23 - FEBRUARY - 2017

Wells Fargo Arena
Des Moines, IA
Main Event
Manslaughter v. Donald Dodge Dodson

'Domination' by Pantera plays throughout the arena as images of the matchups with highlights of what lead up to their current matches at 'Domination'.

The card starts off with the returning Ivan Breznev, former Heavyweight Champion, against the luchador El Serpentie de Lige. El Serpentie de Lige earned his second win over a returning NoW Veteran defeating the much bigger Breznev by count out after drop kicking him over the barricade.

We see a segment backstage with NoW President Jason Richmond. He explains that next week on Thrill there will be the announcement on the Gauntlet tournament! He also stated that he is scoring the world to find new talent to bring into the Nation of Wrestling to make the Gauntlet as big as possible!

BeeHeMoth and Big Crazy represented the Masters of Blood against The Mates Pace and Ambrosia. BeeHeMoth started off the match against Ambrosia and started it off with a quick military press, tossing him over the top rope and onto the floor. During the match the luscious Valkyrie made their way to the ring with both Oden and Thor....but they brought a few more men with them, Loki and former two time Heavyweight Champion Tyr. They distracted Big Crazy enough for Ambrosia to roll him up for the shocking upset. The Lords of Asgard surrounded the ring and Rowdy Richie and Italian Roc started to make their way down, but Oden took a microphone.

Oden: Whoa Whoa Whoa gentlemen, gentlemen. No need to get all hasty here... don't need to get you two boys all roughed up for your title matches later tonight. This era of the NoW has not been kind to the Lords of Asgard. The Valkyrie made us realize this. They also made us realize there are strength in numbers. Obviously you, the Masters of Blood, know this. You've gotten deeper....we've got a bit deeper as well. The Ragorak will come for all of you.... but it starts with the Masters of Blood.

The lights go out and when they come back on the Lords of Asgard and the Valkyrie are gone.

The National title was on the line in an elimination match where Rowdy Richie put his title on the line against Tony Vasiliki, Levi Carmina and Dick Shrader. As expected Vasiliki immediately went after Levi Carmina, spearing him from the opening bell and pinning him right off the bat to eliminate him. Dick Shrader took advantage of the situation to blindside the champion with a huge clothesline sending the big man over the top rope and onto the floor. Vasiliki tried to come back with a spear of his own but Shrader sidestepped him and tossed him to the outside. Richie got back into the ring and the two faced off. Back and forth action continued until Richie was setting Shrader up for the End of the Line but was met with a spear from Vasiliki before he could hit it! Shrader then hit a crushing big boot to the side of Vasiliki's head and hit a running powerslam on him to eliminate him. Still rearing from the spear Richie went to get up but was met with the same big boot from Shrader. Shrader pinned Rowdy Richie to become the new National Champion!

A best two out of three falls match for the Tag Team Titles was next. The saga of these two teams was shown as we saw The Twin City make their debut immediately putting the tag team division on notice. It shows them beating the Lords of Asgard and Rage Hammer and Mayhem in the same night to win the Tag Team Titles....and then the next week on Thrill Rage Hammer and Mayhem winning them back. That's what lead to this best two out of three falls match. The first fall went to the tag team champions, with Rage Hammer getting some retribution for losing to both members of the Twin City Saints in singles competition this month as he hit a reverse neckbreaker on Damien James Rieker to pick up the victory. The second fall was hotly contested with many near falls but the Twin City Saints evened up the score 1 to 1 when Damien James Reiker pinned Rage Hammer after the Twin City Saints hit a double chokeslam on him. With the score tied up 2-2... Marcus Claudaine hit a springboard stunner on Mayhem, followed up by a top rope leg drop to pick up the pin and bring the Tag Team Titles back to the Twin City Saints.

The Bruiserweight Title was on the line as Dave Jumper defended against Italian Roc. These two have been building towards this match all month as Dave Jumper attempted to lure Italian Roc away from the Masters of Blood to no avail. Italian Roc came to the ring with a steel chair and immediately went after the champ. He attempted to throw the chair at Jumper to distract him, but the veteran instinct of Jumper, he drop kicked the chair right back at Roc and it glanced off him. Dave Jumper followed up with some wear down holds keeping Italian Roc grounded. But when Jumper attempted to get his off the top rope move in to meet the Bruiserweight Match requirement, Italian Roc Met him and hit a big belly to belly suplex off the top rope. Roc then hit the Roc Slide onto the chair to pin Jumper and win the Bruiserweight Title!!

Backstage we see El Serpentie de Liga sneaking around backstage and he comes around the corner and it met by Ivan Breznev.

Breznev: Little person. You fight good. Ivan fight good. You no strong. Ivan Strong. You fast. Ivan not fast. You smart. Ivan not smart. You hide face with mask. Ivan has good looking face. We tag team. We do good.

El Serpentie: ?Como?

Very good. Thank you.

Breznev pats El Serpentie on the head and leaves him confused.

Two men who have been near the top of the card for the last few months but falling just short; CPL Punishment, an established two time Champion against Axel Kaiser, a relatively newcomer to the NoW who has been making quite the name for himself. These two men absolutely tore the house down. From the opening bell you could tell this match was going to be a long one. Axel Kaiser tried to his his 'Fix Your Face' Superkick numerous times but CPL Punsihment had it well scouted and avoided it. Each time it happened, Axel Kaiser got more and more angry. He finally hit the FYI Driver on CPL Punishment, but Punishment kicked out! Punishment took advantage of Axel Kaiser's shock and took control of the match. Punishment went to hit a piledriver but Kaiser flipped out of it and landed the 'Fix Your Face' and pinned Punishment for the 1...2...3.

The Main Event of the evening was Manslaughter defending his newly won Heavyweight Title against former champion Donald Dodge Dodson. Dodson came to the ring and Manslaughter came down without security for once just him, the Heavyweight Title, and the NoW is the time clock. Dodson tried early to overpower the champion but Manslaughter had none of it. Manslaughter took control of the match outside of the ring and hit a brainbuster on Donald Dodge Dodson on the audience rail. He rolled into the ring to restart the count and went back outside and grabbed a microphone.

Manslaughter: Richmond is starting this Gauntlet Tournament next week...making me defend this title week after week after week to try and get it off me. I am a liability..a menace... But what he thinks he is dealing with is a man....a man who cannot possibly withstand defending his title week after week.... what Richmond doesn't know is, he's not dealing with a man....he's dealing..with a monster

Manslaughter gets Dodson back into the ring and gets Dodson into a rolling kneebar in the center of the ring. Dodson tried to get to the ropes but couldn't and was forced to tap out. Manslaughter was handed the title and the NoW is the Time clock and he threw them down, stamping around the ring and holding his head, arguing with the voices as he paced around the ring and Domination went off the air.