9 - March - 17

Peoria Civic Center
Peoria, IL
Main Event
Manslaughter v. CPL Punishment

The Tag Team Titles were on the line to start of Thrill from Peoria, IL as the Twin City Saints faced off with the Lords of Asgard. Both teams looked solid in this match up, Tyr and Loki used expert team work, but the end came when Marcus Claudaine hit Tyr with a chair, getting the DQ win for the Lords of Asgard. The Twin City Saints clutched their tag team titles as they retreated to the back.

[Backstage we see The Masters of Blood, they are discussing that while tonight they face off against each other, the ultimate goal is to bring the Bruiserweight and Heavyweight Titles to the Masters of Blood.

Italian Roc and Rowdy Richie squared off in the first of two MoB v. MoB Matches. Richie and Roc shook hands as they started the match up. Italian Roc used his quickness to keep Rowdy Richie at bay, but when he went or the Roc Slide, Richie was just too big and he powered out of it. Richie went for the End of the Line, but Roc wrapped his legs around his shoulders into a crucifix take down and rolled him up for a 1.2.3.

We See Levi Carmina and the Mates sitting backstage, the Mates are fanning him with giant Chinese style fans.

Carmina:Oh everyone, hello, hello, hello. This Gauntlet is the purrrrrfect scenario for the Mates and I. We get to tangle with men for back to back to back weeks. We get to study them and then at Gauntlet we get to beat them all again and be really is a wonderful thing. I did get bested by Dave Jumper last week, but I get his strapping pal Dick Schrader this week. Oden and Donald Dodge Dodson as well, this shall be fun, Oh yes it should be.

Carmina smiles as the Mates continue to fan him.

Dick Shrader and Levi Carmina did face off next and Carmina got some revenge for losing to Dave Jumper last week as he beat his ally Schrader after hitting a top rope drop kick.

'Funky Boss' plays and President Richmond comes to the ring. He announces that Next week we will have 2 episodes of Thrill, one of Wednesday the 15th and the other on Friday the 17th. After that all future episodes and headliner shows will be on Fridays.

Up next was the Bruiserweight Title match between champion Axel Kaiser and Thor. Axel Kaiser won the match after coming off the top rope with a pair of brass knuckles to hit Thor and then hitting the DIY Driver for the win.

The former tag team champions Rage Hammer and Mayhem squared off with the Mates. Ambrosia picked up the win for his team, hitting a running knee out of the corner on Rage Hammer and picking up the victory. The Mates and Levi Carmina celebrated the win.

BeeHeMoth and Big Crazy squared off against each other and the two started off the match trading shots back and forth. Big Crazy ended up winning the match.

Oden and Donald Dodge Dodson squared off for the National Title. These two went at it as it was a battle of a NoW Legend and one of it's fastest rising stars. Oden defended his title hitting the Ragnorak on Dodson.

Speaking of rising NoW Stars, Axel Kaiser came into the control booth where President Richmond was preparing for the Main Event. He slammed the Bruiserweight Title down in front of Richmond.

Kaiser: Why in the hell am not in the Heavyweight Title Division. I've Beaten Punishment, I've beaten Vasiliki, I'm sure I've beaten Big Crazy at some point and time. Point is...I deserve better than this damn thing.

He picks the title back up and throws it down on the floor. Richmond looks at it and then back up at Kaiser.

Richmond: I'm sorry to hear that. First of all, it was a random drawing as to who was in what division.

[Richmond bends down and picks up the title and looks at it.]

This Bruiserweight Title is unique to NoW, it's a division like none other in the sport. Created by the certifiably insane Tremier Vampyre, there have been men who have worked hard....and bled...a lot for this title.

He puts the title back on Kaiser's shoulder. of right've earned it...the title is yours... but if you don't want it...I know plenty of others who will gladly take it off your hands. I know you're a dangerous man, who takes what he wants. If you want the Heavyweight Title, I completely understand that. But for right's time for you to go.

10 security guards take Kaiser away as he and Richmond stare each other down.

The Main event of the night was for the Heavyweight title and saw the current champion Manslaughter against CPL Punishment, the longest reigning champion over. Manslaughter ended up winning the matchup and held up the Heavyweight Title and the NoW is the time clock... a scene that has closed out the last 3 NoW events as we went off the air.