15 - September - 2016

Main Event
Vic Viceroy v. CPL Punishment
The card started out with Richmond and Viceroy in the ring together they explained that the National Title and Bruiserweight Title portions of the tournament will go through two rounds tonight!

We start off the night with former Heavyweight Champion Dave Jumper squaring off with the wiley Luchadore El Serpentia de Liga. This match went back and forth with De Liga using his speed to avoid the attack from Jumper. Jumper took the upperhand but was caught in a small package and pinned by El Serpentia De Liga.

Manslaughter came down for his match with Axel Kaiser but he was blindsided by Kaiser who came through the ring in a ski mask and attacked him before he could get in the ring. Kaiser dealt out a beatdown that continued after the bell rang but he was disqualified for using the ring bell as a weapon once again and he was caught this time. Manslaughter and El Serpentia Del Liga will fight next week with the winner fighting CPL Punishment for the Heavyweight Title.

Dick Slater defeated the Judge to advance in the National Title Tournament.

Oden defated Big Crazy.

Tony Vasiliki advanced in the National Title tournament by defeating the Tribunal Deathdealer.

In what was the match of the night, Rowdy Richie defeated Thor.

In the Bruiserweight Title bracket, Italian Roc defeated Rage Hammer.

Donald Dodge Dodson picked up a victory over Mayhem.

We see a backstage segment with Vic Viceroy preparing for his match, Lucinda comes up and says if he wants to wrestle so much perhaps Richmond should just take over and Viceroy becomes a talent.

Most of the roster had to compete twice tonight,in a series of triple threat matches. In the next round of the National Title tournament, Axel Kaiser, Oden, and Tony Vasiliki squared off. Vasiliki was on a roll, he threw Kaiser out of the and turned around into the Ragnorak from Oden who pinned him 1-2-3. After the match Axel Kaiser came into the ring with the ring bell but both Big Crazy and Manslaughter, who had both been victims of ring bell shots from Kaiser, ran to the ring to chase him off through the crowd.

Rowdy Richie had an opportunity to avenge his loss to Dave Jumper earlier in the tournament, when he faced off with him and The Judge. And Rowdy Richie did avenge that loss, hitting Jumper with the Train Wreck and securing the victory.

The Bruiserweight Title portion of the tournament continued on with Donald Dodge Dodson facing Big Crazy and Dick Shrader. This matchup saw three very powerful men square off with each other. Donald Dodge Dodson ended up with the victory pinning Big Crazy.

Italian Roc, Thor, and The Tribunal Deathdealer squared off next. Thor won the match after hitting the Thunder Clap on Italian Roc.

The Main Event saw CPL Punishment in a non title match against Commissioner Vic Viceroy. Jason Richmond was on commentary and he stated that next week we would not only see who was going to be the #1 contenders for all three titles, but we would also see some wrestlers out of the tournament teamed up to crown Tag Team Champions at the September 29 Headliner event which will now be called "Civil War". The Heavyweight Champion proved victorious and he hit the turnbuckles with the title held high to end the show.