7 - April - 2017

Effingham Performance Center
Effingham, IL
Main Event
We start off with images from 'Gauntlet' with all the champions retaining.

'Funky Boss' by the Beastie Boys plays and President Richmond comes to the ring. He announced that on April 28 we will have our next NoW Headliner show "Sabotage" to be held in Cape Girardeau, MO on April 28. He announced that next week on Thrill we would have a triple threat match between CPL Punishment, Donald Dodge Dodson, and the National Champion Dave Jumper, with the winner being the #1 contender for the National Title. Axel Kaiser comes to the ring furious that he's not in the match. Richmond says you just don't get what you want around here you have to earn it. And Kaiser can earn it... in a 4 on 1 handicap match...vs. the Lords of Asgard.

The Lords of Asgard come to the ring, Oden takes a microphone and says he doesn't like doing Richmond's bidding.... but he would like to beat some sense into Kaiser.

The match starts with Oden and Kaiser in the ring. Just when Kaiser starts to gain some momentum, the LoA tag out. But during the match, the Masters of Blood come to the ring, the distraction causes Kaiser to hit the Fix your Face on Loki and pick up a surprising victory! The Masters of Blood hit the ring and the two factions start wailing away on each other. Richmond comes to the stage and announces that next week there will be a battle royal featuring members of the Lords of Asgard vs. The Masters of Blood. The winner of the battle royal will be the number 1 contender for the National Title.

The Mates squared off with Rage Hammer and Mayhem in the next contest. The Mates picked up the victory and in the ring Rage Hammer and Mayhem stared each other down and then shook hands... looking like they are going to mutually go on their separate ways.

We see a video package of Bruiserweight Champion Damon Reid's undefeated run in NoW.

The main event saw Dave Jumper and Donald Dodge Dodson teaming against Manslaughter and CPL Punishment. This match barely got started when Axel Kaiser came to the ring with a chair, delivering super kicks and chair shots to all the competitors. Kaiser grabbed the heavyweight title and held it high as Thrill went off the air.