22 - September - 2016

Quincy, IL
Main Event
El Serpentia de Liga v. Manslaughter
The card started off with a 9 participant battle royal. The rules of the battle royal were that the last two competitors would be the #1 contenders for the tag team titles, to be decided at Civil War which will be Lee Lohman Arena on the campus of St. Ambrose University in Davenport, IA. Rage Hammer and Mayhem were added to the match although they were not on the scheduled card. The bell rang and everyone except for Italian Roc teamed up to eliminate Big Crazy. Rage Hammer and Mayhem knocked everyone in the ring down even throwing Pace and Ambrosia to the floor through the second rope. But when the dust settled Dick Shrader and Sue teamed up to get Rage Hammer out while the Tribunal Deathdealer eliminated Mayhem over the top rope. Shrader turned on Sue and threw her out. Tribunal Deathdealer and Dick Shrader went nose to nose until Pace and Ambrosia slipped back into the ring and surprised Dick Shrader and eliminated him. The Tribunal Deathdealer fought a great two on one battle but the associates of Levi Carmona teamed up to eliminate their much larger opponent.

Up Next we had a pair of triple threat matches to determine who would fight for the Bruiserweight Title at Civil War Donald Dodge Dodson vs. Axel Kaiser vs. The Judge. These three men battled hard but the match ended with Donald Dodge Dodson hitting Alabama Slam on the Judge and picking up the victory!

The next match saw Tony Vasiliki vs. Thor vs. Dave Jumper. The upstart Vasiliki held his own against two former Heavyweight Champions, but the match ended when Thor hit a Thunder Clap on Vasiliki but Jumper drop kicked Thor out of the ring and covered Vasiliki for the pin.

Up next we had Oden v. Rowdy Richie. The winner would go to the National Title match at Civil War The loser will fight for the Bruiserweight Title. Richie and Oden squared off, the match ended Oden avoiding a Train Wreck and catching Rowdy Richie in the Ragnorak for victory.

Backstage we see Vic Viceroy and Jason Richmond discussing a multi-team match at Civil War where the winning team fights Ambrosia and Pace. Instinct's executive assistant Lucinda came in and said that's a great idea....and that Since the Headliner Show is called Civil War Then those two should work together and be a team and enter that match. Richmond and Viceroy had a tongue in cheek staredown. The Main Event saw El Serpentia De Liga vs. Manslaughter. The winner will fight CPL Punishment for the Heavyweight Title, the loser fights Oden for the National Title. De Liga used his speed early to gain the advantage. He had a couple of near falls but eventually Manslaughter hit a running powerbomb and pinned him for the Victory! After the match CPL Punishment came to the stage and held the Heavyweight Title in the air as we went off the air!