
Main Event
Manslaughter v. Axel Kaiser
One week before 'Survival' we have every NoW Title on the line.

The first match of the night was a battle for the tag team championship with Tank Sinatra and Italian Roc Challenging the Twin City Saints. The Saints used quick tags to cut the ring off and keep the newcomer Tank in their corner. The tag champions used some dastardly tactics to keep Tank away from his partner including a well placed rake to the eye from Claudaine as Reiker distracted the referee. They tried to pull it again with choking Tank in the corner but the ref caught it. In the melee of the ref breaking that up Tank made it to Italian Roc and he came out a ball of fire, He hit the Roc Slide on Reiker and scored a pinfall to bring the tag team championship to the Masters of Blood.

Backstage we see Tony Vasiliki talking about his intentions to win the Survival Battle Royal and suddenly Axel Kaiser comes through and hits the 'Fix your Face' dropping Vasiliki....... he grabs the microphone and says "Interview Over".

Up next we had the Bruiserweight Title Match between Damon Reid and Rage Hammer. These two have been battling over the title for awhile now and this rivalry ended with Rage Hammer getting the victory after hitting a top rope leg drop onto Reid and then using a chair to hit a DDT.

We are backstage once again and Levi Carmina is backstage and once again before the interview starts Axel Kaiser hits both members of the Mates with the Fix Your Face and then hits a FYI driver on Carmina and walks off.

Allies Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader squared off next. These two had a civilized match and went back and forth with neither man gaining too much of an advantage until Shrader hits a big kick to the face of Jumper knocking him to the outside. Jumper lands on his feet holding his lip..he circles the ring applauding Shrader's kick, grabs his title putting it on his shoulder and heads up the ramp still applauding as Shrader nods his head in agreement as his arm is raised for the countout victory.

The main event was finally a one on one match between Axel Kaiser and Manslaughter for the Heavyweight Title. But it did not end up that way at all, during ring announcements Tony Vasiliki hit the ring and started attacking Axel Kaiser... he was quickly followed by Levi Carmina and the mates and then the whole locker room cleared out hitting the ring and attacking each other. A huge brawl broke out until "Funky Boss" by the Beastie Boys played and President Richmond came to the stage.

Richmond: Alright, alright, alright listen up! This is getting out of control! We have a lot of things to fix around here. I have been mulling on some things for awhile and it's time to implement them! We are going to have 'Survival' next week as planned, but then we are going to take a 3 month break until October! Each year from now on we will have a NoW 'off season' a time where the roster can take a break. All titles will be on hold with their current title holders during this time! As far as this Heavyweight Title situation is concerned, I am tired of Axel Kaiser and Manslaughter always ending in crap like this. So on that first Thrill back on October 6, the Main Event will be Axel Kaiser and Manslaughter for the Heavyweight Championship. If ANYone interferes, they will be suspended until the end of the year! Everyone one of you will get a shot at each other at 'Survival' next week!

["Funky Boss" plays as we see the NoW Roster all staring at each other and we go off the air.]