13 - October - 2017

Bloomington, IL
Main Event
Fatal 4 way

Damon Reid v. Levi Carmina v. Donald Dodge Dodson v. CPL Punishment


The card starts out with the first of two matches to determine the finalists for the tag team #1 contender tournament. The Masters of Blood, Rowdy Richie and Big Crazy squared off with another team of the Lords of Asgard, Tyr and Loki. Richie and Big Crazy controlled much of the matchup until the LoA's lovely quintet of ladies, known as the Valkyrie, distracted Big Crazy and he walked into a double team move known as the Bifrost and Tyr pinned Big Crazy to advance.

We see a preview for the three way match between Jeb Hickory, Avery Amazing, and Ted Levigne. It shows how they all three debuted at Survivor and we will have profiles on each of them tonight before their match. First we see Jeb Hickory, he's from the backwoods of Kentucky and has no formal training but he's a brawler and he's ready to brawl.

We also see a clip of Pace getting attacked by Rage Hammer, him giving up his title shot at Destiny . That lead to tonight's main event for the vacated #1 contender for Rage Hammer's Bruiserweight Title and tonight's tag match between Rage Hammer and Mayhem vs. the Mates. This match was controlled by rage hammer for most of it. But eventually Rage Hammer got fired up outside the ring and hit Pace with the Bruiserweight title causing a DQ giving the victory to the Mates.

Up next we saw the vinette for Avery Amazing, a bragadocious super athletic pretty boy.

The second semi final match up saw National Champion Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader vs. the longest reigning Tag Team Champions the Twin City Saints. It also featured a bit of a preview to Destiny as Marcus Claudaine will be challenging Dave Jumper for the National Title. This match was a fantastic clinic in tag team wrestling. The Twin City Saints isolated Dick Shrader in their corner. But once he made the hot tag to Jumper, Jumper went on a roll, eventually hitting the "Jump the Shark" on Reiker to get the victory. He held the National Title up at Claudaine as the two jawed each other.

Up next is the vinette for 'The Devine' Ted Lavigne. Ted is all about pomp and circumstance, wearing a large robe to the ring. He looks in the camera at the end and says "the NoW has just become....Devine."

The match between the three new comers never even got started because as Ted Lavigne was making his entrance he was attacked by BeeHeMoth. he then went to the ring and took out Hickory and Amazing. He grabbed a microphone.

BeeHeMoth: What IS this!!? These three guys get videos and fan fare! I debut and I get NOTHING! I am the forgotten member of the masters of blood, well NO MORE! BeeHeMoth is here to show you all to feel the BUZZ!!

BeeHeMoth picked up Avery amazing and hits a backbreaker on him and exits the ring.

Backstage we see Johnny Waubonsie sitting down to interview Italian Roc but before he could do so Axel Kaiser grabbed Italian Roc and hit an FYI Driver. Kaiser grabbed the microphone holding up the NoW Heavyweight Title.

Kaiser: You're talking to Italian Roc?? You should be talking to me! I AM THE CHAMPION! Instead you're talking to this fool. The reign of Kaiser has only just begun!

The Main event of the evening was Damon Reid, Levi Carmina, CPL Punishment, and Donald Dodge Dodson squaring off for a shot at the Bruiserweight Title at Destiny As is typical with these types of matches the action was frantic, with all four men at different times in the match seeming to be in control. a critical moment came when Damon Reid and Dodson were fighting on the outside and CPL Punishment has Levi Carmina alone in the ring. Punishment hit a big clothesline and was setting Carmina up for the powerslam when he was attacked by former Heavyweight Champion Manslaughter. In the aftermath Donald Dodge Dodson got back in the ring, hit the Snapback on Carmina and picked up the victory. Thrill ended with the announcers wondering why Manslaughter had attacked and a closeup on Manslaughter with an evil grin on his face.