5 - January - 2017

Ottumwa, IA
Main Event
CPL Punishment, Rage Hammer, Mayhem v. Levi Carmina, Pace, Ambrosia

The first card of 2017 opens with a black and white video. Seated in the centre of the scene is the masked man known as Manslaughter, he is gently rocking back and forth as voice, that is seemingly talking to the hulking mass of humanity, plays over the top of the scene.

Voice: They aren’t taking you seriously, you’ve grown soft…weak, you are a pathetic shell of your former self.

Manslaughter’s rocking becomes more agitated.

Voice: It’s time Manslaughter, time to show the world what you are truly capable of, to let the blood run free. It’s time to kill the man…and become the monster you really are.

Manslaughter’s rocking suddenly stops and his head snaps upwards towards the camera, his breathing is now steady and intense as the camera zooms into his right eye which now seethes with the burning passion of hatred and misery.

There's an eerie silence in the Bridgeview Center in Ottumwa, IA after Manslaughter's promo... the silence is broken by Rowdy Richie's music, he squared off against Oden and El Serpentie de Liga for a shot at the National Title. De Liga came out of the gate strong, sticking and moving against his two much larger opponents. Finally Oden got ahold of De Liga and clotheslined him over the top rope. Oden turned around into an 'End of the Line' from Rowdy Richie, Richie pinned Oden to become the #1 contender for the National Title.

Up next was the #1 contender match for the Bruiserweight Title, a fourway dance with Dave Jumper, Dick Shrader, Big Crazy, and Italian Roc. As expected this match paired off with Jumper and Shrader teaming up against Big Crazy and the Italian Roc. The Masters of Blood took the early advantage pairing off with Big Crazy bringing the fight to Shrader while Italian Roc had the upper hand over Dave Jumper. Jumper lowered a shoulder and dumped Italian Roc over onto the arena floor. He then went to help out Shrader, hitting the Jumping the Shark on Big Crazy. Shrader followed up with a JackKnife Powerbomb. While Shrader was making sure Roc didn't make it back into the ring, Jumper pinned Big Crazy to earn the #1 contender for the Bruiserweight Title.

It was announced that next week the 2016 NoW Awards will be given in a variety of categories.

We also see Tony Vasiliki backstage and Levi Carmina and his Mates come up and ask him why he was still here? He said the time for Levi Carmina to dance over the competition was at hand and he needed to stretch in the area Tony was sitting and he needed to move. Tony took a swing at Carmina but Ambrosia stepped in front and took the shot as Levi and Pace scurried away.

The #1 contender match for the Heavyweight Title was next pitting Axel Kaiser, with his new accessory the Lousville Slugger against the monster known as Manslaughter. Manslaughter came out of the bell charging right at Kaiser with a Lou Thesz Press. Kaiser battled back showing why he will definitely be in the running for Newcomer of the Year at the NoW Awards next week. Axel Kaiser went for the FYI Driver but Manslaughter played defense to avoid it. The two locked up and Manslaughter got Kaiser into a headlock and as he wrenched it down he started screaming and holding his head, letting Kaiser go in the process. Kaiser followed up with right hands but each one that he hit seemed to make Manslaughters screams even louder. Manslaughter slide out of the ring, holding his ears and shaking his head screaming 'NO!' He then grabbed Kaisers Losuiville Slugger and slide back into the ring and teed off on Kaiser, getting disqualified. NoW Officials came down and pulled Manslaughter off Kaiser. Kaiser's hand was raised as Number One contender but he was holding his ribs giving a callous stare to Manslaughter for assaulting him with his own weapon.

Before the Main Event former NoW Superstar Damian James Reiker and his new tag Team partner Marcus Claudaine attacked the Tag Team Champions Rage Hammer and Mayhem back stage and left them laying. Reiker said they were No Gimmicks Needed and they just put the tag division on notice.

The Main Event started with Levi Carmina, Pace, and Ambrosia against National Champion CPL Punishment all alone since his partners had been attacked backstage. Heavyweight Champion Donald Dodge Dodson came down to help his former foe Punishment as well as Tony Vasiliki. The match went down with Vasiliki hitting a spear on Pace to end the match. Ambrosia and Carmina went up the ramp as Vasiliki pointed at him and said this isn't over. The winners hands were raised and Dodson and Punishment were handed their belts. Punishment tapped the Heavyweight Title on Dodson's shoulder and grinned at him before throwing his National Title over his shoulder as Thrill went off the air.