9 - February - 2017

Waterloo, IA
Main Event
Dodson/Manslaughter contract signing

Waterloo, IA was the city for Thrill this week, and it lived up to it's name! The now former Tag Team Champions of the Nation of Wrestling are on hand to express their thoughts at losing the Tag Team Titles the previous week on Thrill.

Claudaine: Last week was a travesty of justice, Rage Hammer and Mayhem should have been disqualified for using a chair on me during the match and that idiot official should be fired for incompetence for allowing it to happen. We should still be the Tag Team Champions right now.

Reiker: Hammer, Mayhem, if you have any integrity at all you’ll grant us a rematch at Domination, and we want a two out of three falls match, and just so you don’t go ahead and get yourselves disqualified to retain the Title we are calling for a special ruling that the belts back change hands on count-outs and disqualification.

The card started off with Rage Hammer vs. Damien James Rieker. It was announced that at Domination the Twin City Saints would square off with Rage Hammer and Mayhem in a best 2 out of 3 falls match for the Tag Team Titles. Rieker lead this match start to finish and picked up the victory.

Backstage we see Italian Roc come up to Jumper and Shrader, gave them a quick, How you doin' and said thanks for the invite and they'd get his answer during the tag match later tonight!

Up next we saw Axel Kaiser face off with the Luchadore, El Serpentie De Lige. Axel Kaiser's impressive run continued as he defeated the much faster opponent by hitting the FYI Driver.

Mayhem and Marcus Claudaine squared off next. These two went back and forth until Mayhem started to take control of the match. Damien James Reiker took the tag team title and hit Mayhem with it causing the disqualification. After the bell the Twin City Saints beat down the tag team champions and held the tag team titles up before draping them over their fallen opponents.

Following that we had the tag match between Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader vs. The Masters of Blood. As the bell rang Italian Roc came down and stood ringside, not showing allegiance to either team. This match went back and forth and Italian Roc made his way over to the announce table and grabbed Dave Jumper's Bruiserweight Title and spray painted MoB on it! As Jumper came out to stop him, he was attacked by a debuting wrestler BoHeeMoth causing the disqualification. Shrader and Jumper were awarded the victory and hightailed it out of there and stood as the top of the ramp while Big Crazy and Rowdy Richie put Italian Roc on their shoulders as he held the Bruiserweight Title high in the air, as the now 4 deep Masters of Blood celebrated.

CPL Punishment faced off with Levi Carmina in the next contest. Levi Carmina held his own against the longest reigning NoW Heavyweight Champion of all time, but in the end Punishment picked up the victory.

Italian Roc came to the ring with the Bruiserweight Title for his match with Tony Vasiliki. The match barely got started before Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader came down to retrieve Jumpers title. An All out brawl ended up breaking out as the Masters of Blood hit the ring, Levi Carmina and the Mates came down to attack Vasiliki and chaos erupted until 'Funky Boss' played and President Richmond came to the ring and made a big statement about Domination. He made three big matches.. Match #1 was Boheemoth would make his now headliner debut at Domination, teaming with Big Crazy to face Pace and Ambrosia. The National Title will be on the line as Rowdy Richie will defend it against Dick Shrader, Levi Carmina, and Tony Vasiliki in an elimination match. And the Bruiserweight Title will be on the line as Dave Jumper will defend against Italian Roc in a lumberjack match.

Richmond stayed in the ring to administer the contract signing between Donald Dodge Dodson and Manslaughter. Manslaughter was escorted to the ring by security and he had the NoW is the time clock in hand.The Heavyweight Champion Donald Dodge Dodson came out next and Richmond began to speak.

Richmond: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here today because Manslaughter is cashing in his NoW is the Time clock for a Heavyweight Title match against Donald Dodge Dodson at Domination.

[Richmond is interrupted by Axel Kaiser.]

Kaiser: Hold up, hold up, hold up. I know Manslaughter has won the NoW is the Time match, but the ONLY reason he won it is because I was not in it! I was tearing the house down in the main event with Dodson and I think we need to go again for that Heavyweight Title.

[Kaiser is interrupted by CPL Punishment.]

Punishment: Now hold up there buddy. I think we have all forgotten that I am the longest reigning NoW Heavyweight Champion of all time, and I never got my rematch for that title because I was too busy winning the National Title! I should have a rematch before Kaiser gets one.

Dodson: Ok, ok, ok everyone, being the gentlemen that I am, I will be more than happy to give everyone a title match in due time but..

[Richmond grabs the contract on the table and Manslaughter steps up in Richmond's face ready to explode.]

Richmond: Hold on Manslaughter, before you destroy again you might want to listen to what I have to say first....

[Manslaughter backs off, but still stares a hole through Richmond.]

Richmond: You all have very valiant points.... each and every one of you. SO since I am in a big match making mood tonight, I am going to make one more. First of all... Manslaughter is guaranteed a Heavyweight Title match at Domination...he won the NoW is the Time clock and that is his to cash in whenever he'd like. BUT I just ripped up the contract because that match might not be Manslaughter vs. Donald Dodge Dodson... NEXT week on Thrill..... we will have a fatal four-way elimination match for the Heavyweight Title.... Donald Dodge Dodson vs. Manslaughter vs. CPL Punishment vs. Axel Kaiser. If Dodson retains... the match at Domination goes as planned...if Punishment or Kaiser wins... they will fight Manslaughter at Domination. If Manslaughter wins.... Dodson will get his rematch at Domination....BUT Manslaughter will still be in control of the NoW is the Time clock... So next week's main event....will determine the Main Event for Domination....

[The four men stare each other down as Thrill goes off the air.]