24 - March - 2017

US Cellular Coliseum
Normal, Illinois
Main Event
Manslaughter v. BeeHeMoth
The card started off with a match for the National Title, with Oden defending against Dave Jumper. It was noted that if Dave Jumper won the National Title, he would be the first grandslam champion in NoW History. And beat Oden he did, hitting the Jumping the Shark and picking up a pinfall victory!

In the next match of the night, we saw another member of the Lords of Asgard squaring off against Masters of Blood member Italian Roc. The match ended when the Valkyrie distracted Roc and he turned into the Thunderclap to give Thor the victory.

Donald Dodge Dodson squared off with Dick Shrader in the next contest. Shrader must have been feeling the affects of partying Dave Jumper's Grand Slam victory as Dodson picked up the victory!

Axel Kaiser goes into President Richmond's office and slams the Bruiserweight Title on his desk. Richmond looks up a bit taken aback.

Axel:Listen boss, I understand what you're saying. But if you think you're going to guilt me into caring about anything but being the top guy, you've got another thing coming. I'll defend this title because the one thing you were right about is that I did earn it. But once this little gauntlet crap is over, I'm going after whoever the Heavyweight Champion is, you can bet on that!

[Kaiser snatches the Bruiserweight Title off the desk and walks out with Richmond looking a bit rattled.] The Mates squared off with Ivan Breznev and El Serpentie de Lige. The Mates were very polished using quick tags to keep De Lige isolated. De Lige eventually got the hot tag to the big Russian who beat both Mates pillar to post and powerslammed his partner onto Ambrosia for the victory. De Lige seemed out of breath and hurt as Breznev held him on his shoulder celebrating their victory.

Tony Vasiliki got some momentum in his next match against Big Crazy as he picked up a big victory in the Heavyweight Title Division.

We see replays of Axel Kaiser hitting the 'Fix Your Face' superkick on Damon Reid backstage last week. Axel Kaiser came our a ball of fire taking down Reid. Reid a bit of momentum back by pulling a pair of brass knuckles from his boot, and nailing Kaiser in the knee. Kaiser got the advantage back but was obviously favoring his knee. Kaiser was going to the top rope with a steel chair but 'Funky Boss' President Richmond's theme song played and distracted Kaiser. Reid jumped to the top rope and hit a belly to belly suplex. He then hit Kaiser in the forehead with the brass knuckles and pinned Kaiser to become the Bruiserweight Champion. Kaiser was livid as Reid celebrated up the ramp with his new title.

The tag team titles were on the line as a recent rivalry was renewed as Rage Hammer and Mayhem squared off with the Twin City Saints. The Saints continued their impressive run,They beat their adversaries, going coast to coast in the round robin and will at the top of the Gauntlet at the Headliner show 'Gauntlet'.

The only other champion who could successfully defend his title throughout the round robin was Manslaughter. He had to get passed newcomer BeeHeMoth. The security guards came to the ring with Manslaughter per the norm. BeeHeMoth put up a good fight against the champion, Axel Kaiser ran to the ring to interfere but just as he went to distract Manslaughter one of the security guards hit him with a cattle prod. Manslaughter ended up defeating BeeHeMoth and security brought Axel Kaiser into the ring and held him up. Manslaughter grabbed a microphone and got in Kaiser's face.

Manslaughter: You really think you can call me out Kaiser? You think that will go unpunished??? Also just so you know... these security guards were never put here by Richmond, or by the authorities, they were put here by me! I KNOW I hurt people. There's constantly voices telling me to hurt people. I do it bell to bell because that's my job. But I want to hurt people all.the. time. And that Mr. Kaiser is frowned upon.

Manslaughter let's out a scream and paces around the ring.

So I hired these men to keep me within the parameters of the law. To keep me in check when the voices convince me to do unspeakable things. But you have eyes on my prize Kaiser and you are a direct threat and that will NOT BE TOLERATED. So this is your warning.... I can let bygones be bygones. But come at me again....and I won't be so forgiving.

Manslaughter clocks Kaiser with the Heavyweight Title and holds it high as Thrill goes off the air.