20 - October - 2017

Granite City, IL
Main Event
Heavyweight Title Contract Signing for Destiny

One Week away from Destiny and most of the card is set, but a few pieces needed to fall into place. They did on Thrill.

The first match of the evening saw Manslaughter square off with the big Russian Ivan Breznev. In his first match since losing the Heavyweight Championship and he looked as focused as ever picking up the victory.

The next match on the card was Rowdy Richie vs. Oden. These two faction leaders have been battling back and forth for months and months. Rowdy Richie ended up defeating Oden and he took the microphone and declared that the Masters of Blood were the only faction in NoW that mattered, the era of the Lords of Asgard was in the past. President Richmond came to the stage and said that while the Masters of Blood had been very impressive recently, the Lords of Asgard had a long storied history in the NoW. These two factions DO need to square off, but it needs to be at the biggest show in NoW History. So next week at Destiny Rowdy Richie and Big Crazy will square off in a tornado tag match. Any outside interference in this match and the entire faction will be suspended from NoW.

Tony Vasiliki v. Levi Carmina was next on the card and Tony Vasiliki speared Carmina multiple times to pick up the victory.

CPL Punishment squared off against El Serpentie de Lige. CPL was in control but Manslaughter came to the ring and distracted Punishment allowing El Serpentie to get the roll up surprise victory! CPL Punishment was upset after this was 2 weeks in a row Manslaughter had interfered in his matches. Manslaughter took the microphone and told CPL Punishment to calm down he's just been trying to get his attention! He said that Destiny is going to be the biggest event in NoW History and it's a shame they are not on the card. They are both two former Heavyweight Champions with a lot of lineage in the Nation of Wrestling. So he proposed they go one on one... mano y mano. No titles. nothing on the line accept pride. Nothing to prove accept that they can both tear down the house and be what everyone is talking about when the Headliner show is all done. Punishment accepted the challenge as Manslaughter nodded his head.

The finals to determine the #1 contender for the tag team titles saw Tyr and Loki face Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader. The two newest members of the Lords of Asgard held their own against 'Grand Slam' Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader for a while but the experience of their opponents came into play and they defeated the Lords of Asgard. Dave Jumper also locked himself into two Championship matches at Destiny just like Italian Roc.

The Masters of Blood were set to face three newcomers Avery Amazing, Jeb Hickory, and Ted Lavigne. But before the match started Bee He Moth attacked all his opponents causing a no contest. President Richmond decided that at Destiny BeeHeMoth would have an opportunity in a real match against these three at Destiny.

Thrill's closing segment saw a contract signing between the Heavyweight Champion Axel Kaiser and his challenger, the winner of the Survival Battle Royal, Italian Rock Johnny Waubonsie:

First of all Kaiser, you had what some see as a controversial win over Manslaughter, how do you feel about people saying your win over Manslaughter was 'cheap'?

Kaiser raises his title high in the air for all to see.

Axel Kaiser: Nothing comes cheap. Manslaughter's loss is no cheaper than the way he won it. Manslaughter is lucky I didn't beat him with the ring bell as he flapped around handcuffed to the blue steel!

JW: and Roc.... you won the 3rd ever triple ring battle royal in Now history how does that feel?

Italian Roc:

I was feelin great till someone jumped me. I was on top of world. Ya know like heaven.

Kaiser interrupts Waubonsie's next question.

AK: Wait until I'm done with you, you'll feel like you missed the earth and hit the hottest rocks of hell!

IR: Eating spaghetti and meatballs with cannoli's for later

Waubonsie throws his hands in the air, having lost control of the interview.

Ak: There. Is. No. Way. That YOU! Will come out of Destiny the champion. This is my time, my title, my reign!

Kaiser gives Italian Roc a menacing look, attempting to rile up the #1 contender

IR: Cool you're jets there Mr. Cheap-o-come lately. I was talking about food. Looks like you need some and maybe some good vino. You're always so upset. Oh I'll come out of Destiny on top again. I've done it 3 times now If you think you're the man sign it bro. To quote one of the great of all time! To be the man you got to beat the man. Fuhgeddaboudit! Waubonsie puts the contract on the table.

Ak: Somebody better teach your mama how to cook. Everytime I leave her place for the arena, I'm angry I wasted my time eating that crap! And buddy, you better focus more on my fight than pyschologically analyzing yours truly... I'll sign this contract just for the fun of knocking you out and helping you fugghedaboutit

JW: gentlemen.... there's a lot of talking going on... both of you have been instrumental in this era of the NoW and you can main event the first ever 'Destiny' headliner show.... whose gonna be the first to sign on the line?

IR: sign the contract. Hahaha talk about my mama again and you'll be living with the fish's. Flipped the table our of the way

[Roc and Kaiser both sign the contract and stare each other down as a graphic for Destiny comes on the screen and Thrill goes off the air.