16 - February - 2017

Cedar Falls, IA
Main Event
Donald Dodge Dodson v. Manslaughter v. CPL Punishment v. Axel Kaiser
The 20th Episode of Thrill originated from Cedar Falls, IA. The crowd was excited as the main event featured a Heavyweight Title Match.

The Rivalry between The Twin City Saints and Rage Hammer and Mayhem continued as Mayhem squared off with Damien James Rieker. Mayhem pinned Rieker putting him at 2-0 in singles competition vs. The Second City Saints.

'Funky Boss' played through the arena as President Richmond came to the ring. He gets in with a microphone.
Richmond: Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope you're enjoying Thrill and I hope you're excited for the Heavyweight Title Main Event!

The crowd cheers.

I'll take that as a yes.... well I hope everyone gets used to it.... because every Thrill in the month of March will feature a Heavyweight, National,Bruiserweight, AND a Tag Team Title match. Every NoW Competitor will be divided up into a division, one with each title. Then..during the Thrill cards we will have a round robin tournament between each division. Whatever match the current title holder is in....the title will be on the line!

The crowd cheer

And then on March 30, in Omaha, Nebraska we will hold our Headliner show....Gauntlet. At Gauntlet....each title will be on the line in a Gauntlet Match, Meaning two wrestlers start out and have a match. The winner of that match immediately fights the next wrestler up the gauntlet until they get to the champion! But first we have Domination! Lots of big things coming to NoW....

'Funky Boss' plays as Richmond heads to the back.

The other half of the Twin City Saints evened the score as Marcus Claudaine defeated Rage Hammer. Rage Hammer now lost to both members of the Twin City Saints.

Backstage we see CPL Punishment ready for an interview.

Punishment: Listen Nation of Wrestling fans. For 106 days I was your NoW Heavyweight Champion. Tonight I finally get a shot to reclaim that title, and you can bet....

Suddenly CPL Punishment is leveled with a superkick by Axel Kaiser. Kaiser looks over the fallen CPL Punishment and grabs the microphone out of the interviewers hand.

Kaiser: Just a warning to everyone who gets in my face... I'm gonna fix your face!

Kaiser leans over the fallen CPL Punishment.

And THAT'S how I fix your face!

CPL Punishment takes a swing at Kaiser but he backs up and laughs as he walks off with Punishment staring a hole through him.

A 4 on 4 tag team match was next featuring the Masters of Blood with their newest member BeeHeMoth. The opposing team had the Bruiserweight Champion who will defend against Masters of Blood Member Italian Roc at Domination, and the three challengers to Rowdy Richie's National Title Levi Camina, Tony Vasiliki, and Dick Shrader. Big Crazy started off against Dick Shrader. The match saw many reversals, and a lot of quick tags by the Masters of Blood. The newest member of the MoB BeeHeMoth showed off his power, picking the 7 footer up for a running powerslam. The end of the match came in chaotic fashion as Levi Carmina and Tony Vasiliki started brawling amongst themselves and Vasiliki speared him and as Dick Shrader went to break it up, he ate a spear from Vasiliki as well. BeeHeMoth took advantage of the prone Carmina to pick up the pinfall in his first NoW Match. Dave Jumper grabbed his title and heading to the ramp with it along with Shrader. The MoB celebrated in the ring, with Rowdy Richie holding the National Title in the air jawing at his domination opponents.

Donald Dodge Dodson puts his Heavyweight Title on the line in the Main Event of the evening. Manslaughter came to the ring first, accompanied by a lot of security more for the crowd's protection than anyone else's. Axel Kaiser was announced next and as he was coming to the ring he was attacked by one of Manslaughters security detail, who ended up being CPL Punishment in disguise! These two brawled into the crowd as Manslaughter waited in the ring, licking his lips menacingly as Dodson came to the ring with his title. Dodson eyed Manslaughter as he came into the ring. The ref refused to start the match until Punishment and Kaiser got into the ring. They finally broke them up enough to get the match started. An enraged Axel Kaiser immediately went for a superkick on Punishment, but Punishment avoided it this time. Dodson went right after Manslaughter as Punishment and Kaiser spilled back out onto the floor. Most of the match was Dodson and Manslughter fighting in the ring as Kaiser and Punishment beat up on each other outside the ring. Kaiser hit his 'Fix Your Face' superkick on Punishment on the outside as Dodson hit the 'Snapback' on Manslaughter in the ring. Kaiser got in the ring and broke up the pin. He hit the FYI driver on the champion. Punishment broke up the pin and clotheslined both he and Kaiser to the outside. Manslaughter then got to his feet and hit a curb stomp on Dodson and pinned him to win the Heavyweight Champion! Manslaughter was handed the title and he stared at it menacingly as Thrill went off the air.