Season's Beatings
29 - December - 2016
Season's Beatings

Carver Hawkeye Arena
Iowa City, IA
Main Event
Donald Dodge Dodson v. Oden
Season's Beating
30 Minute Iron Man Match
Tony Vasiliki v. Axel Kaiser

Live from Carver Hawkeye Arena the last Nation of Wrestling Event of 2016 started with a 30 minute Iron Man Match between two men who had been bitter rivals Tony Vasiliki and Axel Kaiser. These two have been fighting since the NoW reopened and it came to a finale in the final card of the year. These two men didn't skip a beat going right after each other from the opening bell. Vasiliki hit a spear on Kaiser at the 8 minute mark but Kaiser kicked out. He went on the offensive and after that and hit a series of dropkicks moving Tony back into the corner. He nailed a sidewalk slam and a powerbomb and picked up a pinfall at the 12:15 mark to go up 1-0. The two went to neutral corners and Vasiliki came out a ball of fire being down 1-0. He hit a spear and waited for Kaiser to get back up to hit another one. But Kaiser got out of the corner and when the second spear was hit both men went tumbling to the outside. At the 24:57 mark both men were counted out and the ref got both men into their corner. As Kaiser came back into the ring he was carrying a Louisville Slugger the ref warned him to not bring it into the ring, but at the 27:48 mark the bell rang and Kaiser attacked with the baseball bat a few times to Vasiliki's ribs. He was disqualified and the match was tied at 1-1. But the damage had been done, with Vasiliki feeling the affects of the Louisville Slugger Kaiser hit the FYI driver on him twice and pinned him to go up 2-1 at the 29:15 mark. When the match restarted Vasiliki tried to fight back but Kaiser played defense and picked up the win in the Iron Man Match.

Manslaughter v. Thor

Manslaughter played a cat and mouse game with Thor this entire match up, using a stick and move mentality to keep the big man's power at bay and Thor never really got any momentum going in this match. Manslaughter picked up the victory via pinfall with a schoolboy roll up using Thor's momentum against him to pick up the victory.

Italin Roc and Rowdy Richie v. Pace and Ambrosia

Levi Carmina's 'Mates' faced The Masters of Blood . The Masters of Blood came out of the gates firing on all cylinders keeping Pace on their side of ring. Ambrosia never got into the match as Rowdy Richie picked up the victory debuting his new finishing move the 'End of the Line'. Richie and Roc celebrated their victory making it known they are coming for the tag team championships.

El Serpentie de Liga v. a Mystery Opponent

El Serpentie de Liga faced off with a Mystery opponent. Out came another masked Luchadore in NoW History, El Archangel. This match was fast faced with El Serpentie de Liga beating the veteran after hitting a 650 for the pinfall.

Bruiserweight Title Match
Sue v. Levi Carmina

Sue started off the match with a fury of offense backing the flamboyant superstar Carmina into the corner. Carmina mounted some offense with an Enziguiri and tried to pin Sue but she kicked out at one. Sue went to the outside and got a chair but Carmina avoided with by coming off the top rope with a dropkick. Carmina grabbed the chair and went to hit Sue with it, but Sue grabbed it out of his hand and nailed him back with it. Sue came off the top rope with a clothesline and then hit the THunderclap on Carmina to defend the BRuiserweight Championship.

National Title Match
Big Crazy (c) v. CPL Punishment

Big Crazy defended his title against the longest reigning champion in the Nation of Wrestling history. The two circled each other slowly to start the match and then Punishment came out the gate unloading with right hands, Whipped Big Crazy into the ropes and Big Crazy came back with a big clothesline off the rebound. He backed Punishment into the corner but Punishment mounted the second turnbuckles and hit a quick dropkick on the champion. He went for a clothesline but Punishment grabbed ahold and both men went tumbling through the second rope and onto the floor of the Carver Hawkeye Arena. Big Crazy hit a back bodydrop and Punishment used the ring post to pull himself up and avoided a charge by Big Crazy by sidestepping him causing him to hit the post. Punishment rolled into the ring to stop the count and went back out to get Crazy but was met with a European Uppercut. Both men slid into the ring and Big Crazy took control but Cpl Punishment hit a reverse neckbreaker followed by a Code Breaker to pin Big Crazy and become the New National Champion.

Tag Team Title Match
Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader v. Rage Hammer and Mayhem

Dave Jumper started off the match v. Mayhem. The two locked up and locked up but Mayhem shoved him back. Jumper came in again and ducked the lock up getting Mayhem in a wristlock. Mayhem backed Jumper into his corner and Rage Hammer tagged in. He took control of Jumper until Jumper reversed a headlock and rolled Rage Hammer up into a schoolboy for a two count. He made the tag to Dick Shrader and the powerhouse came through and leveled Rage Hammer with a shoulder block. Shrader took control and hit a swinging sidewalk slam for a two count that Mayhem broke up.The match ended with Rage Hammer and Mayhem hitting the shatter machine on Shrader and picking up the tag team titles!

Heavyweight Title Match
Donald Dodge Dodson (c) v. Oden

The Main Event of the Evening saw newly crowned Champion Donald Dodge Dodge square off with NoW Veteran Oden for the Heavyweight Championship. The announcers noted that while Oden has accomplished a lot, and has more matches than any NoW Superstar in history, he's never held NoW's top prize. These two kept a very slow pace to start out the match, feeling each other out with a series of collar and elbow tie ups, with no man gaining an advantage over the other. Oden took control, slowing down Dodson with a headlock, wrenching it down and wearing down the champion. He went for the Ragnorak but Dodson slipped out hit the Snapback out of nowhere. Both men were down on the mat as the ref started a ten count. As they got to nine count Dodson got to his feet. The announcers stated that Dodson could have just taken the draw and keep the title, but he was too much of a gentleman for that. Both men got to their feet and Dodson picked up the pace. He went for the snapback again and Oden countered it. Oden then tried for the Ragnorak but Dodson countered it as well. He hit a Russian leg sweep and then nailed the Snapback and covered for the pinfall to retain the Heavyweight Title. Dodson hit the turnbuckles to close out 2016.