6 - October - 2017

Macomb, IL
Main Event
Mansalughter v. Axel Kaiser
We start off with Johnny Waubonsie at the announcers booth telling us that all of the tag matches are set up to determine a #1 contender for the tag team titles at the September Headliner show, which has now been named "Destiny". It will be held at the Scott Trade Center in St. Louis, Missouri. It was also announced that due to their wins in the Survival battle royal, Italian Roc will get a Heavyweight Title shot, Marcus Claudaine will fight for the National Title and Pace will fight for the Bruiserweight Title...on October 27 in St. Louis, Missouri.

The first match of the night saw the reuniting of Rage Hammer and Mayhem vs. Loki and Tyr. The #1 contender for the Bruiserweight Title, Pace came down and distracted Rage Hammer and Tyr picked up the victory for the Lords of Asgard.

A preview of The Heavyweight Title match in the main event between Axel Kaiser and Manslaughter is shown.

The next match in a long line of matches between the Masters of Blood and the Lords of Asgard came as Oden and Thor faced off with Rowdy Richie and Big Crazy. The long storied past of these two teams was definitely on display as the two members of each faction that had been in the NoW the longest squared off against each other. The match ended when Rowdy Richie hit Thor with the Trainwreck and picked up the victory, setting up a possible MoB vs. Mob showdown at "Destiny".

Backstage as Pace and Ambrosia were preparing for their match, Mayhem came through and took out Ambrosia and Rage Hammer came and nailed Pace with the Bruiserweight Title and stood over him saying, 'you opened up a whole can of worms earlier tonight and at 'Destiny' you're going to pay the piper for those actions.

Up next on the card Pace and Ambrosia vs. Dick Shrader and Dave Jumper. Pace seemed obviously distracted and hurt the whole match and ended up falling prey to the Jumping the Shark early on in the match and Dick Shrader and Dave Jumper advanced on.

The longest reigning tag team champions of all time, the Twin City Saints squared off against the oddly paired team of Donald Dodge Dodson and Levi Carmina. It was obvious from the get go that Carmina and Dodson were not going to work together well and the Twin City Sainst decimated Levi Carmina and picked up the win.

Backstage we see President Richmond and Pace comes up to him with Levi Carmina and Ambrosia.

Pace: Listen, I am not cut out for the Bruiserweight Division I would like to hand my number one contendership over to Levi Carmina.

Carmina: Yes Mr. President sir, you know I will bring a higher level off class to the brutal Bruiserweight Division.

[Carmina flips his feather boa and it wraps around Richmond. Richmond knocks the boa off him with a grin.]

Richmond: So let me get this straight...after Rage Hammer came and told you he was going to make your life a living hell for the next month, you want to give up your #1 contendership?

Pace nods his head quickly.

Richmond: Ok I will honor that...but I'm not going to just let you hand it over to Levi Carmina here... he will have a chance.... in a fatal fourway next week, between him....Donald Dodge Dodson.....ummm...Damon Reid....and let's Say...CPL Punishment! That sounds like a MUCH better idea.

Levi Carmina's jaw drops and Richmond pats him on the back with a smile.

The old school style blue steel cage is now around the ring and Axel Kaiser's music plays and he is solid and focused as he comes to the ring and enters the cage. Manslaughter comes to the ring with the Heavyweight Championship in his handcuffed hands and his security team leads him to ring. They undo the cuffs and Manslaughter enters the cage handing the title to the referee and as he does so Axel Kaiser comes out of nowhere and hits the 'Fix your Face' quickly as the bell rings. Kaiser starts climbing the cage as Manslaughter gathers himself. He comes to and quickly climbs up after Kaiser grabbing him at the top of the care and hitting a sit out powerbomb from the top. Both men are down on the canvas after falling 15 feet within the first minute of the match. Kaiser is first to his feet, but Manslaughter was playing possum and gets Kaiser in a cross arm breaker. Kaiser gets quickly to the ropes and holds on but in a cage match the ropes do not break a submission hold. Kasier finally plants a kick the causes Manslaughter to break the hold. Manslaughter continues his assault on Kaiser, but Kaiser goes for another quick 'Fix your Face' missing it but it causes Manslaughter create some space and allows Kaiser to recompose himself after the armbreaker. Manslaughter stalks Kaiser into the corner and goes for a strike but Kaiser comes from the other side of the ring. As Manslaughter comes across the ring at Kaiser, one of the security guards hands Kaiser the handcuffs and Kaiser quickly handcuffs Manslaughter to the cage. Kaiser hits a "Fix Your Face" for good measure before he climbs the cage as Manslaughter stuggles with the handcuffs. The rogue security guard escapes through the crowd as the rest of Manslaughter's security detail chases after him. Kaiser easily climbs out of the cage and wins the Heavyweight Championship. Axel Kaiser holds the Heavyweight Title high on the ramp as Manslaughter stares and mutters at him and we go off the air.