26 - May - 2017

The Forge
Joliet, IL
Main Event
Mayhem(c) v. Axel Kaiser

"Bezerk" by Eminem, the official theme of Cataclysm plays through 'The Forge' in Joliet, IL as we get a rundown of the card for Cataclysm.

The opening match of the card pit two former Heavyweight Champions against each other. Manslaughter and CPL Punishment lead off the card in grand fashion. These two went toe to toe and in the end CPL Punishment came out with the victory.

The Lords of Asgard, Tyr, Thor, and Oden faced off with Levi Carmina and his mates. Levi Carmina ended up temporarily blinding Tyr with some of the lavish feathers from his ring gear and rolling him up to pick up the victory for his team.

Up next the Bruiserweight Title was on the line as Rage Hammer defended against former champion Damon Reid. Rage Hammer started the match off quickly but Reid got the upperhand unfastening the turnbuckle and pushing Rage Hammer into it, He came off the top rope with an elbow and then dropped the ring steps on the champion to pin him and become a two time Bruiserweight Champion.

A triple threat was next with Donald Dodge Dodson, Dick Shrader, and Tony Vasiliki. The Big Man picked up the victory by pinning Tony Vasiliki.

The national Title match was next as we saw two of the top billings in NoW Rowdy Richie and Dave Jumper square off. These two men showed why they have been the backbone of the NoW for a long time. Rowdy Richie went for the End of the Line but Dave Jumper reversed it the Jump the Shark and barely retain the National Title.

President Richmond came to the ring next and said that June and July are exciting months for the NoW as two big events will take place. On July 27, from the UMB Bank Pavilion in St. Louis will be the biggest card in the history of NoW. The card will be named 'NoW or Never' and will feature high profile championship matches for every title! How will we determine the winner of those matches....well next month at 'Survival' we will bring back the 3 ring triple elimination battle royal, every member of the NoW roster will be in the match, including the current champions!

Big Crazy earned a victory for the Masters of Blood over the Lords of Asgard as he defeated Loki.

The Tag Team titles were on the line as Italian Roc and BeeHeMoth squared off with the Twin City Saints. The Saints ended up winning the match with Claudaine using a thumb to the eye on Italian Roc to earn a roll up victory. After the match the Saints were putting a beatdown on the Masters of Blood when Italian Roc's cousin, Tank Sinatra came down and cleared the ring of the tag team champions.

In a rivalry between former enemies turned tag team champions and back to enemies again pit Ivan Breznev against El Serpentie de Lige. Ivan Breznev defeated De Lige hitting a running power slam for the win.

The main event saw Axel Kaiser square off with the Heavyweight Champion Mayhem. Kaiser comes out of the gate strong, attacking the champion quickly. Mayhem uses a back body drop to get Kaiser out of the ring and give himself a quick breather. Mayhem gets the upperhand on Kaiser but Kaiser reverses a neckbreaker and hits a FYI Driver on the champion!

The lights in the arena suddenly go out, when the lights return the monstrous Manslaughter is now standing in the ring with the Heavyweight Title competitors. Manslaughter begins to assault Mayhem and Kaiser with next to no warning, first dropping Mayhem with a big boot to the face and then planting Kaiser with a chokeslam. The referee goes to call for the bell when Manslaughter removes the NoW is the Time clock secured around his neck via a chain (which gives him a Heavyweight Title match at anytime, any place) and forcibly pushes it into the referee’s hands, a quick word with the ring announcer confirms that Manslaughter’s cash in has now made the match a triple threat for the Title. Manslaughter pins Mayhem to become the Heavyweight Champion. Kaiser is furious outside the ring as Manslaughter holds up the title and laughs.