NoW is the Time
26 January 2017
NoW is the Time

Carver Hawkeye Arena
Iowa City, IA
Main Event
Axel Kaiser v. Donald Dodge Dodson
Now is the Time
Lords of Asgard V. Second City Saints
Tag Team Title #1 Contendership

The first match of the night in Iowa City saw a #1 Contendership match for the tag team titles. New comers The Second City Saints took on NoW Veterans The Lords of Asgard. Thor and Damien James Reiker started off the match. Thor's Power gave him the early advantage but Reiker got a tag into Marcus Claudaine and they hit a double suplex on the former Heavyweight Champion. Thor never got a tag into Oden during the entire match and the Second City Saints made an impressive Headliner show debut, defeating former Tag Team Champions the Lords of Asgard after hitting an impressive doomsday device on Thor. After the match four incredibly beautiful woman, known as the Valkyrie came to the stage and stood in a line across the stage and motioned for Thor and Oden to come to them. The Lords of Asgard followed them as almost in a trance.

Sue (c) V. Dave Jumper
Bruiserweight Title Match

The Valkyrie remained on the stage as Dave Jumper made his entrance one of them handed him a large hammer. Dave Jumper took the hammer reluctantly, a bit confused. Jumper's confusion didn't stop there as when Sue came out the Valkyrie surrounded her coming to the ring and when Sue entered she dropped to her knees in the center of the ring and then lied down. Jumper was a bit reluctant as the bell rang and the Valkyrie surrounded the ring at the four post. Jumper climbed to the top rope and jumped off it with the hammer, hitting Sue and pinning her to becoming the Bruiserweight Champion. Sue left the ring with the Valkyrie who formed a straight line with Sue in the middle. Jumper watched his back and he held his title in the air.

Cpl Punishment (c) V. Rowdy Richie
National Title Match

Rowdy Richie and CPL Punishment neither one lacked confidence as two former Heavyweight Champions squared off for the National Title. The match started off slow, neither man wanting to give an inch to the other one, playing it safe. Rowdy Richie took the early advantage, reversing an irish whip and coming back with a lariat. Rowdy took control with a headlock keeping CPL Punishment grounded. Punishment reversed the headlock into a chickenwing armlock and then an atomic drop. Back and forth action and many 2 counts followed from both sides. Rowdy Richie took control late in the match and hit the Train Wreck and followed it up with his new finisher, the End of the Line to pick up the victory and become the National Champion for the first time.

Rage Hammer and Mayhem (c) v. Second City Saints
Tag Team Title Match

The Second City Saints fought their second match in the NoW and the second match of the night, for the tag team championship. This 'rookie' team looked like a well oiled machine from start to finish in this match. They systematically picked apart the champions, keeping Rage Hammer on their side of the ring and finished him off with Broken Arrow to win the tag team title just like they said they would, looking like they will be on top of the NoW Tag Team Division for quite some time.

Italian Roc v. Levi Carmina v. Mansalughter v. Big Crazy v. El Serpentia De Lige
NoW is the Time Match

The NoW is the Time clock was suspended above the ring and the rules explained. Whoever retrieves the clock will win the match and have a Heavyweight Title Match anytime, and any place of their choosing. Italian Roc and Big Crazy are introduced first and as expected they go to a corner and plot strategy. El Serpentie de Liga is announced next. When Levi Carmina is making his flamboyant entrance he is attacked on the ramp by Tony Vasiliki and they start brawling outside the ring. This prompts the Masters of Blood to go after De Liga but he runs away from them quickly and they slide out of different sides of the ring to get him cornered. Manslaughters music plays and he slowly comes down the ramp watching all of the chaos unfold. Mansluaghter comes down and hits a double clothesline on Vasiliki and Carmina and then grabs ahold of Roc and tosses I'm aside as he and Big Crazy were laying boots to De Lige. Big Crazy and Manslaughter size each other up as De Lige slithers away, he grabs a ladder and slides it into the ring and starts to set it up, but Vasiliki gets into the ring and tosses De Lige out of the ring. As Vasiliki climbs the ladder, Carmina climbs to the top rope and knocks him off the ladder with a drop kick and both men spill to the outside. Crazy and Manslaughter stop brawling as these two fall to their feet and start beating on them. De Lige comes off the rope with a springboard 450, spilling all 5 men to the floor. This creates an opportunity for Italian Roc to get a ladder set up in the ring, but as he starts to climb it Vasiliki gets into the ring with another ladder and smacks Roc in the back with it. Vasiliki is met with a big boot from Big Crazy. Manslaughter sets up a ladder as a bridge between the second rope and the ladder that's set up in the ring. He goes to slam Carmina off it, but Levi Carmina nails a series of rights to avoid it and then Big Crazy clotheslines them both and himself over the top rope onto the floor. meanwhile, De Lige walks across that ladder to get to the ladder set up in the middle but is met with a spear from Vasiliki. Italian Roc and Big Crazy hit a double powerbomb on Manslaughter on the outside. Meanwhile in the ring Carmina climbs up the ladder and has his hands on the clock, but De Liga pulls the ladder out from under him, leaving Carmina hanging from the clock, but he cannot unhook it. Vasiliki climbs another ladder and feigns like he is going to spear Carmina off it and Carmina lets go and crashes to the mat as Tony laughs. Vasiliki then drops a double axe handle off the ladder onto De Liga. Vasiliki goes to clothesline him out of the ring but De Lige pulls the top rope down and he spills to the floor. Italian Roc gets in climbs up the ladder but he is met by Manslaughter. Italian Roc goes to jump off the ladder onto Manslaughter but he ducks it, Roc lands on his feet. Manslaughter then comes with a lariat, leveling Italian Roc. Crazy comes in for the save but it met with an enzuigiri. Manslaughter climbs up the ladder and unlocks the clock, winning the match. He holds the clock to his chest like it's breakable as his hand is raised.

Donald Dodge Dodson (c) V. Axel Kaiser
Heavyweight Title Match

The Main Event of the evening saw the Southern Gentleman Donald Dodge Dodson defend his Heavyweight Title against Axel Kaiser. Kaiser came out the gate quickly hitting a dropkick on the champion right at the bell. Kaiser followed it up with quick elbow drops and then came off the top rope with a huge 'Randy Savage'like flying elbow. Kaiser got continuously frustrated as every pin attempt Dodson would quickly kick out of. Kaiser went for the FYI Driver but Dodson reversed it into a backslide for a one count. Both men circled each other and Dodson took control momentarily with a series of staning headlocks, wearing Kaiser down. Kaiser retook the advantage with a Garman Suplex then he placed Dodson on the top turnbuckle and hit a series of forearms to the chest. Kaiser went for a Superplex but Dodson fought him off with a series of shots to the back and then Dodson hit a rolling powerbomb off the top rope and then hit the Snapback to defend his title. After the match Kaiser absolutely snapped, hitting the FYI Driver on the referee, as Dodson came in to help the referee Kaiser turned his attention to his opponent, hitting an FYI Driver on him as well. Kaiser grabbed the title and nailed Dodson with it. Kaiser went to the outside and tore the announcer's table apart but when he went back into the ring to get Dodson, Manslaughter was there with the Now is the Time clock in hand. Kaiser backed off and Manslaughter then picked up the title, he looked at the title, looked at the fallen champion, then looked back at the NoW is the time clock. Manslaughter smiled and then draped the title over Dodson, whispered in his ear 'not now' and then held the clock high in the air as we went off the air.