1 - DEC - 2017

Main Event
Italian Roc and Rowdy Richie vs. Dick Shrader and Dave Jumper+
The first Thrill card after Know Your Enemy started off with an 4 team- 8 man battle royal consisting of The Twin City Saints, Jeb Hickory and Ivan Breznev, Mayhem and Rage Hammer, and Big Crazy and Tank Sinatra with the winners getting a shot at the Tag Team Titles next week on thrill. First eliminated in the battle royal was Rage Hammer by Marcus Claudaine. Ivan Breznev and Big Crazy eliminated each other as the two big men toppled over the top rope while battling. Tank Sinatra eliminated Damien James Reiker. Marcus Claudaine then went on a terror, eliminating Sinatra right after his partner was eliminated, then tossing the big Jeb Hickory over followed by Mayhem to win the battle royal and earn the longest reigning tag team champions, the Twin City Saints, another shot at the titles.

The arena descends into darkness with the exception of a single spotlight that illuminates a pulpit set up just to the side of the entranceway. A figure emerges from behind the curtains dressed in a fine suit under a long black leather trench coat, his eyes are hidden behind a pair of stylish sunglasses and a unique gem sits meticulously in the centre of his forehead. As this unknown man walks towards the pulpit it becomes clear he is the same unknown person that was present at Know Your Enemy during the Main Event when Manslaughter was apprehended by a team of security when he went berserk with a chainsaw. This mysterious man approaches the pulpit and looks over the crowd like a shepherd observing his flock and delivers a speech with the vigor of a politician and the sincerity of a snake oil salesman.

Gabriel: I have been given many during my lifetime, warlock, charlatan, trickster, but I fancy myself a leader of lost souls, a savior if you will, one that gives others a place and purpose in this cruel and harsh world. My name is Gabriel Grey and at Know Your Enemy I found a soul that was desperately in need of a guiding hand.

Gabriel motions theatrically towards the entranceway as Sawdust in the Blood hits the arena sound system and Manslaughter is lead out, securely locked away in a straight-jacket and shackled at the ankles for good measure, by a host of security guards. The monstrous Manslaughter kneels before the self-proclaimed savior of lost souls in a mixed gesture of respect and worship, Grey continues his speech as he places a hand on Manslaughters head in what looks like a distorted blessing.

Gabriel:Before you is a wild and untamed force, a simple childlike soul fighting for control of a mortal body with the malevolent and corrupted mind of a raging demon. Left to his own devices this complex array of elements ran amuck with no guidance and no purpose and wreaked havoc with no rhyme or reason, well much like a carpenter who combines hammer and nail for a real purpose I have taken this miserable creature under my wing and I will guide him in a focused direction that will show the entire Nation of Wrestling the real destructive force of a seething demon bent on bringing hell to the masses.

Sawdust in the Blood picks up again as Gabriel Grey exits the arena with his new charge and security force in tow.

Up Next we had yet another #1 contendership match as BeeHeMoth and Donald Dodge Dodson did battle to determine the #1 contender for the Bruiserweight Title. It was discussed that the winner of this match would fight Dick Shrader in 2 weeks at Thrill and the Bruiserweight Title would be defended in a 'Nightmare before New Year's' match at 'Season's Beatings' on December 30th. The match would consist of 6 competitors all inside a steel cage, the only way to win the match would be by pinfall and each competitor would pick a late Christmas present before the match as to what weapon they would get to bring with them to the ring. Donald Dodge Dodson defeated BeeHeMoth to earn a shot at Dick Shrader in 2 weeks.

Up next was the scheduled match between The Mexicutioner and Avery Amazing. As he was making his Avery Amazing was beaten in a two on one attack by Marcus Claudaine and Damian James Reiker, as the Twin City Saints put the boots to a fallen Avery the boisterous taunts from Claudaine make it very clear the attack on Avery is for losing in such quick fashion during the Know Your Enemy Tournament, leading to a very early exodus for Marcus. A horde of referees and officials rush in to break up the assault and usher the Saints away, as Claudaine and Reiker walk away Damian James is clearly heard.


One down, one to go. And You're next week....

He points to the ring where one half of the tag team champions, The Mexicutioner is taunting the Saints.

The next match was a battle between two former Heavyweight champions for a shot at National Champion Dave Jumper at 'Season's Beatings'. In this contest CPL Punishment and Axel Kaiser battled and Kaiser earned the ticket to Season's Beatings to try to knock "Grand Slam" Dave Jumper off his perch as the longest reigning champion in NoW History.

There is a commotion backstage and once again it is the Twin City Saints that are the cause of it, this time they are assaulting Ted Lavigne who is putting up a good attempt fighting off his assailants but the numbers game is getting the better of him. Reiker and Claudaine combine their strength and ram Lavigne head first into one of the large equipment cases that line the hallways before a host of officials break up the melee. The Twin City Saints walk away look very satisfied with the damage they have done tonight to the two men who they believe cost them the Know Your Enemy Tournament. As a result, Dick Hurtz was awarded a victory over Ted Lavigne since Lavigne didn't show up.

The main event saw Heavyweight Champion Italian Roc and Rowdy Richie face National Champion Dave Jumper and Bruiserweight Champion Donald Dodge Dodson. Jumper and Richie picked right up where they left off tearing it up inside the squared circle. Richie hit a Train Wreck on Jumper but Shrader made the save. Roc tagged in and the crowd was fully behind him as he squared off with the much larger Shrader. Roc went to hit the Roc Slide but Shrader was too big and he caught a superkick from Jumper as he was trying to lift him up. Richie came in and knocked Shrader out of the ring with a Train Wreck Italian Roc rolled to the outside and was attacked by Levi Carmina and the Mates who had run through the crowd. The Masters of Blood were awarded the victory by disqualification and as the rest of the Masters of Blood came out to help Roc, Carmina and the Mates fled through the crowd as Thrill went off the air.