Season's Beatings
30 - December - 2017
Season's Beatings

Joe Charles Field House
Canton, MO
Main Event
Italian Roc (c) v. Levi Carmina
On the campus of Culver-Stockton College in Canton, MO we had the final card of 2017.

We see the Season's Beatings Logo and President Richmond comes to the stage. He states that 2017 has been a great year and he sees no other way than to end it but with Season's Beatings. He also stated the first Thrill of 2018 would come with an unprecedented event. Whoever is champions after tonight will get to name who their challenger is at NoW is the Time at the end of January.

The opening match of the card was for the Tag Team Titles as the newly formed Avery Amazing and Ted Lavigne squared off against the Twin City Saints and the Tag Team Champions Dick Hurtz and the Mexicutioner. The Twin City Saints dominated the match early Ted Lavigne took them out of the match by clotheslining both of the Tag Team Champions out of ring. The problem with that was it left his partner Avery Amazing all alone and Dick Hurtz nailed him with a clothesline from hell and once again Hurtz and the Mexicutioner defended their tag team titles.

CPL Punishment defeated Damon Reid in the next match. After the match the Renegades surrounded the ring and beat down CPL Punishment until the NoW Security team lead by the massive Collosus broke up the beatdown.

The next match of the night was for the National Title. Dave Jumper came down to face Axel Kaiser. Jumper took the microphone and welcomed everyone to the main event. Kaiser came down to the ring and stated he was going to be the man to stop the 9 month reign of Dave Jumper as National Champion. Kaiser and Dave Jumper battled back and forth. Jumper hit a Jump the Shark but Kaiser kicked out. Jumper avoided an FYI Driver and hit another Jump the Shark to defend the National Title. Axel Kaiser shook his head as Jumper celebrated heading up the ramp.

Up next was another triple threat tag team match featuring, The Mates, Ivan Breznev and Jeb, along with Big Crazy and Rowdy Richie. The Mates had the match won after hitting a double team superkick on Ivan Breznev, but Ambrosia ran into a Train Wreck from Rowdy Richie and the masters of blood picked up the victory.

The first ever, Nightmare before New years for the Bruiserweight Title kicked off with all the competitors picking their presents for what weapons they would come to the ring with. The Champion Dick Shrader chose first, drawing the Whip. Donald Dodge Dodson got the barbed wire baseball bat. Manslaughter came to the stage next and Gabriel Gray opened his gift, the kendo stick. Tank Sinatra chose the package with lead pipe. BeeHeMoth chose the steel chair, which left Mayhem drawing the trash can. The match started off with Tank Sinatra and BeeHeMoth attacking Manslaughter with their lead pipe and steel chair. Manslaughter laughed at them and snapped the kendo stick in two and used it to wield off both competitors. Dick Shrader used his whip to grabbed the barbed wire bat from Dodson's hand. The had the bat in one hand and the whip in the other as Mayhem hit him from behind with the steel chair. Dodson hit the snapback on Mayhem but ran into the barbed wire bat wielded by Shrader who then pinned Mayhem to defend his Bruiserweight Title.

The main event of the evening saw Italian Roc square off against 'Know Your Enemy' winner Levi Carmina. These two went back and forth with Levi Carmina putting on the best performance of his career, nearly becoming the Heavyweight Champion on numerous occasions, but in the end Italin Roc hit the Roc Slide on Carmina and won the match up. Italian Roc mounted the turn buckle holding the Heavyweight Title high in the air as Season's Beatings and NoW programming went off the air for 2017.