22 - December 2016

Admiral Koontz Armory
Hannibal, MO
Main Event
4 on 4 tag match
The site of the first NoW show of this era was the site of the last Thrill of 2016. With the quick turnaround between headliner events #1 contenders needed to be decided for the Season's Beatings Headliner the last Thursday of the year!

Up First we had the #1 contender for the Bruiserweight Title. El Serpentie de Liga, Levi Carmina and Italian Roc faced off. Italian Roc got just close once again, hitting his new finisher the Rocslide on El Serpentie De Liga but Carmina snuck in and dropkicked Roc out of the ring and pinned De Liga to earn the shot against Sue at Season's Beatings.

The advertised card was adjusted a bit and the #1 contender for the Tag Title match altered to Pace and Ambrosia v. Rage Hammer and Mayhem. Rage Hammer earned his team the title match against Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader.

The #1 contender for the National Title saw CPL Punishment v. Manslaughter v. Rowdy Richie. CPL Punishment set his sites on the National Title after his record breaking run with the Heavyweight Title, pinning Manslaughter to earn the title shot.

The Main Event was also altered a bit as Oden, Thor, Sue and Tony Vasiliki squared off with Donald Dodge Dodson, Dave Jumper, Dick Shrader, and Axel Kaiser. This match was doomed from the opening bell as Kaiser and Vasiliki brawled into the crowd. Jumper and Shrader worked Thor over in the corner until he made the hot tag to Oden. Oden cleaned house but the tag was made to Dodson. Dodson had a few near falls on Oden but he finally got to tag Thor back in and they cut the ring off keeping Dodson away from his partners. When he finally did break free there was no one to tag since Rage Hammer and Mayhem had come down to distract the Tag Team Champions, allowing Oden to hit the Ragnorak and pick up a pinfall over the champion just a week away from their Showdown at Season's Beatings!