5 - May - 2017

Terre Haute, IN
Main Event
Mayhem v. Donald Dodge Dodson (c)

NoW's first card in this era from the state of Indiana came to us from Terra Haute, IN. While nothing was officially announced, it was rumored that matches tonight will be taken into consideration when determining #1 contenders for the Bruiserweight and National titles.

The first match of a night packed full of matches was Tony Vasiliki v. Italian Roc. Italian Roc picked up the victory after hitting the Roc Slide.

Rowdy Richie handed Damon Reid his second loss since his debut.

Up next was a tag team match between Ivan Breznev and El Serpentie de Lige vs. Tyr and Loki. Breznev came to the ring dressed in a poncho and sombrero celebrating Cinco De Mayo with his luchadore partner. The act of comradery seemed to work as they picked up a victory over Tyr and Loki of the Lords of Asgard.

Oden got the Lords of Asgard in the win column as he and Levi Carmina traded near falls back and forth, but Oden eventually hit the Ragnorak for the win.

In a previously takes segment we see NoW Play by Play man Johnny Waubonsie sitting in an interview setting with Heavyweight Title #1 contender Axel Kaiser.

Waubonsie: Mr. Kaiser, after your win over CPL Punishment at Sabotage you have earned a Heavyweight Title Match at 'Cataclysm' against either Donald Dodge Dodson or Mayhem. Would you prefer to face either one of them?

Kaiser: It really doesn't matter, because I personally want to fix each of their faces. Mayhem is all ready pretty awful looking though, so it won't take much work. As for Dodson, I really would like to slap the humble pie out of his mouth.

It's been a difficult road getting here for you... it seems that someone really doesn't want you in the Heavyweight Title picture. Any idea who the masked man who has been attacking you is?

I wouldn't be surprised if it was the dressing room manager, that guy is always giving me the stink eye. I think he's pissed about that late night over in Des Moines.

All jokes aside, it's probably one of Richmond's cronies. I think I rubbed him the wrong way, always interrupting him at the shows and all.

You've been on a roll lately, 'Fixing faces' here in the Nation of Wrestling... any particular reason you decided to start superkicking anyone on sight?

I'm sick of seeing all of these guys smiling, having a good time. I'm out to ruin it, and their smile. Fixing their faces seems fair enough to me

So in 3 weeks...Main Event of Cataclysm.... How does it all go down?

Kaiser is going to break all of your hearts, take your lunch money, claim myself the king of the NoW, and beat the hell out of either one of those chumps!

Bee He Moth and Thor continued the rivalry between the LoA and MoB. These two went to a double count out as they battled outside the ring too long.

National Champion "Grand Slam" Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader beat the Mates in a tag team match.

Before the main event, we see footage of Mayhem eliminating El Serpentie de Liga to earn the title shot and Dodson beating Manslaughter at 'Sabotage'. Dodson and Mayhem back and forth but Mayhem ended up hitting a sit out piledriver and ending Dodson's second title reign at only 7 days. Dodson respectfully shaked Mayhem's hand and raised his hand as Mayhem celebrated to end the show.