21 - October - 2016

Main Event
Manslaughter and CPL Punishment vs. Oden and Big Crazy
The card starts off one week before Fright Night with Levi Carmina and his 'Mates' vs. the Tag Team Champions and The Bruiserweight Champion Donald Dodge Dodson. It was announced before the match that Levi Carmina would fight Dodson for the Bruiserweight Title at Fright Night. The match ended with The Judge pinning Ambrosia in a match that Carmina never tagged into.

The next match was to determine the #1 contender for the Tag Team Titles as members of warring factions squared off with each other as Thor and Sue faced off against Rowdy Richie and Italian Roc. The Lords of Asgard earned the tag title shots as Thor hit the Thunderclap on Rowdy Richie and picked up the victory.

Backstage we see Richmond arguing with Viceroy that he didn't consult with him over naming Carmina the #1 contender for the Bruiserweight Title. Lucinda came in and told them neither ONE of them was in charge and they needed to work together. She added Rage Hammer, Mayhem, Rowdy Richie and Italian Roc to the bruiserweight title match and made it a six pack elimination match! She also said that she was sick of watching these two argue and it will be decided next week at Fright Night....and they both better bring their wrestling trunks.

The next match was for the #1 contender for the National Title, El Serpentia de Liga, Dick Shrader, and Axel Kaiser squared off. The match went back and forth but ended after Axel Kaiser hit a powerbomb on the much larger Shrader but De Liga drop kicked Kaiser out of the ring and snuck a pin in on Shrader to get a rematch for the National Title.

The Main Event saw The Heavyweight Champion Cpl Punishment team with Manslaughter to face Oden and Big Crazy. This wasn't much of a match as Dave Jumper came down and distracted Manslaughter and they brawled into the crowd. Oden and Big Crazy seemed to have the champ 2 on 1 but they started trading blows and the match was called a no contest. Cpl Punishment grabbed a chair and destroyed both of his opponents. He grabbed a microphone and said he was tired of all the Richmond/Viceroy talk and all the Masters of Blood vs. Lords of Asgard talk. Everyone needs to be reminded that they are chasing HIM. HE is the champion and will prove that the focus needs to be on him after Fright Night. He nails both of his Fright Night opponents with the chair again and holds the title high in the air as we go off the air.