and both men are down. They both get to their feet and Richie goes for a Train Wreck but Jumper ducks it right into a chair shot from Dodson who has now entered the match. Richie Turns around to a chair shot as well. Dodson follows up with a revenge attack on Richie attacking the knee Jumper attacked earlier. He gets to the top rope and hits a leg drop with the chair on Richie. He pins him 1....2....3..before Jumper can break it up!

We have a new Bruiserweight Champion!

Donald Dodge Dodson just surprised everyone here!

Backstage segments

We see Richmond and Viceroy arguing backstage. Viceroy: What the hell was that out there man!

Richmond: I am not a wrestler and if this whole competition between us is going to be about getting in the ring, well they just need to give you the Nation of Wrestling NoW because this is a business and I know how to run a damn business.

Lucinda comes into the room.

Alright alright alright. A lot is going on here and we've made a decision. We are going to let this all be decided by October 27 at our next Headliner event, Fright Night. Richmond since you're so attached to the Lords of Asgard...well they will be defending you and the Masters of Blood will be representing Viceroy. Now Vic.. I know the last time you and Richmond had a power kind of screwed over Rowdy Richie pretty hard....and Richmond you've screwed over The Lords of Asgard more times than I can count. There will be more details next week..but looks like you guys need to try to make amends.

Richmond and Viceroy look worried as Lucinda marches out. We skip to Tony Vasiliki looking through the backstage area for Axel Kaiser. He finds him.

Vasiliki: Hey I've been hearing the shit you've been saying.

Kaiser: We've talked's time to fight and our match is next.

Kaiser brushes past Vasiliki and Tony clenches his fists.

Tony Vasiliki vs. Axel Kaiser vs. Dick Shrader

[The match starts off with Vasiliki charging at Kaiser and the two laying into each other.]

These two have been jawing all week it's no surprise the match started off this way.

Dick Shrader inserts himself into the match by closelining both men and raising his hands in the air.

National Title Match
Oden v. El Serpentia De Liga

El Serpentia wins with outside interference from the Masters of Blood

Tag Team Title Match
Pace & Ambrosia v. The Tribunal Deathdealer and The Judge

Deathdealer and The Judge win after Pace and Ambrosia no show the match

Heavyweight Title Match
CPL Punishment (c) v. Manslaughter

CPL Punishment retains