The 6 pack challenge had fast and furious action. As you can imagine the Masters of Blood worked together very well to try and pick up a victory. The match ended somewhat controversially as Italian Roc has El Serpentie De Liga in a Sharpshooter at the same time Donald Dodge Dodson hit the snapback on Manslaughter and as the ref was counting three De Liga was tapping out. Richmond came to the ring and stated both Dodson and Roc would BOTH be in the main event of Know Your Enemy and the match would be a three way dance.

Up next was the first match of the best of three series between Tony Vasiliki and Axel Kaiser. Vasiliki hit two spears on Kaiser and picked up the victory to become one win closer to a National Title Match.

The Main Event saw a fantastic tag team match that ended with Thor hitting the Thunderclap on Mayhem and the Lords of Asgard holding the Tag Team Titles high as Thrill goes off the air!

1 - December - 2016

US Cellular Center
Cedar Rapids, IA
Main Event
Mayhem and Rage Hammer v. The Lords of Asgard
'Funky Boss' by the Beastie Boys plays through the US Cellular Arena and Newly reinstated Nation of Wrestling Owner Jason Richmond comes to the ring. He starts off by thanking the NoW fans for their support over the years. He also says he'd like to thank Instinct/Vic Viceroy. He agrees with everything Viceroy said, he had put his personal agenda ahead of what was good for the Nation of Wrestling. He promises that the NoW will be for the fans from now on, to a skeptical mixed reaction from the crowd. He states that in two weeks we will have his personal favorite event..Know Your Enemy. Since this is his favorite event he wants to give as much opportunity as possible. He states that ANY new talents that join the NoW in the next week will automatically be entered into the Know Your enemy, BUT not only that... there will be a battle royal next week for all New or returning NoW talent... the winner of the battle royal will be the #1 contender for the Bruiserweight Title and receive their title match at the December 29 Headliner show....Season's Beatings.

Richmond went on to state that Axel Kaiser and Tony Vasiliki's rivalry has absolutely torn the house down every time they meet. He says as entertaining as it is, they've battled each other long enough. The two competitors will fight in a best of 3 series over the next 2-3 weeks..the winner will get a National Title match at Season's Beatings.

Richmond also announced that the main event tonight will be a tag team title match between the Lords of Asgard vs. Mayhem and Rage Hammer.

Up next we need to make some decisions on what will happen with the titles and called out CPL Punishment. Punishment came and told Richmond he may have turned over a new leaf, but he's not buying it with words...he'll wait for actions. Speaking of waiting, the NoW will have to wait until next week because Punishment is not ready to make a decision until next week. Richmond said he respects that since it is a big decision. He also stated that another big decision will be made in our first match of the night. Based on their performance at Final Fight there will be a 6 pack challenge and the winner will fight for the heavyweight title at Know Your Enemy. Italian Roc, Big Crazy, Rowdy Richie, Donald Dodge Dodson, El Serpentie De Liga, and Manslaughter will square off and that's the first match of the night!