7 October 2015

Peoria, IL
Main Event
Master of Blood v. Lords of Asgard

The card starts off with Levi Carmina and what he's now calling his 'Mates' Pace and Ambrosia coming to the ring. He takes a microphone and says that his Mates are above fighting brutes like The Tribunal Deathdealer and The Judge. They should have been given the tag team titles for winning the royal rumble. Vic Viceroy interrupts and says that in the NoW you fight. You don't avoid fights like Carmina and his mates has. He says that the 'Mates' will fight the tag team champions right now or they will be removed from the roster. Deathdealer and The Judge come down and the bell rings. They absolutely destroy Pace and Ambrosia picking up the victory.

Backstage we see Tony Vasiliki and in walks co GM Jason Richmond. He said that his win over Shrader and Kaiser was quite impressive, so impressive in fact that on October 27 at the next Headliner event, he has earned a Nation Title match. But also he was so impressed by the match that next week Shrader, Kasier, and Vasiliki will all three compete against El Serpentia De Liga in a fatal four way match for the title. If Tony wins.. he gets to pick his opponent for Fright Night. If he loses he still challenges again for the title at Fright Night.

We also see Vic Viceroy trying to get a word with the Masters of Blood, but they will not let him in their dressing room.

Dave Jumper came to the ring and announced that he was the crown jewel of the Nation of Wrestling and this era of now he's been vastly overlooked. Manslaughter interrupted him and said he ran roughshot through the tournament and took CPL Punishment to the limit at Civil War. He's upset he didn't win the title, but he's more upset that people like Jumper are flapping their gums about that they should have been in his spot. He challenges Jumper to a match at Fright Night and he accepts.

Backstage we see Richmond talking away to Oden, Oden just grins, pats Richmond on the head and walks away.

Up next we had a match between newly crowned Bruiserweight Champion Donald Dodge Dodson and Mayhem, but before the match started Rage Hammer came to the ring and the two double teamed the new champion before the match even started and left him lying with the title draped over his chest.

Backstage we see Lucinda with Richmond and Viceroy. She said the winner of the Masters of Blood vs. Lords of Asgard match would determine who controlled the Nation of Wrestling.

The Main Event saw a three on three match up between the Masters of Blood and the Lords of Asgard. Rowdy Richie and Oden started the match and as the bell rang they both went to their respective corners and grabbed a microphone. Richie stated that the LoA and MoB want to tear each other apart, but on their terms. They will not be puppets in Instinct, Richmond and Viceroy's loved triangle. Oden says that while they hate each other, they hate that Bitchmond, Viceroy, and Instinct are playing them for fools. Lucinda comes to the stage and says they are absolutely right. The power struggle between Richmond and Viceroy will be settled in a different manner. As for the LoA and MoB she likes the stand they just took and she believes this 3 on 3 matchup should be saved for a much bigger stage. But since they took a stand and made a good point she is going to reward them. Next week Thor will face Big Crazy, Sue will face Italian Roc, and Oden will face Rowdy Richie.... the winners of all 3 of those matches will be placed in a fatal fourway match vs. CPL Punishment at Fright Night for the Heavyweight Championship. The card ends with the MoB and LoA staring each other down in the center of the ring.