2 - February - 2017

Cedar Rapids, IA
Main Event
Rage Hammer and Mayhem v. Second City Saints
'Flawless' by Beyoncé blares through the US Cellular arena in Cedar Rapids, IA as Levi Carmina and his mates, Pace and Ambrosia, make their way to the ring for the opening match of the night. 'God of Thunder' by KISS plays and The Lords of Asgard video plays when suddenly the music stops and the Valkyrie appear on the screen pulling a curtain over the video and it goes to black. The Lords of Asgard never showed up and Carmina and the Mates were declared the victors. Carmina mounted the turnbuckle in his feather boa to celebrate. As he did this Tony Vasliki speared both Pace and Ambrosia leaving him alone in the ring with Carmina. When Carmina realize this he quickly bailed the ring and escaped as Vasiliki urged him to return to the ring.

Manslaughter is shown backstage in a dark and gloomy room, he is sitting cross legged on the floor, he is staring quizzically, almost child-like, at the NoW is the Time Clock that has been set up on a folding chair. Manslaughter gently rocks back and forth as a dark voice fills his head.

Voice: Now they see what you are capable of…now they see you aren’t someone to push around…and now you have the key to bring your victims to you…

Manslaughter reaches out and touches the Clock that will allow him to challenge for the NoW Heavyweight Title.

Voice: That’s right…use the clock…claim the Title…make the sheep come to you…

Also backstage we see Italian Roc when he is preparing for his match. Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader come up to him.

Jumper: Listen Roc, we've seen what happens in the Masters of Blood. Rowdy Richie and Big Crazy get all the big wins, all the titles, all the glory. And there's Roc, what do you get man? I'm just saying.. there can be more to what you are here in NoW. Come hang out with Shrader and I. Together the 3 of us can be more than the Masters of Blood ever were. Just think about it.

They both pat Italian Roc on the back and leave the locker room.

Up next the Masters of Blood faced off with Dick Shrader, Dave Jumper and Tony Vasiliki. There was definite tension throughout the match as you could tell Jumper and Shrader were tempting Italian Roc with their offer they had previously made. The match went back and forth with no team taking control for too long in the match. Every time Italian Roc would tag into the match, Jumper or Shrader would tag out to Vasiliki. The end came with Vasiliki and Italian Roc were in the ring, Vasiliki went for the spear but Roc hit a DDT at the same time and both men were down on the mat. Meanwhile, Shrader and Jumper went around and pulled Richie and Big Crazy off the apron so when Roc went to tag, neither of his Masters of Blood partners were there. Roc looked shocked as he pulled himself up to his feet, he turned around into a spear from Tony Vasiliki who covered him for the win.

A straight jacketed Manslaughter is escorted to the ring by a host of security guards that are there purely for the safety of the fans at ringside, around his neck on a chain is the NoW is the Time Clock that will grant him a shot at the Heavyweight Title. Manslaughter enters the ring and in a great show of strength forces his way out of the straight jacket, shredding it in the process. Manslaughter stands before his tag team partner for the night, the reigning Heavyweight Champion Donald Dodge Dodson, the pair have a stare down as Manslaughter removes the clock from around his neck and holds it up to Dodson’s face and in a deep gravelly voice says a single word announcing his intention to cash in his Title shot.

Manslaughter: Domination...

Manslaughter crushes the clock in his hands after declaring his intention to fight for the Title at Domination on February 25th.

So it was decide before this match that Manslaughter won't blindside Dodson, he's calling him out at the next headliner event, Domination. Well, as far as blindsiding him goes, that's not entirely true. It didn't last long as Manslaughter attacked Dodson from behind and beat him down. Kaiser took the advantage to hit the FYI Driver and pin the Heavyweight Champion to pick up the victory. After the match security had to restrain Manslaughter again as he attacked Dodson.

The new Tag Team Champions Reiker and Claudaine are backstage for an interview, both are dressed in suits and have the Tag Titles draped over their respective shoulders.

Reiker: We told everyone that we were the rightful Tag Team Champions, a well-oiled machine that could wrestle circles around anyone that got in our way and we proved that at NoW is the Time. If Rage Hammer and Mayhem want these Titles back then they’ll have to pry them from our cold dead hands because we won’t be going down easy.

Claudaine: There isn’t a team that we can’t out wrestle, out class and out last. Like Reiker said we went twice in one night to take our place on top of the mountain and it’ll be a cold day in hell before we get knocked off the summit.

The main event of the night was a tag team title match with the new champions the Twin City Saints squaring off with the former champions Rage Hammer and Mayhem. The match started off with the Twin City Saints taking early control of Rage Hammer, cutting off the ring to keep him on their side. Rage Hammer finally got out and made the tag to Mayhem. Mayhem took control of the match and got a few near falls on Reiker, but Reiker held on and kept kicking out. Claudaine grabbed a chair and attempted to get his team intentionally disqualified but it backfired as Rage Hammer drop kicked it into his face. They then hit a double team 3-D on Marcus Claudaine and pinned him to regain the tag team titles. The Saints were obviously angry as Rage Hammer and Mayhem celebrated as Thrill went off the air.